Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE CASEs OF CONSCIENCE, CONCERNJNG MAN timplyconfidered in himfelfe, wirhoutrelanon to amrher. The Preface declaring the Ground and Order ofthe Treati(e following. Ifaiab,' so. 4· Tht lArdGodbathgitun meatong1teofthele~trned 1 th11t I{h~Hid~awe tominif/-ei'11 woTd indue timt, to htm that u rPtarie. N that partoftheProphe- A Lord himfdfemakesanfwer, v_z,3,4· rhar his de which goes before, rhe band isnotfhorrned, nor his powerlelfened holy Ghofl ferrerh downe in regard ofgrearerwmkes , much le!le in reand (oretelleth the Calling fpett of their dcliuerance; •nd rbough the oftheGentiles,wh~eh was prefent affhtllon which they endUtcd,was to bcginnr at rhe death of great and tedious, yet rl)cy were nor to bee oChrtft>and from thence to ucrmuch di(makd in thcmfelucs, but rather contlnnevmo tbis day, and [o confequently to becor)>forted,becaufe God had giuenhim to the endeofrhcworld.Jn the former ve1 fes the tongrJCojrhdetwned, to miniller a word in ofthis Chapter,thereis mention madeofthe fcafon ro tbe "earieand d;llre!fed;ond con(ereietl'ion ofthe IeweF;I meancnor ageneral!) qucnrly, rhar he had power to cafe and rcfrcJh but a particular reiection, namcl~· the!l,when B rhat d1ctr wcarinetfe and affliction. they were in affi~<~bon in the dates of Ifaiab. In thtstext thC"n, there ts fet down one prin.. Nowin thrs, and fa in all other Prophecies of crpall durieol Chrifls ptophcricall office, by the lrke kinde, which intreate of this point; allur.on ro the ptaClifesofthe Prophets in the Chrill bimfclfc is brought in ,fpeakmg in hrs old Tdlamcnr,cfpCC!ally tho(c whrcb bdonowne pcrfon; and the words ofthis Chapter ged to the fcboolcs of Elrasond Elizcus, who from rhebcgmning,to this prcfem verfc,and arc here rc~rmed,thel~arr.t>d. And om of rhe the reil that follow ,are the wordescfChriU wordsthercof,oncfpcciali point of inOruClitheMcdiatour. on maybe gathered, namely, That rhcreUa In the vcrfcs going before, he dtfputcs the certain• k_notrledgr ordoUr11ureuMI.:din the word cafe oftheir rekction: and rhc.fummcofthe ofCJod,whereby rhec9rfciences of rhe weak.! mny whole difpuwion is,that either hee, orthey C bcrdJifiedandp«ifirJ,Jgather it thus. It was themfelues were the caufes therofi but he was onefpcciall dutieof Chrrlls propheticall or: not thccaufe,and therefore they thcm(elucs ficc, ro giuc comfort w the confciences of by their lios.The reafon,whcrcby bee proues thofe that were di(!relfed,as the Prophet here that they them[clues were tbecaufe,is framed recordeth_ Now as Chril! had thrs power to in this fort. You !ewes cannot bringa;1)' wri.. execute and perfOrmefuch a ducy. fo he had1 trngor bill ofdiuorce, to l11ew thatI reieCled COillJJlJtted the dilpenfation tberofto the Mi- ' youahcrfo'rc lappealecucn toyour own connillcrs ofthe Gofpcli.For we rray nor thinkc fciences, whether you hauc not brought this that Chrifi in his ownc perfon, m1niilred and iudgemcntvponyourfel':cs ,byyour iniqut- (pake words ofcomfort to the wcaric, in the tics,vcrf.t. On theothcr (Jdc: tbc rcafonwhy ume ofrhc Prophets,becau(e he was nor rhen God was not the caufe i;;: bccaufc hce for hh D eJbJbired in our nature, and yet he did rhen part called them ingteat mercy and loue: bur fpeake, but how I in the perfans of the Prowhen he called they would notobey,vcrf. z. phcts_ Solikewife, becaufe Chrili now in the Now in the end of the fecond vcrfc isco11· new Tetlamcnr,fpcakes not vnro the afRJct:cd tainedanan!\ver to a (ccrc:t reply,. rhar fomc m h1smvne proper perfon,it remained) thereobfimate Iewe might make, aher th1s man~ fore,th:n be performcs this greatworke in the ner: God hotb not now the like power in fa. Minillrie of PaUours and Teachers vpon uingand ddiucrmg vs, ashe haehhad m for eanh)to whom h~harh giucn knowledge, and mcrt1mcs: therefore we~ ca11nor hopeor c:-.- otbcr g1frs to this end and purpofc. Then~ pcttany dcliucrance from him,and bow then mufl needs therefore bea ccrraincand infallin:::':::al:.:_lw:.:_e:_d:_o:..:•:..:i:.:n..:.t:.:h.:.e_::m.:.ecca..:.n.:.e_:."_::h:::il.:.e:_l.:.T..:." rlc:'c:___:b:..:l::._e::._do::._Cl=ri.::n::._e,,_propounded and raught in rhe ·- A Scripture!i,