Cafes of Confcience. 3.Booke. rhank,:t»orthie,ifamanfor :on[ci~nc1, towArdG~d, A indur.gritf<,fu/foring "'rongfu/11, J. Pet. z. 19. The praClifeofthis we <>laY fee 1n Hagar, the handmaide of Sara, who is commaunded by the Angd,to returnc againeto her dame,and humble her felfe beforeher, though lhe had dealt veryroughly with her,Gen. "'·9· The fourth thing due to Superioursin an· thoritie, isThan~f!,iui•g,fn pra.rfing God for 1heirpaines, aurhoritie, andg1trs principally. Thas Paul exhorts, thatpraitn, inrerceJfionJ, andthan~e(giuing,be madefor Kingt, and allthat beinautbaritie. 1. Tim.z. 1. The reafonis,be– cau(e becing ouer vs in authoritie,we haue the B benefite of their gifro and authori<ie. Gen. 45·9· Se[f, z. Inrhcfecond placecommcth to be confi– dered,our honour due vnto our Equals.Con– cerningwhich,there be two Rules. I. Rule.Equalsmufl:e(ieeme betterofo– thers,then ofrhemfelues. ThusPaul exhorts all men,inmeckeneifeofminde,without con– tention or vaine-glorie,to efteemcorhers bet· rer then themfeluco. Phil. z. 3· grace,to be aduifed and ordered by the coun· fell ofhis feruams. z.King.s.13, And trueit IS, that all fuperiours ought to kecpe their Hateandplace 1 ycr fo,ao they hauerefpeC!: alfo to (uch as are inferiour to them, without fcorne_or contempt. -s.a. 4· Lafl:ly,there is a kind ofhonour to be per– formed toamansowne fclfe, which duty :he Apo(!Je exhorteth vnto , Phil+8. where he Ca~th;lfthmbe••] vmue,ifthere be•"] praife, th,.k,_eon theft thmgt. Bywhich he would teach vs,not oncly to renderthc honour of our fu– periours, equ.1ls, and inferiours, but euen o our (clues, mfccking after vertue and praife that followeth after ir. But how flwuld a man in a right mar.ner honour himfclfe/ Anf. By obferuing two rules. II. Rule. Equals,ingiuinghonour, mufl: gee one beforeanother. Rom. It. 10. where the ApoaJe faith not,intaking honou,., becau(e thedutie by him prefcribed,concernes not all perfons, but thofealone who are ofalike or !.Rule.We mu(! preferue our fclues inbo· dieandfoule; fpecially,wemu(l keepe the bo– dy,that it benot~adean in(irument offinne. For when we doe vfe our bodies as infl:ru– ments ofvncleanenelfe, then doe we bring a lhame vpon them. And it is the will of God, th.r eNerJmanfoou!dk,nw how topof[<Jfe huveflil in holincjfe•ndhomur, 1. The!f. 4· 4- And that which isfaid ofthe body, is to bevndcdlood C ofthe hand, the heart, thetongue, and all the parts and members thereof. II. Rule. If we would truly honour our (clues, we mu(! honour God in all ourwaies. For Godwillh1ngur them. rvho honourhim. 1. Sam.z.3 o, Now to honourGod,ls to honour him according to his will and word,in the du– ties ofgood confcienceand good life. On the contrarie,they that d1fl10nour God,God will dilhonour them before all the world. And this muCl teach vs,eucn to dedicateour felues to God and his glorie, in the wbolecourfeof ourcallings, whcr"er in the Church or Com– mon-wealth. equall condition. · Sea. 3· A third fort,to whom honour is to beyeel– ded,are inferiours.And the honour due vnto them is,without all contempt·,in meekenelfe offpirir, to refpetl them as brethren. This dutietheLordcornmands exprelfely to the King; Thaihuhe.rtoenotlifted vp abou<hu bwhrm, Deut.17. zo. The fame was thepra– Clife oflob,who faith ofhimfelfe, char hedid wt contemnttheiudgmm~t ofhit/trH4rJt, orofhU maid, whmtbey didcontmd with him, lob 31. •3· NumanthaSyrian, thought it no dif· &c~· &c. &c. &c. &c. &c.· .- .\ . ;; .J.!