Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

l - 'lhe Epijlle 'Dedicatorie. fianC~;ofthlsD.OClrine,~s{hallaP,pearemrhefeq~. f.:,/ 1 f ~· •. f' ~ _J'•tll:,becau[cJhecl.Wic ofrclceumg the Confc.1<hce, ts by them commended to die.facrlficiog o"~'·"' 'Pric(l,,'thkh rhougl\ a\:cordmgro rhetr-owne Canon1P he lhould be a·man yf kndwledgc, and l it~P~i::~i~~~;t. frecftb'Ib imJ,uraridn oJwickcdnh!Te,yct oft times tifals out'that lrc is either vlrltafnCd ~ Or 'cJS fpui:u31~s m1 .wicked and lewd ofccnuerfation,and confequcntly vnfit for (uch apurpofe. 1~:;·,-;:,:~fi, , §'ecl!n~ly,rhef,!each1hat thci~ic~hppornfell t<lbe c.omfor{C{s a'(d rdccuits oft.flc dillrcf. ''""" oo- _' fed\ltr.e"made by Chtlfl himfdfo<mdg<<oJ•h' C.jlro(&Pn{oiela, n.Ali~ ill their own!.illl~de~~ca ~~~:~;~~~~~~)udiG"dri~porvcrand a!Jth9ritie,rrmJ a~,n~~per·(J to,bip<f or t~ J?ofe ~ ro:remit or to rerainc finnes, 1 ~e~:~~~;~~~~ \toop~n ~r to !hut the kmgdomcofliea.u~n. .~~?e.~~a~; ~~e S~rir.~uro~vttercth acomrarie voyce, """' '~"'- ~bar Chnfl oncly harh rbc kcyes·ofEh&rd, whicnproperl;and<r•fJ openeth, and no man flmr– tcnn"m.~dL ;cerh,andprop(r!y andtmly Chuttcth,and no manopeneth. And che M1nlHers of God are not cal. ~~:,~~~-~~b.-~·~1~d to ~e t~b(olu!e !udgt; ofthe ~o~fci_CQcc~pm o~cl~ ~ctf~~gen ~nd/f.'P~affa~oun ofrcco__nci/iari: co~cil. 'l'rld. on;Whcreupon1t ftllowerh,tbatthey cannot bea'theAmllut.rand tiimr~ ofrcm1ffio.noflfnncs, but ~!·l1:g~~~j)· onel}dhcJTAin:fteflantr'&i@mforsofifiefame. ti1.1;?";' '? 'I '~· . I • ~~:~;,:hi.-: J 'flilrd·ly,thePlJ>i!lSinrbcir-~rif~OgNlauefca~tcre~ hc;c apdtt~~ref?ndrie ~aIf~ ~~'l_c~r?n·i~ua· c_pikr:oren· g.r?t~ndfofDotlrt?e~much pr_eludt_Ciall to the ~red~-o~or refolutJ~rro.~the Con[ilence~~n time; ~~;;k.:.!o· ~f B,eede;~s name_ly,~~Thata man l!!t.hecour_feo:.~~s hf~? may b~t'lti btfh/t-lfe vponlJ!;'~i~h~ofki6; Rcu 3 .s. te!l~Jt""~r1~?d fot·hls.l}iluation,rcfl co~;tned ~tth~o 'i~pbctu_and-?m·f':t'f_rej{d[l1irh._\_:V~ich do:.' ~i·h~~pi_ill, ~nn"e_;as lt 1san ond~ me:J~c,to kdpe'men '." pcrpctoa.Il ·bhndn~lrc:t~~!sno~~n1ce2ro ft feruerh ' tort80tHcf:purpofel~thetameofT-emptaiJOn ,-buttoplunge t-fiche.arrof m:n ilito the pit of ~:c~l~!.t~ ~cfpa!rc,it-beei~g vildp:lbleofcomfort;for wan!~fpa~icular k~~\rJe~~e a~d vn~;:rHandingof die word and prom1fe u(God.Il.That eucry man oughrto!re nnd doulit ·ifrh'epard~nof ~~~~~~-~~~~~~r hUji'n'rth,:md..that nom\&~an be•ll~~~;d-b;t~e ctrte'!t~ of f~ith,·'eit~er Of r~e prcfcn! fauour o( dal::e c\Juc$. God,or ofh1s otVnefiilllit1on.Truett ts,that 10 tefped:·o( ourowncv_MvorthJnelf~ an'd indifpofi. , ~~-~~~~~c~~~: rionlWe h3~e iuU'cauf~,not onelyt'acloubt :ind fearel>ut to dcfpatrean~ b:cconfO~n.dcd b~for~ , tertariotum. theiudgemcntfca~of God.Ycc th:Ha,man lhould nor b~ cerra1qely retolued by fa1th ofrhcroer~ ~~;~.:~~c~;~t. c'it:?~·G?~)in anl:J for· ~~e merirOf<;:hd{~, isa_com~?r'tlctfe dO~~i~?~,.r? a d\~relfed'_(oule, and · Fidcs.parag. ctttltrJ;trlev'nto t11c(':lUingc word·of the Gofpelf,~hrch teachcrh~'rliatCertenttc tlowc~h from rhc ~~~cil. 'l'rid. nah.ifcof fairh,and nof'tloubting.I I i.Jfhatcuerj m4n Mbonndinconfcienccvptin paine"ofdamnfition., · re~ 6-c 1 aP·9· to·m.~k.._e..(P:~all~6~ffion.ofbi4 ~o,I!J/1fi~ne!,wi_rh all rb<; parci~ular c~rCHfnflancn rhir~·o~bn~~cucry' i~~~:I''' , yeol'rli·ro·lm Pfre!I:T·h•! pofiuon and prat!Ife,befidesrhatl! harb nowarraor of facred wm~ n6r Rom._4-l0~ y€-("a·nygroumJ-o'f0t<hotloxc aotiquitic:-,for.Soo.yeares, more or Jctfe arret Chritl:: it maketh ~«.