Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

3.Booke. Cafesof Conjcience. "l)l fupcriOlll' equall or mferiaur. Yea rhere is a /A tog1uechc tulesof reuerencecoal fuperiours. kinde <•f honour'to be performed to a mans Sara<Jccording to this rule, called Abraham o••oefelfc ThetrurhofthisAnfwerwclluli Lord, •· Per. 3· 9· ThemanintheGofpcl, fee in the porricularsthat follow. commiog to learue fomethingofChrill, cals s,a. ,, him bytilis name,Gaod Mafter,Mark. ro.17. Touching the honouring of Supcriours, and Anna rebuked by Eli, ;anfwercdhim with rhcfcRulcs are to beobferucd, rcucrencc,and fard,na;,m; L97d. r, Sam.1.15, Firll: AIISuperiours muit haue rcucreoce . 1 Thefccond Rule touching honour dnc to donevat> rhcm,wherhcrrhey be Supertours fupcriours,is more fpwall, touching fupcri• in age,in g~fcs,in autboritie)orhowfo~ucrJand oucs in auth?ritie;nan:cJy,that they a![?m~£1 rhar becaufe rhcy are Sup<riour~. be hooourea. And rhrs honour lhewcs rr felfc The actions ofReuerence due to all Supein foure things, riout~,arc principally fixe. The firil is, to rife The firll ts,fpuiallmmmc"which !lan~s in vp before rhcSuperrour, Leuit.19. p. Thou rheperformanceofrwo duties. The former {h4lt rife vp blforeehe·h'!tl7ehe4d, andhonour th~ is, eo tland urhcn our fupcriours doefit. For p<rfonofth.oldman, Thefecond, when they B rhus Abraham after he had recerucd the Anarec;ommingtowardsvs, to goe anJ mecte gclsintohlstent,&prep~redmeareforthem, ehem. Thus, when Abraham faw the three fcrued himfclfc by rhem vnderthe tre.,giuing Angels comming coward him, he ranne to artendance,whlle theyd1d eate, Gcn.r8.8. In rueett them from the tentdoore, Gen. I 8.z. I1kc manner, when Mofes fat.: 1n iuJgement, And king Salomon, when his mother ~aehcha peopleare faid to haucflooJ about htm, ll1eba came towards him tofpeakevntohim from morning vnriJJ eue~mg, Exod. z8. 1 3· forAdoni3.h,rhctcx:tfaith., hcro[cvpto mute TheJarreris,nocco fpcakc, butbylcauc. A h<r,r.King.t.l9, Thcchird,robowchcknec be obfcrued, hue fpecially in before the [upcriour, Thus wee reade in the rhecourrs ofM.agii!ratcs, Example whereof Gofpell, that a cercaine man comming to we haue in Paul, who betng called before FreChrrtl, as he was goingon chc·way; kneeled lix thcgouorngur,did not fpeakc a word, vn· vnrohrm,,17.ThusAbrahamrannc rrllchc gouernour had beckoned vnto him, tq rucetc rhcchree Angels, and bowed hrmand,gmeo him leaue.Act.>4.•o. [cifeto chcground. Gen.18.z. And the fame The fecoqd thing is[uh;e[/ion; which is no- !l.braham, cls where, bowed hin]felfe before C thing cls but an infcrioritic, t~he(cbywe do(as rhc people ofrhc la11d of the Hircites, Gen. ·it werc)fufpcnd our.wilsandreafons,& withall L J· 7· The fuurth ,to giuethemthe firil and c~uferhem to d.~pend (inrhi!lgs lawfull and htghdt [care or place. This ou.t Sauiour hone!!)vpon the willofrhe fuperiour. This· Chri(l mcanerh in the parable, wherein he fiJbJcction is ycelded to_the a.urhoritie of tvillcrhrhofewhoar~.iouiredtoa banquet, to rl)~ fuvcriour, and is larger then obcdiyceld the chiefef! place to them, rhat are ence. . - ., more honoutabJetl)en themfdu~s: !,uk.14. , :Therhirdis, o~edimce; wh!rcbywckeepc 7- Andie isfer dol\'qe,as a,commeq~•tion of a~\lperform~thee~prctlec'!mnwindcmcnt fofephs brcthr"9, rhatthcy fare bcforC"him a)I tbingslawfull and hoinorcj<jr, t·he.cldel~ aq:prding ro his age, and nellll lbndeth in fundry particulars,asFir!l, the youngell according ro his youth, Gen, it·rrufl be io.theLord, &·a HQ rho Lord him· 43·ll· Here we mt:ll rernember;rhatthough fej(~, Whatfmwy<doe(fatth rheApollle,)4" [• to common praCbfe among men, the r1ght it htartifJ~Mtq'tht Lord,~tndnotvntomen, Col.;. hand is a note offuperioririe, yet in Scripture : J. Againc, obedience mufl be performed rhe practifciscootrarie, For in the article of cuen ro fupcriours thatare euill. Thus Peter ouc Crcedc,Smmgat the r~ght hand, ligmfieth exhorts feruaruuo.b~t.fubrect to their MachcUJfcrromieofrheMedratour,in rcfpactof D !lcrs, i~all feare, nor onely ro the good and the Fathcr;though tt be a token of hisfup&~- ) ~ ~.o~rreo·us, buralfo corhe froward, 1, Pct.z, orme,mregardofthcChurch, Andtomu(l 18. Thirdly, itmuf! be doneroRulcrs, in rhe place be vndcrilood,(1.King.z. t 9.where whollle wefceweakenelfe,, For their infirmi- . iris (aid, that Barh01ebafate arthe right hand ~ t!e&<ulght nor to hinder or lloppe our duty of ofSalomon,)narnely,rhat itwas an orgument obedicnce,confidering that rhe commaunde- ' of fuperioritie, whereunto he preferred her mcor of honouring the father and motheris before thepeople; butit !hewed her inferiori· •) gencrall without esception. Fourthly, it is . tic in rcgord of Salom9o hi.mfclfc. And this to be performed to rhem chat ore Deputies . cullomeis frequent, both 10 the Scrrprurcs, rORulers,yca,wliiChareacpUt!es ofifcputics. and in humanewrircrs. The fift togiue liberSt~bmif]aurftlu~s([aith Perer) vnto All m4nner rrc offpcakingio the firll pl~ce, This was the ordinanccofman,for rhe Lord'Jakf, whether it be praCbfc _of EHhu' oneof.tne fnends of lob, vnto the King,Mvntothe[upcrio'Hr, Ortmtogouer. who beemg the youngell myeares,dared not noun,Mvntothemwhoare {ent of him, &r. 1. to O>ew hisol'inio!!.J.•U_Iob andorl:!ers, who P,!!.!·.!3· '4· Fifdy ,_Jhough pum01ment wcrchisaunct~ors ~ad fpokcn.But'7'hen they 'b~ewrongfully, and mofl vniufllyimpofcd had lcfcolfchw ralkc, then heli[atd to haue by Rulers, yet it mu(! be borne wtthvurreanf\vercd in histtlrne,Iob 3z.G.7.17.Thefix:r, fiClancc 1 tilwecan home our rcmcdic.Furthi.s id 'N' 4 than~<·