cv'! Commentarie "'pon Chap.r. of tbcworkc. Theworkeinfauiog rhe chil A God;andnotindtrctl,oroblrquc,inrhename drcn a_nd the fpie1,,was a fruite of faith and ofthe creaturcs,God• naruc conccaled.And thefeare of Go<l, aQd itiocommended: but it is the ftartecommaundemcntofGod,Mat. the manner of puttingrhefowot kes in cxecu5· 34· It isalleadgcd,that p..,../,r, tion,gy lymg,is nor approoued. !fit bee laid, 3r, fwearesb! his rtiUJcing in Cbrij/. I anfwer; that fairh and rhe fear< ofGod,cannot lland the words of Paul, bJ"'J rei•Jcing, are notan with a manifell Gune: Ifay againc, that faith, oarh,butan obrc(iarion: forthe meaning of and the fcare of God, are rrnpcrfcCl in rhia his words isthi•,that his fonowesaod af!lJClllife, and ther~fore th~yare ioyned with many onswhich hce endured for Chrifl, wo1old re· fra<)tie, ;and ~.1\iqns of f•ith, arc mixed with l!ifie (iftheycould fpcakc) that he died dady. fundryu<i<Cls,andGnnes. . Thus M•fercalled heauen and cauh rowrt· , Now then, we are eo bcexhorted,tomake neif,, without [wearing: for in an oath, the a 1=onfcicnce of lying,tllld rofpeakethe truth thing by which hee fweares, is made nor only from our beam. An~ there be many reafon• witnctTe, bur alfo Judge. Ncuerthelelfo, it is to inducevsto th~ praCI•(c of rhi3 duty.Firfl, not vnlawfull to name the creatures in rhc rHsGodscomm•undement, lam.3. •4 Seforme of an oarh, if they beecon6dercd as copdly, lying is a conformity to the druell, B pledges,prefented vntoGod, that heolhould •nd by trmn wee are_made conformable to pumihvs in them,if we lie. ThusPAul fwcaGod,,vho is rruth u(dfe, Thirdly,weate fanreth,l<olG•dto witnesto(orvp'")"'J(•ule.Here C\,iicd by the •·ord of truth,!oh. J 7. 1 7· and they are to be blamed, "hofecommonfweagujded by the Spirit of trurh: and therefore ring is by thecreatures; as by the11 faith, by wee are to detclliymg,and deceit. Fourthly, their rrorh,by the malfe,Mary,by this bread, truth is a fruii_eofGo9sSpirit,Gal.s.anda qythisdrinkc,&c. marke ofGods childc,Pfalm. p.v.:.he barb S<condly, here wee leame to vfean oath, ,th.e ilardon of his Gnncs in -..ho{eJP~rit there iJ onelyin the cafe of exrremltle,namdy,when noguil•. and Pfal. •5.1. ha/bAIIrtp in the mouna necclfarytruth is to beconfirmed,and when '"!"'fi qo:J,nho fP••kts the truthfrom his heArt, this cannot be'done by any reafon or proofe La{!ly,d.oflrutlion isthelycrs reward.Plal.s. to bee found among men vpon earth, theu <i.G•a '""ae)1r.; them thAtjp-.fteiies: and they may wee Hievnto heaucn for proofe,&make 'mull hauerhm portion in thelakcthatburns God out witnelfe, ThusP••' confirmea his withfireandbriiT>flone,Rcuel.u.Is. ownecallmg, when all other proofes failed. , Thus much of the anfwer to the obieC\iAnd it mull further be obferued, that in exIon: now followesthe confirmation by oath, C tremiries hevfcrh an oath bu•feldome: This _ ,[b-efore GoJ..] Here it may be demaunded,how fecmes to condemn< their wickedneife, that thefewords.:an be a forme of [wearing! A•f. crieat euery word in theircommon talke,he. I.n an oath there beefoure things. The firll is, (mG•a,bifereG•d• ., AJ[eueration •f tht truth. The fecund is, Tbirdly,beforeweef.,eare, weeareto~fe (onfej}ion,wheteby the p~rtie that is rofweare, great med:tation, conllderation, and prepa- ~cknowlcdgeth thepower,prefence,and wife· ration: and thereforeP•wl in[wearing vfeth a !dome of God, in fearchi11gof the heart, and word ofartention,andfaith,Beho/Je,l JPra~e that he is both wirneife, and iudge ofall our "~iforeGod, This condemnes theralh, and dqings. The thirdis,tnu.rati.n of G•d, that cullomable [wearing of men in their comb_eewould f>-ee 'IWi,neiTewith v,s, and to vs, montalkc:whoalfo int·hattheycommonly t~~t weefpea~e the truth. T helall rs,lmpre- [and nfhlyfwc,arr,commonly forfwearothem- <4!iM, that God would bee a IudJle to take felues. ~e,ueQge vpon v~, if wee lie. r:<ow then, the ~ In that Pa•/con6rmes his writingsbyoath, formeo( an o'lrh is a certen forme of words, it appeares that they are ofGod. For if bee in which not all, q~t fome of the principall 'had fworne falfly, God would haue takco rep~rti of an o~t.I;, are expretTed,_and the rell D uengevpon him and his writings,beforethis: concealcd,and ye1 to bcvn,derllood.ler. 4.1. which hehath not done. · there is thefonn1eof on oath, The lAralumh, Whereas Pa•lfaith, BrforeGoilJPeak! it: and here onely cMfeJ]i•,• is exprciTed. The ,he teacherh vs afterhis own exampleto bring forp,>e of fwea1ing, I c•f/God rowitneJ[e to m} our[clues into theprefence ofGod, towal~ (•¥le, •· Cor.'· 23, exprelfcrh the third part, before him as En"hdid, Gendis s.u.~rtiJas natl)cly i9u,qc~riop. The wo~d.s.,Jl.uth 3·'7· Abrahamwas ccmmaunded, Genefis i7. I, T;he ura Jqtthuun4 thHJ Vnto >nt, is an fmprtand tO doe \VhadOeU<t We< doeaS in the fight cati••.Thecomnioq forme,;l'heL.rdthtthde and prefence of God, and to bee afrard to through Jcfv..s Chrijl, is p~rrlr.,p~a£er,~nd p,artGnne,bccaufe ofhispre(cnce.This io the true ly imprecation. Aad the (<;>rmein thi• place fcarcof God, and this istherightprat!ifeof is dirccUy a conf~lliqn,th~t,G.<J4Jsprefcnt,to religion. · witnelfe and)udg~ the truth.,;I;qus comnwnz 1, ,Aftr th•t lwtn<into the c'Aflt 1 SJriA , lyin ojlformcsofoath~,o.IJ.qRa<li~ e~pre(l'ed, and Ctbf;iA: mui 1 WIU vni(_nQ»•ntbJ[•et tQtht and the refl areinfolded. 1 ... , -Churchesrif fud<Awhichwere in Chrtft, Herc6rll wecl.car9e,thai th~fo,meofan u. Bui t~'} haa h,.rd•n•IJ/•m• [~]· Hee oath,b to bepl~i~1,e,a.nd dirc~in the name of JvhichptrftcuUJV!iNtimes paft, now prr4chrtb the