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~.Booke. Cafes ofConfcience. 129 the m.od<ration of the appetite in thcvfe of A Riches. sea. :. In rhe f<eond place follow thofe Q!!elli– ons that concerpc the moderation of our app~tire,in rhe vfe ofMeare& Drinke. Con· cernins wh1ch rhercareprmc1pally rwo; tbc anfwerro the fir£! whereof is the grouqd of rhc fecond. r. ~e!lion. Whether there hea~ diffe~ rence in the1Jfe of Meates and Vrinl(!s, now in the times of the :JV:!w T ejlament? . B An(. There;,. dillin,;lion and difference QfMeares,tobeobferued in fundry refp<Cts. I. In re{pectofman,forhea/ths(•k!· Paul counfeJicth Timothie J'Drink!no morrw11ur~ dnnk!a !Jtt/e,.,ine, a. Tirn.s.zJ. In which it is plaine, thar there is a di!linClionofrneares approoued and cGrn'rnended for man. For euery kinde of foode fits not euery body: rneares therefore arc to be vfed w1th diffe– rence. Man was not made for meare, bur meare (or man. 1.-- ·ll.In rofpect of(candaU.Somearenot to be vfedarfomerime , andfomeare atrhefame rimerobeeaten. Thus Paulprofelfeth,that C rather then he would offctid his brother, he would eateno j7e0J while the world enduretb, t. Cor.8. 13. AndioRom. 14.hedifputesrhc point ar large, touching·rhe di[linchon of meares, rhar isro be obferued in regard of otfcncJing them that are weake. liI. There isa ditlmdion to be made;in refpcCtofci11ill andpolirickf ordrr;hvhcn f0r the common good offocierie•, cerraine kind• of meares for cerraine feafonsof rhe yeare are forbidden.Thus in our common wealrb,rbere are appointed daicsofAc!h, and daies of filh, nor in refped ofconfcience, but in regard ofocder/orrhe common good ofrhe coun– trie. Thisthe Scripture .teacherh in manyplaces,;. Thethsng11hm GodhAthpurift· ed,p•Uumho••"· Peter in rhefe words tea– cherh, rharall meats in rhe newTcl!amenr in regard ofvfe,wcre madecleanc by God, and th<rcfore rharno man by refufall ofanykind ofmeats, lhould rhinke,or makethem,vn– cleane. Againe,Rom.r4.17:Thekjngdom<l•J God iJ not mcau or drink_e, /Jut righteou[nef[t, peace,•ndiO)inthehoiJGhoft. For who(oeuer in theft thingr('rueth ChrifJ, i; acceptAble to God ••dapprooH<d •!h11w. Hence irappeareth,rhar in the Apol!les iudgernenr, meareand drinke doth not make any man accepted vf God, whether he vferh orvfcrh ir nor, burrhe worOtipofGodisitthar makes man approoued ofhim.To the fame purpofeir isfa~d, 1. Cor. 8.8.Mcaudoth not commend vs vnto Gad. A.. game, Col, %. 1 G. Letno mtm condtmncyou in meattanddrink_e,&c. v. zo. I[Jebedead with Chrift,whJ 44 i[Jeliuedintht'-orldare7e burde– ned with TriUimons, M T~Hch not,Tajl not, H~tn~ die not? A&which perifbrPithrh,·v(ing. Here, Paul would not baue the Cololfians burde– ned with rites and T radirions concerning meares,fo as ifrhcy vfed them not,they fhold 1ncurrethe blameand condemnation(Ifn1cn: but he would' haue them ro vfe rhem freely and indifferently. And hisreafon is double: Firtl,bccauferhey were now freed in confci– ence from :he bond ofthe Ccremunialllaw couching meats : and therefore they were in confeicnce much more freed from mens !awes. Secondly, becaufc thefeuadirions ace 1 I V. There is a differenceofmeates,which arifethvpon the bond ofconfcience, fo as it fi1all belmne tovfe oc not to vfe this or rhat meatc. Touching this difference; Before the llood, rhe Parriarches (in alllikclihood)were nor allowed Ae01, bur oncly hearbs, and the fruitoftheground, Gen. r. z9. After the flvnd, Refit waspermitted, but blood forbid– ;Jen,Gen, 9·3·4· From rhattimetherewas ~ommandeda dilliACllon ofmcates.~·hereof forue were clcane, fome vncleane; which di– !li~ction fl·ood in foecc ril the death ofChri£1, and thann confcience, by verme of diuine Law. But in the Iall daics, all difference of meatcs in rerpcct ofobligation of the confci. ~ncc,is taken away;and a free vfe ofall is giuen ~at regard, norrherules and commandemenrs of God, burrhe doCtrine and precepts of men. Fur– thermore, Paul in r. fim.4. 3· forecels,that rhere lhould be manyin rhclatter da~es, that !houldcommaund toabtlaine fri.>m meares. T owhich place rhoPapilts anfwers, rhatthat was, becaufefuch pcrfonstaught 1 that meatcs were vncleanebynature. Burrhc words are urn ply to be vndcr!lood,ofmcares forbidden with obllg•tio'l of the confcience, and the text is general!,(peaking of the doctrine, nor ofrhe perfons ut dwfcmen, nor in ciuill re– fpects, bur 111 regardof rhe bond of confci– ence.Laff!y,lt is • partof Chril!ian liberry,to D haue freedome mconfuence, as touching all things ind1ffcrenr , anjl.ihtrefore in regard of meart-s. TorhisdoCtrine,fome things areoppofed, by themof conrroric iudgemenr. O bieCl. I. Princes doe make lawcs,andin · rheirlawesdoforbid meares and drinks,and they mu£! be obeyed for confcience fah, Rom.IJ,). Anfw. They doefo, butalltbe(eJawes ate made with referuarion of l1berry ofconfci ence,andofrhevfe cfthar liberrie ro euery pcr!on. But to wh~t end rhen (wdlfornefay) are lil\VCS rnade,1f they be mi'lde wirh refcrua• rion/ A '{. Thefcopeofthem is.notrorakc away,Qrro rctlraine liberty, OI' rhe vfcofli– berty in confcience, but to mod.:t:uc tb".....: uercotnn,..Jol