Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~:Booke. Ca/e.s of Confcience. !31 brca_d, wcmull not conGder the fub· A God,failed in rh~ fanchfication of his name,~ !lance onely,bur thd\alfe, whj~h,is,rh< plef. by rheclrcumclhonofhlsfonne; Gods hand Gng ef'Go~ vpbolding our bod1~s, $1Xtly, wasvpon h1m to haue deUrmed h1m, Th1s •bat-we lll4Ynotgr.ow tQ fecuriti", f<>rgerfulpoint is duly to be obferued ofall, burprincin~ and contempt ofGod, and fo to propally offuch as are appomred-ro.any publike phan~~sunhevfeofourmeares & drinkes, office; if they will ferue God therein with as eh~ Ifraelires did; wlllch fate downero care comfort and mcourogemenr, they mu!l fidl and drinke,and rofevp to play. Iabourro be fanCt1fied before h1m, both 111 No.wbcGdeJ thole Rea(ons, we haue alfo tltell foules and bodies. the Examples of holymen.This bleiling of SeEJ, z. rhe meare, was fo knowne athing of auncienr I come now to the feconctrhing, req11.ired Wh•tim· rimes that the podre maides ofR4rn.t/,->:.ofor the right and Jawfull Vfe of meares and- qmred in phi"','could tell Saul ,,that the people woYld drinkes, namdy, a ChriUian bchauiour while our eating. not eate rheir mcate, before the Prophet w~~tremv(ingthmt. . r came,1nd bldfed rhe facrifice, 1.Sam. 9· 1 3· For rhe becrer vnderllanding"hereof, we ChriUinhisownefamily, would not eareof aretoconGderrwopoinrs. Fir!l,wharwemay the fiueloauesand two fi01es, rill be had loo- B doe;and then, what we mull doe in vfing.rhe k!d vp1o heauen andgiumtha•k'· Mark. 6. 41. creatures. . / Paul rooke breadin the!hip,and gaue thanks I.Touchmg the former, We mayvferhefe m the prefencc of all that were with him, gifts of God,with Chrillianliberty: and bow Ac'tl7.35· "rhat I norfparinglJ:alone, and for mcere Thev(eofthe 6dl point is. I. By this donccelfirie,rothe farislying ofour hunger, anp chine,al! perfomaretaughr,b~tfpeciallygoquenchmgofourtbirll' buralfo freely and uerners ofothers,as Mallersotfamilies ;and liberally, for Chritlian delight and pleati~re. Paroots;neuer to vfe,eirher meates or drinkes Forth IS i• that l1berty,which God harhgran· ' orany other bleiling,rhatthey receiuearrbe red to all beleeum. Thus we reade, thatJohands ofGod, bur with prai[eand thankfgifeph and his brethren with him, did eateand uing. For this which is faid of meates and drinkerogerheroftbch•fl, that is,ltberal!y; ~rinkes, mull be inlarged alfororhevfc ofaGen.43·34· And to this purpofeDauid faith, ny benefir,bleiling,or ordmance, that we rake that Godgtunh wme, to ""kf glad the heart •( in band,ro vfe or inioy. I I. Though we doe man,•ndo]l<,. mak_ethe face to {hine, .u well .u notGmplycondemnc, burallow ofhallow- C brcadto~rengtbmthebodif.Pfal.lo4-I5.And ingofCreatures,yetwedetell Popifh confethe Lord rhrearnerh to bring a puni!hment crario.n offalt, creame, afues, andfuch ltke, vpon his people, Agg.1.6 ,in thathe would F~rll, l>ecaufe!?apills hallow them for wrong giuethem hiS creatures indeede, but fuch a ends,as ro procure by them remiilion of !ins, portion ofrhem, as 010uld onely fupply their to drwe away diuels, &c. ·Secondly, becaufe prcfenrncceffitics, and no more, Yefoal/ care they f•nCtifie creatures without the word; (faith he) 6ut]< {hall n.r h-.ue enough: J' fo•U yea, though they doe it by praiers, yet it is Jrinkr,biiiJ<{hall"" 6,fiUed. Againe,we reade prayer wtrhuut the word, which giuerh no rhatLeui the Publican, made our S•uiour warranrrhuSto vfetbecrearures, or to thefe Chrillag''"' fe.P in his owne houfe, Luk. 5. codes; and therefore ofrhefame nature w11h 19, Arrhe marriagein Cana a rowne of GaMagicallincbantolenrs. 'I:hirdly,ifrhecrcahie, whereChrill wasprefent, thegue!ls arc ruie mu.ll be (aijdificd foroilrvfe, before we faid,accordmgro the manner of rhefe counc:uwfeir,rhcn weour fclues m.ull be fanC11fi-. rries,ro hauedrun,.!ihera! at ed.borh in{oula and .body, before we can be : an other place,in[upper rime,Mar1e is faid to 6rkrrhcvfeaod feruicc of God, Lookeas D hauc taken a boxe of pr.eaous and collly tlle~rearure, by the band and prouidence of 1 oyntment, and to baue annoinred his feete God,,os prcfentcd before V§ !O [enJe vs; fo ·, therewith, fo asthe whole houfe "'"'filie/J with' mu!l we bceing Orengrhened and nouri(hed the(auour1theo;ntm>nt. lob. 11.3. IudasinbyrhefameglUevpourfelues,foul.,,andbo- 1 deed thought that expence which 01ee had d1e~;. toferueand honour h1m, Yeaoutfanmadc,fuperRuous, bur Chrill approoues of &fi)lmg ofthecreature to our holy vfe,Omuld her aCl,ond commendeth her for it. putvs,inmind.e of linClifymg :our f~lues to laddefurther,rbat by reafon of rhisliberlmglory. So foone-asrhc Ptopher Efay was rie purchafedvnrovsby Chrill, we may v(e fanClified by God vnro his office, then head, rhefe·and the like creatures of God, wirli 1'1 dr<Lfed hunfelfc, · and not before, and (aid, I andreioycing. This is rhepr?fit that redoun- _ Lord,/ r.m hure,·Efa. 6,8-. and.(o we ourfducs, . deth vnto man,in the vfeof thc=fP,that\he eat~ bef<Jre we can pe! forme any.acceptable duty 1 anfdrink,!,andddighr hu lb•lr "'irh the P""fi' 1 vmo God; mull be purged and den(cd. The hulab•urr,Eccl.z, 14 The proC11fe hereofwe fotlnes of Aaroo wouldnor doe this honour haue in the AC!s,c.z.v,46. whercrhey ofthat \'nto God,by faoCllfying-..Jusname before tbe Church that belecucd, are (aid toeate their pcople,and thcrcfpre God glorified himfelfe >mate together rrith gladneffe, and (i~~!enef[e 1 11~ the1r dcath..and tempor~ll d~flruClJon,Le. h~art.And yet this reioycing in the creatures, ~o. t, And wl;~n Mofes the fcruant of muflbelunitedwirhrhisclaufe; char it be, in the