Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~.Booke. Cajes ofConfcience. ur (:aufe of rhe pre(enr•rl>nger.·.fl'iid·whcn rhe A 'haue been<-c.loJu, rharis,oowy fur God: rhe lotfell-vpon him,hee was not cafl into rhe fea occahon-was,•becaufc t!JeICraeltres commrtby the lotre, but ~yhis owna~~Ice ~nd coun. red formcarronw11hHearhcnrflr women.Da- .fell. Ag•in.,, urd rnlrke mancr,z.Sam.r3_.•o.-zz.was •.ngr~ did not befall him by lotte, !irlt'by hrs mvne vponrhrsoccahon,_ bccaui:_A~m'.'n hrslon voluntarie rcfignation of himfelfe, into the had defloured hrs Wer Thamar. EhasrsanhandsofGod; willinglyvnaergomgit, osa : gry,1.K•n.19 l<f.and why?becaufcthc~~·~iullpunilhment ofthe neglect of hiscalling 1 lttes for{ooke Gods couenant,caGdowne hrs which himfelfc conf<lfed in rhefewords, Fo.- ' altars, and had !lame hiS Prophcrswrth·rhe Jack._nowldgc, that for my J•k! rbugreattcmpdl fword. Nebemias,Chap.<>.v.s.isvcry angry, i<vpon)'u,Ion.l.ll, · . _ 1 becaufe rhclfraclne• opprelfed oneanoth:r Sixtly Mofes and the Eaypuan fought a wnh vfurre,and other kmJcs ofexactronr;lccombarc'andMofes llew ht~. Anfw. .Mofes remte a!fo, Chap. 6. v.11. was angry ioJ' rhfs, tookcvp~n him publikereuengein thisadibecau(c the Ifraelites were ofvnc!rcumcifed on, asaMagiUratc, andnotpriuatc, as aprihearts and cares, and the word at the Lord_ uate man. For though as yet, hiscalling was B was vnro them asa·rcproch, and they rocke not fully manifdled to his brethren, yetrhe no dclrght therem. . truth is God had called him to be their deli· Sccondly,Jt IS requited, thatanger be con. uerero~tof the hands of the Egyptians;and ceiued vponcounfellanddeliberarion. Prou. rhio very action was a figne of their deliue· zo. 18 · Eft•hhfb dJ] thoughts·6; cou•ftll. lf ranee which was ro come ropalfe afterward. thoughts muG bccllablillJtd bycOtmfel,rhm It wa:(I fay) aGgne thus;Ashedefended hiS theatfections,~nd fo ouranger aifo. And the brother, and auengcd his quarrell vpon rhe ApoC!Jcfatth,Iam.I.I?.B•fowr.wr.rh.Now Egyptian, fo in time eo come theLord would ther~a[on IS plame; Connfell ought to be the by hrs band,giue rhern full frcedome and defounaatron of all our actrons, and therefore liuerance from the tyranny of Pharaoh, and much ~wrcofour alfectrons, which arc the all hisand their enemies, Act. 7.25. Beemg bcgmnmgs ofour adwns. . ·' o;. then apublikc perfon,his examplecanproue Thirdly,tufland lawfull anger muCl bekin· nothing forth ispurpofe. died and!brredvp b~good and holy aficcti~ I I. Q!!eC!ion. When anger is a1Jertuc,& Jogood and lawful!, and l'Phen it u a1Jice,andcon/equr,ntly e~ uill and 1Jnlawfull.? ·· Thi•QolcC!ionhathrwodiOindparts : of which I willfpeakc in their order. s.a .I. · The 6rG part is, when Angeris avertue, and lawfull! " Foranfwer hereof,we mu!l vnderlland,that in iu{t & lawful! Anger,rhere be tiJree rhinss; aright beginningor motiuc ;aright Obied; and arigbt manner of bceing angrie. To the right"•ginning of anger, thre.c things arercqu~red. Frrll,thatthcoccafionofanger be iufland weightic, as namely, a manitdt offence of God. Take an example,orrwo.Mofesin fun– dry places) is faid'to beangry, a.nd the occafi– ons of his angcrwercgrear,as appcarcs in the particulars. Firfl, becaufcfiomc ofrhdfrae– lites,.againCl Godscommaundemcnr, had re– ferued Manna till thenext day, Exod. 16.zo. Againe, hecwa·sangrie becaufc rhelfraelites had tcinpted God, in worlhrpping rhe gol· dcncalfc,ExoJ.Jl.l?.ln Num.16,15.Mofcs againc is wrorh. becaufc CorahJDathan, and /Abiram rebelled agamll him, and rn him a· / garniiGod.Phinces,[aid to ·ons,as namely,by deJJrc to mainraine the ho ~ nour and prarl'e ofGod,bytheloueofiuC!icc C andvertue,by hatred and detcGarion of vice, - and ofall that IS cuill. One faith well torhis purpofe, that anger mull arr.nd vpon vcrtue, and bee flirted vpby iragainllfwnc, as the dogge attcndsvpon the fl1epheard,and wa11cs vpon his e}<e and hand, when to follow him, andwhenropurfuerhewolfe. · ' ' , Thefccondthingin good anger, is a fitrc ObreCl: orMattcrto worke ••pon: rouching which,two thing• muG beremembred. • · •· ' Firfl,••e mufl put adifference bctlvc<nernc perfon, and the •ffoncr or linile of the pciRm: The linncof rhe per[on ·is.t.he proper o&-rm ofanger,and not theperfon, buronely li}"re~(on ot the finne.ThusDaold faiesofhfhlfelfe: rhathce,.,"uConfumed witlf'angtr,not bC~aUf~ [! the men with whome hce Wasangrie, wci'e'tii; enenues; but-hecallfeJhtj ktp:.·not Godi·Llf~1 Pfal.tl9·'·39· ThusMofeswasangry•ar rho idolatryol rhc Ifraelires,wlierewith·thej had finned againfr God fourcy dates cogither;~:md yet bee prares earnellly vmo God, for rheit pcrfons,Cl!)WCt-cade,Exod.c3z, . . ;ft But iris alleadgcd t<l' tbe:contrarie;·rhat ~auid dir:d• his anger<'gainll the pe!fons ol hiS encmtt;,efpecrally in Pfalme 1 09.-A•– fwer, Firll, p.,opllcts(asf.iath eeene faid here– toforc)wcre·endueJ with alpeciall meafure of zealc; and their zealcwasa pure zeale, taken vpfpccially f9~ theglory'and honourofG9d; but our zcaJe aga10fi our enemies, is com– mon!~ mixt with hatred,cnuy, and feJ(.Jouc; thereforewee mu(} nor, n'ay wee cannot fol– low their examples. SccondJy, imprecations L vied