Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The order of the ca'!fes in tPt a/J m-1nmr ofctmcnpjfcence:f6r "Without the Al The coucnant of gr~ce, is that whert:by Lawflnne Udead. 9 For 7 tmce w.u~J/iue l\1it/,QHt God freel~ promifing Chrifi,andhis bcnefirs, the L•\'V,but wJunthe commandemcnt ,;ame~fin e~~:atts ag.:lmc of man, th:tt he wculd by faith reuiutd.Jo.Bttt I died,andthat commandemem rcceiue Chrill,& repent of his fins.Hof.l.I 8. whic'h w;u ord~intd tmto lift, \:\l,u[1undtc bee In that da.J "Will! mtt~ea cottcnar;tfor thrm.cfc. vntfJ me vnto death. I g•.And 1will ml!17) thu 1111to mefir turr )tit,] The rhird vfc, is to denounce eternal! dam~ ~tll vMrry rhu 11ntD me in righrrrmfiJtffi, ~tazd in nation for the leafi difobedience. witbout of. IH~grmtr.t,tmd ;n rmrcy,~<11dmccmp~J!ion, 20. J ferlng any hope ofpardon. This femence the Wth marr1 thu 'Vnto me infaithf141n'ffi ,andthou law pronounceth againfl cffcndours, and by .fhnlt k.,nou'lht Lard. Ezech.36. 25.1 wdlpo•rt ir,partly by threatoing:,parrly by tcrrifying,i[ clumc W~>~ttr 'Upon)'"'and)cjlu1JJb( clrttne : 1 e 4 , raignCth and rulerh ouer man.Ro1n. 3·19· We ft(lm niJy,u~rJilthmtffi:andft"m t~llyo~:r idtJ/s wil kn1nr tho:t wbarfoeuer rh: l~twfauh,it faith to thi 1cleanfe}ou.z6.And I wilgmeyquA nl\.%1 heart~ V)hich are 'U1ftitr the l!t\\1)th4t euery mouthnuy be & ane-w fPirit wit 1putwith•n}DU. '1.7-.And Ct1Hft 1fopt,&a/ the world be c~tlpAble before God.Gal. )OI,ttJW4Ik! in myflatHttr. Mal.3•I. The L 6 rd, m.'111) IU artofrhe work! ofthe 14\t1,art B \\?homye{e1~e, fludl fPud,ly come to bU ump/e: 'Undtr the cHrft,for it iJ Written. CHrjtd Ueuer1 chm the meffi,,ger t~f thecouenant rvhom)C de~ onetlut cont:mmh mtin-ah tb4t UwritunitJ the jire:bthP!d, the Lsrd ofHofts. boo~ ofthe/:~w toJo them.:..Cor. 3·7·/fthe miThiscouenaot is alfo named a Tdlamer.t: nij/r4Ji;n tJjde11th ~ritten"'ith leucrs,& engr4for it harh partly the n:tture & properties of umi11ftones, w..uglorit~,u: 8. How fl'"/1 n1tth1 2 tc!lament or wilJ.For it is confirmed by the minij/r'tttitm of the /}iritbe more,gl~riosu? FDr if death of tl:!e teftatour. Heb.9.16. wh(rea tt- ~he minifln:tionojcond'ln.1tionwtreglorio11J,&'· flr~ment U,thtrt mujl bee the dtlfthof him th-at Theend why finne raigncd in man, i5 ro m~dtthe uflo;meNt,I 7.F11r the trjlflmr»t is &Pnvrge finners to flie vnto Chrifi.Gal.3.21.The !firmed when mmar~ Jead:f(/rit isyctojntJforce, Scrirwre lurk co11cluded r.!t 'Under the fo long M he thRr m11de JtJis11/i11.e. Secondly in promift by the faith of lejiu Chrij/ p10uldbcgi•i this couenam we doe notfo much offer 'or torhem th<tt bduue. 24.1-'Pber:eforcthe law wat promife any great matter to "od, a.s'in a onrfciJ$o/e.