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3. Booke. Cafes of{onjcience. 1231 cfthcm, D•n.J.I9. Thu•Haman mcerelyin A Ezech.4.5. ~didrs this,•·c haue cxampleof regard ofpriuatedrfgrace, g~owesto gr~at 111~ rbe Im~lmef,c.and Jong-filffenng of ~l_m!l, dtgnation againI! Mordccat, El!er. j. v. 5. who fallh,Marrh, 11.29. L<arneofm_'J<r1nm Thu• Afa was angry with the Prophet Hah"'nblcnndmake: and of whome Ills laid, 1, nani,l5ecaulc he thought it a di(credit ro him, P~_r.z.z: fYhcnbeewtUremled,heereHIIcd not rcprouedat hishand, z.Chron, I 6 10. K".''~e: when heftffir:d,hcrh~eatn1dno~,hHtcomAnd in thisfort, were the !ewes filled with mu:ed hw c,,ufnohrmthat mdgcth rrghtcoufly. wwhat Chriltsreproofe, Luk.4.2 s.ntc~ing Naurbecaufe fomr !Pay haply fay, that thcfc thereby, as iris truly expoundedby thcComcxampksof God and (;brill, arc too perfect menter,that they were veryhot in theird»·ne ~or man to follow, who c~nnot lmtratc~od caufc,andnot inthccau[l.!ofGod. 1t1 all things: therefore bcudcs them,,onfJdcr I I I. (0cl!ion. further theexamplesof fomeof tht fcruants ofGod, M cfes,when thepeople murmured at him) d1d nor anfwcr them againc by murWhat is the ~medie of "fmiu/l rVfnger? B muring; but cried V!Jto the Lord, wl:at doto thu people? forthqhalmoftre.J7 eoftone me, Exod.I7•4·A'nd Sreucn,when he was Ho– ned, praied tOe his encm1es, L?rd, lo1) not thiJ fin.n~ to th~irch11~'[.e,ACt.7.6o, An[. The Remediesthereofare two.fold: Somecon!ifl in medttation,and Come in pra. ctifc. The Remedie.rhat l!and in Meditation, arc oftl1rceforts;fomcdoeconccrneGod~ fomc our neighbour,Comeour (clues. The Meditations concerning God, are fp<eially lixc. I. Meditarion. That God bycxprelfcco· n'andemcntforbidsraOt and vniullonger ,& commauods the contr:try,namely, the dmics ofloue.Rcade for thiS purpofe,Mat.5.21.z2, where we ::nayobferuc three degrees ofvniull anger. The tirll whereofis, that\>-hich is in– wardlyconcciued, and nor outwardly flu:w– ed. The fccond, when vniufl anger lheiVcs ~tfdh:byligncsof comempt 1 as by ftmffing, tuOJing, changing and caiting downc of the countenance. The rhird,ts rading (t/;o•Jocle) wluch is culpable ofGehenna fire,the highcll degree of punilhmcnt. Now oil the[c three dc"grcesarc murthcr;and the puni!hmentc;(a murtherer is, tu bee catl inrothelak~ of firr, Reu. 21.8. Againc,Chril! cornmandeth vs ro reward good for cuill, to bleff< them that cur(e vs,aod rodogoajlto them that harcvs,if1vewill be the children ofour Father which is in hca– ·ucn,Mat.5.45.AndS.Paul wifheth vs,toomr– comet"u.ifilJ>ith gooduefle,Rom.ll.Z I. I l.Mcditanon.Thatall iotums which be– fall vs, do comt: by Gods pruuidence,wherc· by rhcy arc turned to agood end, namely,our good. ThusDautc fairh,thatGodhad b•ddm Shemei tocmfehim, And this was theground ofCbtii!s reproofeof Peter, Sha/11 "" (faith hee) drink., cf thecuppewhich mJ Father bathgiuenme todrink.,eofiloh.IS.l 1. 11 I. M editation. Gcd is long-fuffcring euen cowardswiCked men ; and t\'ee in this Faint muCl be followcro ofh1m. In regard of this, God is fa id to bee mercifuiJ, graciC'us, flow toanger, abundant ir. goodnes& truth, Exod.J4.6. Hence it was,rhat bee [pored the olde world J zo.yearcs,I .Pt'1.3.19 Hcfpared theIfraelires,after rh~1r!dolatrie,39o.ycares, I V. Mediracion i5',conccrnir.g thegood~ nellC of God towards vs;an argument where· of is 1his: That he doth euery day forgiuevs farre morcofi"ences, then ic Js po{liblc fOr vs to fOrgiuc men. V.Medaarion. All rcuengcis Godsrignr, andhehath notgiuenitvntoman,Rom. J 2, J 9. Vengeance isminc,lwi/1rep4J,{dithth~ L'Jrd. And man by reucng:ng his owne quauell, makeshiml'dfc both the Judge, the witne!Te, rheaccufer,and thccxetunoner. VI.Mediwion is,touching Chrills deoth. Hcfulferetl for vsohe fir{! death, and the fore rowesof rhe1\:cond death: much morerhcn ouglu wee at his commaundcmenr, to pur vp (mall wrongs &miurieswithoutreuenge. H1s comrnanJemcnr isJR ~fifl not euii,6ut u·hoforuer foal/ fmjre rhu O» therightcheel~, turtu to him theother ..rl(o,Mar.s.39.Againe,DejlroJnot him with th] met~teJorrvbom{hrifl died,Rom.14.15. The Mcduarions concerning our neJgh· bour,arerwo. The firl!, isthecondttion of h1m, wirh 1 Aihomcwe are angrie, namely,that he is a brother.Luthrre luno flrife lurwunme andthet for JJ?e are6rtthrm,Gcn. r3.8.Againe, he iscrearedin the Image of God l "'ee muCl not therefore IC:cke to hurt or del!roy that r. magc.Thc fccond is,concerning rhat Equirie D whtch we looke for at! he handsofall men.If wee wrong any man, wee dcGre rhat he would forgiucvs:and therefore we mull forgiue htm the miurie that he cloth vnro.vs, without vn.. iuU anger.This isrhcverylaw ofnaturt",Wh4t– (tuuer _rew~u/d t h4t meJJfoould doe vnto ]OH,men (odoyouvnto tht'm,Mat.?. 1 z. ·, 1 Medir~tiorisconcernmg our fducs,arc fixe. Fldl,hetharconceiucth rafl1 anoer,makes himfelfe fubiect 10 the wrath ofG•>d, if hee cherifn rhe fame without relenting. Matthew 6. J s.lf ;edo~nol forgiwumnth~ir trqpa/fes, no mort"'tl'iflyour Father forgme}fJ/1 yourtrefPaf{u. ~nd Matthew 7· J. h1dgenor, that ye bee HOt mdged, Yea,"h<o we pray ro God to forgiue vs, and doe not rcfolue toforgiue our bre· thren,wc doe in eftetl fay,Lordcondemnev1,far rte ~illbccondnmud. L j. S<COildly;