Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

74 'The order ofthe ca'!fes their children to be accounted in the coue. A nant,which by reafon oftheir age doe noryet a8:ually beleeue. To be baptized into the name of the Fa– ther,&c. is by the rec<it ofthcourwud figne of wa!hing, tobemadeoneofGodsfamily, which is hiSChurch,and to be partaker ofthe priuikdges thereof. Gen.~8. 16. Tht .AngrN Whi&b bflt!J de/iucred mefrom 111i tHiU 3 b/cffi the childrcn,G ... lumy n;:me he 114'1<md vpgnthem,~tnd tbe nttmcofmyfarber, Abn~hnm 11ndI flu~c, that they m.1)'grow AI fijh inro multitude, in the midjl •!'"' t<rti>.Era.4. I .In thAt d•yfh•lft••<1hmi tstkt !'J~ldofone mAn,foying,WI wil44tt our Q\\m·t bread.e:.,:.. lYe 'WiOlrtllrt our o'W~relllrments:om!J let 1/J jecJ/ied by thyn•me,ttnd tak! AW'!J our re- B pro~ciJ.B'j this it js manifefi,that in this wa!h– ing of BaptiGne,there is propounded and fea. led 1 ;na.rueilous folemne coucnant and con– tract: firlt of God with the baptized; that GoJ the Father vouchfafcth m receiue him into "uour, the Sonne to redeeme hirn, the holy Gholt to putifie and regenerate him: fecondly,ofthe b3pti"d with God;who pro. mifcth to acknowlcdg:,inuocate,and wor!hip none other God,bot the true Ichouah,which isrhe F>tber,Sonne,and holy Gholt. The external! and vifiblc matter of Bap; ti(me,is ?-':tter: for the Mioiflcr may not bap. tizo with any other liquor, but onely with naturafl water. This was the iudgement of the l'rimitiue C Church. For •.vhen as a ctrt~tine 111inij1n-, for want ofJ.\•ater~ took!{lmJ, Aflti b4pti%.ed1n6with th41: tht partitthiUbtfo•dtJ, W.uforthtrbAp., the former being tPttmtd•f n••nfft£1. Niceph.hiilor.3.6ookc,33.chapter.· The external! forme ofbap:i[me,is the Mi. nHl<:rs wafuingofthe baptized, accor4ing fo theprefcript ruleof Gods word. Th: andeat cuaomc ofbaptizing, was to ·dippe, and, as it were, rodiae all the body of the baptiz~d in chewa.ter, as may appearc in P•ul, Ro11. 6. and th< Councds of Laodicea, and Neoca:farea : b"t no"' efpecially in cold countries, the Church vf<th only to fprinckle thebaptiz:d, by re>fonofchildrens weaknes; for very fe 1 .v of ripe ycares arc now adaies D bapt:zed, VVem:edenet much to marueile at thisai!Cr'ltion, fecing charidc and necdSity may difpcnce with ceremonies, :ndmirigate in equitie tho !harpendl'eofthem. The S•cramenrall vnion of the parts of baptifme, is on thisfort. The element ofwater whereby the vnclean. nes ofthe body is pmified,by a moil conueni. eot proportion lh>~oweth out rho blood of Chrifi, and bythe figure Synecdoche, raking the pm for the whole,Chrifi.I.Ioh.1.7· A•d the bloodof lefUJ Chrij/ cl,.njith '"ftom .0ji11, The at!ion of the Mini!ler,is his walhing of the par:yb3ptized with the element ofwater. This fea!cth and confirmeth a clouble at!ion \ ofGod •. r. the ingr~ffing or!ncorperatingof ~he pamc baptized mto Clm!l.Gal.3·'7· As mA"~ 111 ere b~t"iriz.ti ;,,, Chrijl, httllt p~tt 1n Cbrij/. ': Cor. n.13. Byontf}irit b•pr.z..ttimiiMtb•dy. I J. Ourfpiriruallrege– noration. Tit.;. 5· Not b.Jtht Yvork!sof;ighu. •ufneffo, which we hadJont, but ttcnrdiltgto liil m<rCJhtt fo••d vs, by the w•Jhing •f the new bmh,•nd tot rentl!ling oftht h•ly Ghofl. . Ofwo!hing,rhere be three parrs. The put– ttng toto the water: the continuance in the water :and t~e commingout ofthe water. The putting into, or the fprinkling of u·a– ter, doth ratifie, I. the !bedding ofthe blood ofChriil for the r<mifsion ofall our fins, and the imputation ofhis righreoufncffe. AC\.u. I 6. A rift,•nd 11>-Jh •>,.ythyfins inc•llingontbtnllmt~ftbe Lord.J .Cor.6.1 t. Andfltch lvertfome -f.JoH~ but ye tere A14}bed,bHt ye"''fonflijitd, hHt J' •re i•flifttdinrhenAmuf rht L~rd lt(iu.&by thtj}iritofotn' q,J,Il.Thc momfic:twn of fin by the power of Chrills death.Rom.6.J. Kn•wJ' ""'that •Pwt which h~tue beefte b4ptiz.eJ i11t1 ltfm ChriP~ h41tebtent baptiz.(d inta hil Je~tth? 6,7. KNo'ev thH.tkauur ofd m•n u crocijitd with him, rh., tbtbody •f fin mightb< dtflro)td, th'i btn<t[orth llltfh•uldn•t (irut fin:for ht that uat4J itfrudfromftnnt. The cOnticuance in the water, notcth the buriall of finne_;namely, acontinu:!l! incrc:afe of mortification by the power bothof(.hriil hisdeath and burial!. Rom.6.-i. we"'' boried thtn \llith himby O<ptijmt int• hit {iwh. The comming out ofthe water, dorh con– firme our fpititual viuilicarion to newndfe of lifein all holinesand iullice, rho which wear. rain vnro by the power ofChrills rcfurred:iO. Rom.6-4-Li~"' Chrift WA~rAifttlv!{rom the dtAaby thtglory if the E<rhtr 'fo ll>«lf•foo•IJ ...11<! in th< neWnts if life. 5.forif\lit btgr.J[tJ "'ith )Jim ta theftmilitude of his Jrath, t1un fo fh•IIWt bttorhejimilitudt ofhis rt{omfli.ll. Thead:ion ofrhe parry tobe baptized, is rwo.fold. The firil, is to offer himfelfe tobe baptized before the Minitltr, and that in the prefence ofthe congregation. This fignifitrh that he dorh confecrate him'felfe vnro the Lord, and that he vtterlyrenouncerh the fl•fl1,the world andthediuell. I.Pet. ; .>I. Tothu•hichalfo tht fiz.•re whieh ••w -.t, tHin b•ptifm• •grmls, (not tht p•lling aw•y ofthtfilth •fthe flljh, but in thMagool4 tftf{citrct mdttbrequejJ vnto God)~)lht rtf•milion •f lcf~t• (hrijl. Thefecond,is to receiue theexternal! wa&J.. ing by water: this lignifieth, thattheparrie baptized dorh receiuc the inrcrnall wa!hing, which is by the blood ofChriO,or atthelealt, that it is offered vnro him. Rebaptizing is arno haad tobe admitted: for as in natcrall gcm:·rationman·iFonce only born;fo is it in fpirituallrcgcncrati6.Therfore they that are baptized of • miniller, which is anhercrike,notyet degrad<d from that cal– ling, (ifthe externa!I forme ofadmioifiration be' obferued) mLit not be boptized a~.: in< "fl the ChuiCh of Ciod; efpccially, ifafttr~'£.- i · tifme