~4/ertoChrift,Heb.xz.x8,I9.10. mannerouely recciue; euen as thelafiwill The continu1nce ofthis p')wet· ofthe law is and teftament ofa man, is not forthetefiap:rpetuall,vnldfe a!inner rt:pent: and theve~ tors,but for the heircs commodity. ry fir floG! ofrepentance ro freeth him,that he C The C:oueoant,albeit it be one in fubllance, !hall no more bee vnder the law , but •nder yet is it di!linguilhed into the old and new grlce. z.Sa'n.I2. q.Thenf•ill'D•Hide. N•- teflament. th4o, I h~tu~fttm~d4gainjf the Lord: wherefore The old tefiament or couenant is that, NMh:tn(aidto D-mid, tbe Lordalfo hathforgi. which in types and fhadowes pre5gur;d uen thyftn,41Jd thtJufh4/t ,,, dJe,Rom.6.I4· Sin Chrill: tocome,aRd to be exhibited. Jb~Unot htrue dominitm oueryou: foryee ar#not The new tcfiament dedareth Chrifi ai- 'UndtY rhe/aw)bllt vnder._eYace. rea:Jy come in the RC01, and i$ apparently Jftherefore,thou ddireflferiouOy eternal lhewed in the Gofpell. life : fi;{l, take a narrow ex1mination ofthy The Gofpel isthat put ofGods word which fdfe, and the coutfe ofthy life, by the fquare ciitaines a mol\ worrhy & welcome mr ffage: ofGods law : then fet before thineeyes the namely,thar mankind is fully redeemed by the curfc that is due vnto finnc, that thus bewaiblood ofIefus Chrif\,the onely begotten Son Iingthymifery ,& defJ?airing vtterly of thine of God,m3oiftfled in flelh;fo tlmnow for all owncpower,to att:linc euerlilfiing happines~ fuch as r~pent & beleeue in Ctmft Idi1s,there thou maid! renounce thy fdfe, and be proisprepared a full remifsion of all their ftnnes, uoked to feeke and Cue vmo Chrilllefus. D together with faluario1& life eurrlafling.loh, The vfeofthe Law infuch aure regenerate, 3·'4·As Mofts lifted vp the[trptnt in the,.;/. is farothcrwife: for itguidcth them to nt\1>•· dtrnrs:fo nmfl the fo••f m•• be lifted vp. v.I 5· btdimce in rhewhole courfe oftheir life,u•hich Thatwhofobe/eeutth in him,Jhould not perifl,,but obedience is •cceptable to God by Chnfl. hm" euer!Af/mg lif<.AEi.IO.-fJ·To him•IJ•gi•e Rom. 3.31 ,Do we therefore throughf~tith m4k! aOrhe Prophets 'Wit,es,tb4t 1hr1ugh the /4wofnont fjfeEl?God forhjd: nAJ \\le rather tbatbtlttHe in him,jhAllreceiuerrmijfion cfjins. ef/.blijh thti4'W, Pfal. 1 I9·'4· Thytef/imonits The end and vfe cf the Gofpell is, fitfl to ""e my ddi,gbt, theyare Tr") connfe!Jers.;. manifdl: thm: righteou[nes in Chrifi, \l'here. Thy word is 4/anthornt vntomy fme, •nd • by the whole law is fully fati;fied,and faluatili.ght 111119 my pathes.- on attained. Secondly, it is the inflrumene, CHAP. xxxr. Ofthe ccuenant 6[ GraceH Itherro CG>ncerniog the couenant of ~.rorkes,:tnd ofthe Law, now followeth che couenantofgrace. and,as it were, the conduit pipe of the holy Ghofl, to fafl1ion and deriue faith into the foule:by which faith,they which belecue,doe, as with an hand,apprebend Chriilsri~hteouf. ncs.Rom. I. I6. I •m r.ot•.fh•,.,ed oftht Gojpt/1 ofChrifll~~r it is thepnver ofGt~d toft~IH4titmttJ 44 many~U hc/eeue,to the lt'we firfl, 11ndlhcnto the