Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

3. Booke. Cafe! of [onjcience. u7 irnploy and dlfpenfe them , according tohis A caufe he did not fixe the fame vpon abunwill. Yeafurther, rhar theyare rogtucan acdance. And ofPaul, who profclfcrh in tbiO co"nr vntohim, both for the haumg andvmanner, I h4uei<•rnedtubefHII,•mi tobehtmilng ofdwfe r~chcs,whtch they haueandvfe. gri"in•lltbi•gt I 411J inflrof/ed,• or c9tred in ,..~;•1<'1• This Rule;, aconfelfedtrurh. In the petltlthis high pointofChriflianpractt[e,tobehtJnon, when we haue bread in our houfesand grie •mirobe/iiii,Phii.4.H. Inwhichrext,two hands, ye• which ismore, in our mouthes; things arc fer downe.F~rct,that Chriflian mowhen we are in :he vfe ofthe creature, cuen deration or contentment, is a high myflerie; rhen are-we taughtto fay, Gme ~tthisd•Joflr , yeathattt requ~resmuchskill& art to kn01v, d.,iiJbre"d, rolignifie, tharGodisourfouehowtobepoore,andhowtoberich. Secondraigne and abfolutoLord, and that when we ly,rhar himfeltc was alearnerofthia art, and hauc the creatures, we haue no vfe of them, that he had bcene burenrred and initiated invnlelfche g1ue it vnto vs. Againe, the eomto the knowledge thereof. mandcmenr, Luk. 16.z. GiHtnnACcount ()ftb) Now, rhat this---Moderation ofmind may fleward{J,ip, perrainesto all men that haue ribe l<arneJ and pract1fcd, we mufl remember ches,though 1t be bur meat and bread. B that two cfpeciall meanes are to be vfed.Frrfl, If, Rule. We mu[lvfcfpeciall rroderawemufl/abourtobeab/etodifcernebetween tionofminde, inthepotlelfing andvfingof thingsthatdilfer, that/ by r~che;.and becontent with our e(tate,foas we iudgingarlght betwccne richestemporal 1 and fee not the affeClton of our heart vponout the crueriches,rharwill make a man rich beriches,Pfa/.62,10• .Jfrzchmncre•fr,(etr.ct;oflr foreGod.Thtsgiliofdifccrning was in Moh::trtvpot~t1Jim;r.hatis1place noryourJoue and fes.whovpon aright iuJgement in rhis point 1 confidence in them; be not puffed vp with accounted the rebuke of Chrifl, greater pride and ambition, becaufe you are rich, riches,rhen the trea(ur.esofEgypt, Heb. u, Luk. 6. 24, Woe be toJ•t~th« are rich: that is, 16.lnDauid,whofaies, thatthe Lord w.uhis rhat purconfidence in yourriches,Math-5.3· portiOn, when hewasaKing, andeuenin the Blef[ed'"the poor. inJPir<t. Now pouerty of mtddcfl ofhisrichcs ,Pfal. 119, 57· In Paul, fpirit is,to bcarcpoucrty with meekenciie,pa·· who dlcemed the befl things that were, but riencc,and obedience, as acro!fe impofed by bafe,yea drolfe and dung, that hemight win God. And in this fenfethe mh man may l>e Chri[l.Phil.:t.8. Thefecond mcanes ofMo. faiclrobepoore-infpirit , if hebcflowcthnot d.:rationis, to conlider that wee arc in this h1s loueand confiJcnce vpon hiswealth,,but world,as pilgrimesand a rangers, t.Pet.Z.JJ, maffcCltonof heart is fo difpqfed, as if he C tharrhebeflofvsbrought nothing intO'the were nor rich,burpoore. And this pouertieis "'orld,neitherflJalJ(whcn wedie)carry ought it<celfariecuen in the middell of1vealrh, beout ofrr. caufe 1t wtlJ rc[lraine thefurieofthevntamed 11 I. Rule, Wemu[l,vpon thccaUina of andvnruly affeCtion. Againe, Chrifl faith, God/orfakoourrich<>,andalrharwehau~in Marh. I o. 39. Htthatlcfothhislifefor m; falze, rhis~orld, notonely in difpolitionofminde, fballf~ndeit. 'Lofing there mentioned, is not but mdeed. , , ao a<'tuall lofing, but(asbefore).adifpofirion The word ofGod teachcth, thattherc be pr preparation of rhehearr:~lofe for Chrifls three Cafes,wherein a man IS indeede to forfake,(lf nc=de be) thedearefl thing we haue, fake oil. that is,oudili:.And againe, Luk.14.z6'•. ij' ••J I.Ifhc beextraordinarilyand immediatem••&d"" to m•, and hate not{athtr and mother, /y called, topubliflt the Gofpel to all nations. ·••·7'• and hisowncltfealfo, he cannot hmy This wasrhccafcof the Apoilles& EuangeDi{ciple. That place is not fpoken of actuall, Jiffs, who·ib regardoftheir-ca//ing,atleall for bur ofhabituallhatred. And this !lands in a vfc,forfooke all that they had,Math• • 9 .'7· readmclfcand mch,natton ofrhe heartto hate D II. (n rhe Cafe of Confellion; when for (1fneedbe,)fatlier and motber,yeaourowne profclfing·thc name of Cbnfl, a man Is' dehfe for Chn[landthcGofpelslilke. To thts 1priucd of them in th~daiesoftriall; .Thus purpofc the ApoGlc faith; They that huJ,m•ft 1 1 ,when our Sauiour faith~- Whofoeuerhe be th.r he,.,thought!JCypoJJ.J[ednot, r.Cor.7. JO.that (or[Rk,tthnot •ll ti>Athebarh, &c. Luk.14. 33· li,in refpefl of modetatton of the affe<'!ion, the words are{poken of•all beleeuers, ••-the and the difpoGr;on of rhe he.rr; For otherCafeofcon[e!fion,when tlwyarec<~lled by-God wife, it is the law af nature, thathethat buies ' vnroir;apil cperer'ereS.Matthew explaines it mull potlcife. ·· · · thus,l'f'ho(oeu..-,&c.focmy names fake,he'{ha/1 Example of the 'Moderotion of the alfe· receiue,&c:)vhth. r9.2)j,>"' · , Clion,wehaueinMofcs,who•Jiumedtbe reIll.· When in tlle''tinie 'ofperfecution fmk! o(Chrift,grMtcr ric?es then. rh~ treA{ttresof , famine,-clrwarn!, theneceffity"is fo great, tha; Eg]pt,Heb.t 10 Dautd,whothough it requires prcfent refiefe]j\'hic'h·canno other he were aKing, and aLord in the earrh, yet way be had;but by giuiilg'& fe/Jing the good's fauh ofhim(clie.thar he wasb11t apilgrimeand rhat a man harh.Fn"Pfal.-11z.\).theaood man {otourn:l·in;t.tU Allhi4 fat'hertwerc,Pfa1.·39·13. isfaid tOdifPdje ~ti rht _p"Y()~~fj'rhi.t ~{fperfin'g I And he fptnk_es tbistn refpect of-the alfectimuflno,t bevndcr,!lao\1 ofal'l titiie,, butlll 1 on of hrs heart, and moderation thereof, becafe ofexrreame necde:' Againe,wherl€)1rlll __L 4 _ ----faie•,