Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Cafes ofConjctence. :z..Booke; and depend vpon Gods prouidece for mear, A and folace our felueo vpon this day. For to drmke,ar.d clorhmg. And rhelabour of the Come men, at lome limcs,recrcations maybe calhngrllen vfed, when ir is exprefly forbidmore necctiatJe then meate;in cafe ofweakeden byGod,brmgs rather acurfe with it,thcn nCJ, for prefent prcferuation of health. And · a bleOing.Againe,Cuch perfons mufl remcmthough not in that rcgard,yet being wcl vfed, ' ber,thatgod/wsham thepromifts ofthidbfe,•nd lt may be.• furtherance to men, in thepcrfortbeiifetocome, i.Tim.4.8. and if they will firjl manceof the dunes of godlindfe, aswell as lreeke rhek.i_ngdome·ofGodand hiJ righreou(rm, all In the dunes of their callmg. ·flur this r<:ioythingrnmJ]arj{hall bee <..Jtvnrothem inwayof cmg mufl befuch,aowas there1oycingof the aGuantage, Marth.<>. 3J• Therefore, if they Iewes,,Nehem. 8. u. which was ontly!pi!irukeep hJScommandcment, and rcfrvponrhe all,an<liin the Lord. Forrhey reioyced one- !eauentl> ctay, (iodwlllin merc'ie giue a bleflyfonh>S, that they vnderflood the Law of ling, and they !hall no lelfe reccme from him God,that was taught them. · thm daily bread,in tharday,then inanother. But as forthe recrcanons and pallimes a. 1I. Conc!ufion. In tlus Retl,fundry kindes forenamed, as bowling, and fuch J 1 ke, they ofwor~es may bee done, and that with good are not at thiS trmerobevfcd. My reafon is con[tJencc;pnncipally rwo. B this: That which is themoreprincipal! and Tne firflarc ~orkes borhbol],awdofpre(enr necelf ..y,namely,labour in theexecution-of nmffi'J· And they are fucha. cannot be done a mans calling,IS fotbidden;rccrcauon therebefore or aiterthe Sabbath. Thefearelikefore which IS torlabour, mull ceafe on that w1le ot two (orrs. The 6rHarethofe,rhar doe day when labour ceafcrh. Againc, if tm<dull<celfanly pertaine to Gods worlbip, [o as_ ties of the ordmaryvoc~tlon, orhcrwl{\l>Jaw- ~>lthoutrhemGod canno: bcworlhipped.Ot fullandcommendablc, be therefore forbidthis kindcis the Sabbath daiesiourney, ACl. den, bccau(erhoy deflroytbeRell comman~ I,lt.allowed among rhcIewesro the peopl.,, ded,and takevp the minde, rhar 11 cannot be to goeand heare ehe•ord preached: Thus freely imployedm1heallairesofGod, then we reade,thauhe Slmnamire wentordinanly much more are the works of plcafurc forbidvpon the Sabbath and new Moone, to the Jeh, becaule they doe the fame things much Prophet,to hearehim. For when n,. deman· IUOte; though otherwJ{c inthemfelues they ded leaue of her husband, ro goc to·the Probe nor vnlawtull. ubieU. Scruants ruufl haue pher,heaskes her,Why wilrrhou goe,feeing recreation, OtherwJ{e how lhall they beable 11 is neither new Moone,nor Sabbath dar 1:. to workem the wecke day I Anfw. T rue 1 but Kmg.4>3. O f the famefort,wererHeki!'ling C thm recreation mull be granted rhem in the and dreniog of facrifited bealls, in rherime dales of lahour. For r<crearion perraineth ofthe Jaw,whereofour Sauiour faith,H"'ut"7'- not to reil, buuoJabour, and is therefOre v· not reddinrhe/aw,h~wthat ontheSAbbttth d;ues, fed, that aman by lt may be made more fit to the Priefls in the temple bruk! the S•bb.rh, •nd labour. areblamelef[e? Matth.u s. Thenexrforcof . Il. CAj(. VVhcrher mcnvponanyocca· workes of prefent nccelliry,are rhofe that bel&on,may nor doe a worke of their callings in long immediately to rhe prcfcruarion of rhe rhemorningor cueningof the Sabbath d;y remporalllifc of man and beal!,or thatferue as Trade!men for rxample. I anfwcr, rha; to rhe good cflate of them both. Such arc they may,fo belt they obferue fourecauears. workes ofmercie:thewareringofcarrel,Mar. I. That theworke done be no fcandallro any 1%. 11. the drawing ofa beall outof apirre, per{on. II. That it withdrawnotthcmindeo! Luk.14.s.and fuch like. rhe worker,oranyother from fanaifying the Thefecond kindeof workes,that may bee Sabbath,eitherpublikely,orpriuarely. Ill. done vpon the Sabbath, arc workes of ChriThat it bee nora workc ofgaine,but aworkc Jli•nilbertie,outofthe Cafcofnecelliry.Thcfe of mercy,or tend ro a worke of mercy. I V. were fuch as the!ewes might notdoe;and yet D ·That it (erue for the immediate preferuation we in thenewTeflamentmay doe them. For of hfe, healrh, or goods. Of life; rhus Elias example: prouiuon and dreiling of meate, conunucd his H1ght from Jezabel many Sabmaking fires, and carrying of burdens. Yet bath~togcrher, t .Kmg. I 9· 8.And rhereafon vpon thiS liberty, men ought not to gather, is good:rhe Sabbath was madefor man(fairh rha! they may do what they will,becau(erhey Cl1r1ll,) that IS, nor furrhe hurt, burlorrhe mufl cea(C from the ordmary cxecuribn of good ot man. Ot healrh;and rhuiour Samrheworkcsoftheircallmgs. For rheword of our Chril!vilircd 1he Gcke,Ioh. ;. ,.andcuGod giuerh no fuch warunr: men arc in this red the blmde man vpon the Sabb•rh,Ioh.9. cafc,to fubmitthernfclues to his will expreily '4· Bywhofrexarnple the Phyfinan and the reuealed,and rovferheir liberty according to Chirurg1on may lawfully goe, nor onely to the fame. gJUe necelfaric counfell, but to minil!rr neHere two cafes arc propounded, celiane phylkkc,& do cure. Laflly,of goods l.Caft. Whether we may nor lawfullyvfe ~111ch are m prelenrdangeroflofing, Thus recreations on the Sabbach day, asfilOoting. Chn(\wculd haue the oxe prcfcntly pulled bo•·lmg,hunting,hawkmg,wrallhng,&c. out ofrhepir,Luk.t4·S·and the fh1ppe on the _ A.14{. I rak3~vcare not denied ro i'eivycc fl1ore full traught wah wares,req01res pre{cnt hdpe,