Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Caf~r of.Confcience. 3.Booke. I the Lord,rhatis to fay, a hurtlclfc and harmc- A that wcteled captiue, and wanted food and Jctrcicy,tc'n·Jing r,J~heglorieofGod ,& the and maintenance,Amos.6.<S• . good of our neighbour. Thi1 condemneth ' I II. We mull vfeour meatein Sobriety. thocommon practife ofthe world,who folace Sobrietie isa gift ofGod, whereby we keepe and dd1ghr thcmfolucs in the vfe of Gods aholy modoration inthevfeofourdier.Pw. creatures, bUtft·, as wichthelr ioyisioyncd l3.1.z.,WhenthoMjitttfltoeAte,&c.cotJ(idrr..Jib.. the ordinarie traducing of rhe Mag11lrate, gently, wh•tu(ethefmthee, Andput the k!rife Mini(!cr, and thufcrhar fcarc God ,and will tothythro••, that is, be verycarefullandcirnorrunne 1vith then; to the fame excelfc of cumfpect intakingthyfoodc,bridlethineapriot. t.Pet,4·4· 1 petire,take heede thou dodl uot e~cecd:mea· II. Thefeco~dpoint is;u·hatwe mull do, fur e. when we take the benefit ofGodocrearurcs;a Ifit be asked, whatRule ofmoderation is matter of great confequent in rhe lines of to bcobferucdofall, wlietherthey be menor men. And it 1S this, rhatwevfeourliberric in women,youngorolJ 1 • the·LOrd,andwhether wceatc, orearenot,we I anfwer. Firft,'xam~ I' murl doe both lotbeLord. Rom. 14.6.This is plc, mull not be aruleof direction ro.aii.In dtirtc by Jabounng, both 111 eating, and i:1 ab- B rhc EaU counrries,we rcade,that men hauc li.. fimencc,w approouc the famevntoGod,vnued ~ and doe yet liue agrear rime with ·a Ji.. tD'lli's-Saims,andvntoour ownccon[dences. de; ror example, With p~rchedcorneand i Whercin.appcarcrha mamfell difference becake. Now thiS example oftheirs, ia oor\lle rweene the Wicked and the godly man. For to vstharliue in thefe parts. For their coun· chcbnc,whcnhceare~hordrmketh,bedoth at tr1eis hoaer then oun, and thereforcJetfe in the Lord, and to theLord; rhcother dorh mightferue them thenvs.: we are.hor wJtiHn, it notto thcLotd, buttohimrclfe, rhat is. to and fo our appetite is the ruorc firong. A·· thef~tisfatl10n andcontentmc.nt of h1s owne gainc, in eaung we may not iudge ot concamall delight and plcafure. demne him thareateth more or lelfe,thcn 111e That a man may catctoth: L"rd,there :tre our!dues, becaufehis eating is no rule: rovs. fo~rc things dircClly to be obfcrucd. 10 this cafe. I. Thatinourcaring, wepralt(!eiu!licc. Secondly,a mansowneappetit.e, isnotto Salomon faitiJ, Tht bnad ,;(drcelt,that 1s,gorbe made arule ofeatingforochcrs.Fora man 1en byvnlawfull mcanes, u fwut vntoa mAn: muO not eate fa long as his Clomackecraucs :hut .-(terwnrd,hi&mrmthfha/1~ejiliedwithgrauci. meace,lefl he fall into the finnc of glurtonic:, 1Prou. zo. 17. And Paul gJUes a rule to the C ~\om. ·•J·'J· And thislinncrsnotcd by our ChurchofThclfalouica,thatellerymanjlmlid Sauiour ChtJ(!, to haue bccne in the old 1 care huo•'nehread: that is, the bread which is world, in thcd•iesofNoah, Matth. z4. 38. procured and dcfcrucd, by hu .owneiun ;nd when they gaue them(eJues to .-: tating And ·~·.;1 houclllabour, z.Thelf).Z. TillS fir !I thing, ~nnkjng lik,rthe hrNteheaj/;: for fothe word .fcrucs rochcckc anumber ofml'n,that liue in Ggnifies. the daily practiCe of iniu(!icc, by fpeudiug IfthenneitlJcrexampfe,ooroppetitc m2y their goods in good fellouofhip at Tauerncs rule our caring, what be the right rules of ,and tipling houfcs, neglecting (jn rhemeaoe Chrilliao moderation in thisbehalfel !\VhJlc)the maintenance of!he1rownecharge, .A?Jj.Thatwcmaynot exceedemeafure,we b.y following their honerll>bour ;and by this .mu(! keepeourfelu<S within thcfc limiiS, rmancs , doe eucn rob their families, oftheir F~tll, our foode mufi not goe beyond the due and rigl11'. conditiOn, place, abihtre, and marntcnance II. !fharwe may.eate to the Lord,we mu(! that God ha<hgmcn vs. Iohnthe Bapu(l bepractiCe Loue and Charity in oureanng.How rng 10 the wddcrnes ,contcntedhJmfelfe with is that I · very meane fare,agrecable both to the mancr Fu:tl,we muG giueoffence to no manwhat- •D ofrhat countrey,and tohis owne caiJing, ani:l isgood,faith Paul, neuhcr toe4u ftefo, condirion ofJifc. Hi& mtAte »'M~~~ufts Andr11/d nor to drink..c wine, norany thing. whtrehyth] bro~ 1 honic,Math. 3·4· . rberf/•mbleth,uoff'end,d,ormadeweak.e: Ram. Secondly, "rnun be framed to theorder r4· 21. 1 and difference oftime and place. Agamn this - Scdondly, in our eating we mu(! houc re. Rule therich gluttonolfcndcd,who fated de· fpnct ofthe poore. Thus Nchcmiah exhor- •l!cioufly cuery day, withoutany dit!ercnce of t-crlithe-!ewes that wercmourmng(or their , time or place, Luk. 16. SaJomonpronoun• finnas,to bcchecrctull, 1~ catt of1b~ f~ttte, aud ceth awoeto that L3nd, who(t Prmcrs tAU in dri,.*..c thefireeu, andfond parr vnto them for rhemgrning,EccbJo. 16.SaintPaul notesJt as2. Jfho'tnc1foncn•.uprept~rcd: that is, to them that ' iilUitin aMmifler tohe"'gi11eut6 ~Pine, t. Tun. • fl'"'ttntt. were poorc. Ncbc:m.S.t o. Ancl the Prophet 3.3· thar is, tot-e acommon tipler, andone Amos inucighcth again(! fomeofthePrinrhar loues to fit by the wine morning and re~ oflfrael, whodrrmkfwJ·nein bo!ltr, ttndan.. eul'ning,day byday. n.ointcd thtm(dues with thecbicfeointmtnts, arid Thirdly, euc:ry man mufl eate& drinke fo lvcrc mr forrie for the affl.~t.9'ion of Iofcph: tnlli::h,asmayfcructornainfa~ne!hefirength I rhar is, d1d not relccue rh e poore brethren, of his nature, ofhis bodie ana mmd~, yta fo · , much