~~-~;~~;. r'Jo!atih to t?e!ll.ill'!Jrbing ofthe peaceofConfci~nc~,_in ti1~c·ofextremirie,confidering that it iS rr>.~.,,.,. I im'poffible,e!thcl rolmderfland or rc_mcmber all,ma.~y beeroghrdden and vnknou•ne, .And rhe mind bt!eing in tliiScafe Informed, rOat forgmenes depcndcrh vpon fuch an enumeration, may rhus bebroughtin:o,doubr and di(\rufl,and will nor be able to rc(\by fairh in the [oJc mertic.of God,• he onelyfoueraignemedkine ofrhefoule.Againe,rhegrieftofrhe mind,dorlrnoralwaies . arife from all the finnes elma man barb comrnirred,neirher dorh the Lord C<t before thefinners ciei,whatfocucr cuill harhbeen~done by him;bUr fomconeormore parric~J~ts. And thefearc they}that doe lie heauie vpon the beart;and to be e:1fedofthem,tyill be t11orkcenough,rhough he doth nor exhibit< vnro the Confdfour,a Catalogue ofall the re(\.1 V.Thatfom•{ihnu"'' veni•H, f P~cc:ttum becaufe they areonely befides theLaw ofGod,~otagainfl it,and ~ccaufe, f thq /Jindorur tht (Inner ~~~~~~~~li;~or~ oncly torempor.11i,andnot toeurnafl p1mifhm(nu.Th1sco_nclufion,fir£l: IS falfe; For though it be gran· ~incm 1.<.1 vl~)' rcd,thntfomeoffcncesare gre~ucr;fo1_ne leffcr,fome.Jn a ~1igher degr.<.c,othcrsin. alo~ter: Ag:~~ne, ~~\~~~~~~~: that finnesin regard ofthe euent,b~c10g repentedo~ormrefpctlof theperfon~nnmg, b~emg returpa:n~m in Chrifl,and thcrcforeaccounred mU, arc pardonable, becaufethey arcnot Imputed to con· ~~~~~~;t:~ dernnarion;yct there is no degree foeuer, which is nor (i"mply, and of itftl{emortal/, r.,co& ~e \wherhc:r we refpea rhe natureofrbc lmnc,or themca(urc andproportion ofd1uine iu(fice. For ~G~~~t~~~:r: innature itisan otnomie~thar is rofay,ao aberration from rhe perfett rule of rightc:oufnctfe, and C: 1 l.conrc. rherefcre is fubieCt to rhecurfc,bocbof ternporarie .:md c:ternall death. It is an offence agninfi !~~~h~~~~~- the highcClMaielhe,andcon~e9.uemly,man Cl:mdcrh_ by lt ingagcd to cuerl~lhng tormcnr. Sccondly,it is a \Veakcand in(uffictencground ofrefolum.lll,to a troubledconfc1ence. For whereas true :mdfauing ioy is the d:1ughrer offorrow,&~hehe:irr ofman cannot afTurance ofGods fauour,to theapprehenfion andC'lnccrprofheaucnfycomforrs,vnlclfcit bee lir1l aba- \f~,andby true lmmOiation,broughr tonothing in itfclfe; The remembrance ofthis, thQt the offcncccomruirced isveniall,may in fomecafestoo much inlarge the hearr,and giueoccafion to l prerume,when haply there will be a reafon to rhcconrrarie.And ifnor thar,ycr in cafe of falling by i':firmiticaftergrac: r~ceiucd,thc ~inde ~eeing fo!dlall~d with ~hiS err~oiousconceipt,that 1 the fJOnc:: is ldfe. then it 1s mdeed,bccaufc:vemall,may m the1tfue be IciTe qUieted, aud more perConcii.Trid. piexcd.V.Th.:zt4m~tnm:l)(llrMfiet~~iH(Iiceof_God,ftJrthetempora/l punzfhmtnl~{ hiJ /inntJ commirl_~d. fcll-r--t-'an.z3 To omit rhcvntrurh ofth1s pofitlon;How 1t makethto the c:1Gng ofthe hean, or the atTwagtng I .Ofthcgriefeof mindc in ten~ptation,l appeale ro con1mon cxpcricnce.~or. when a ma~, bceing alfure<k>fthe pardon ofhis lrnnes,O,all yet conuder,rharrhere I• fomcth•rg more bebmd "'be Idone on his garr, bow can bee in probability, rely himfclfe wholly vpon Chri!ls farisfaClion? How can hcreapevnto him(elfefrom thenceany alfuranccnfrecCtnciiiHion roCiod, whom he t formedy