-----.....--Chap. r. the Epi~!e to the qatatians. ·185 tht faith whrch biforeh< ,Jiflrord· A whiCh Chri!Hauh, that hzs Di(Ciples bd<.. >J. A•d thq glurip<dGodmme. . . uing in him,fhould dogreater things, then he Here Pa•l anfwers an other obie~ion, had donejloh.r.pz.tor he byptcachmgdid which may bee framed thus: ThoughP••l oot conuert mulritudcs of rhc Iewes,& range l~arned nor the Gofpel ofthe Apoilles at lethem into Churches, as the Apofrles d1d. rufalem, yetmight he haply learnell ofthem Here agajn, wefee that the GofpeJ, by means in other Churches of ludea. To this Pa•l· of the corruption of 1n~n; is an occalionof anfwets three thmgs. The fir(! is,thath• went diwilion,, For afret th~tGofpel waspreached frqm [.ru(al<m into Syia, and C iliria. The feby the Apoilles, there arofe a tiiUIIiQn of cond,thath: WiU not k,.nown:inpn-fon to the ChHr· churche.among rhe lewes.Spme were Churchesof ludea, but onely by•hearcfay: and hee ches in·ChrHl,andfom~OQtof Cbrait 1 name- 'fetsdowocthe.reporrthatwentof him. The ly,the Synagogues which re(ufed ChrHI.We rlmd is, that the Churches of ludea did nor may nor rhetefote now adaies take offence, if difgrace& llaunder him, but.rhq glorified God fchifrucs and dilfenuom follow., where the for hi... O f thefein order•.Forthefiril, that, Gofpd(is preached: it is nor the fault ofthe Paulwentfroru Ierufalem ltraightmro Syria, B Go(pcl,it is the fault ofmen. I and Cilicia,the regwns of the,Gennles,there That P•"' might the better fhew, that hee , be two caufes.One,becaufePa"lwas ordamed was J.;nownt to the Chutches of rhelewes ,' ' fpecially to bee.the Apo!lle o(Jhe Gentiles, onely by heare-fay, hee expre!fesih.erepcn Act.9.15.Ro•n.rs.t6. The fecond,bccaufe that went ofJum. Hence I garhor,ir ie nor.v"'" Cihcia was his own cOPntrey:f9r he was born lawful) to reil and heare reports, or.newes, fo inTarfusaiownein Cilicia:and hisJoue to his be it,they be norto theprcmdiceufthe truth counrrey,no doubr,was great, Fc.r mthe l1ke uf the glorieof God, and thegobd name of l cale bee could haue wifhed himfclferobec acmen. Nay it is commendable to repott, and cutfed fur h15 couorrimen the Iewes, From hea« newes, that concerues the incteafe of thiS firilanfwer,l gathtt two things.FirG,ifa- · Godskingdorue 1 and the copuorfion of w1.c• nyApollleaboue the rell,be thePallour and ked men. · ::·~~ vniuerfall Bi010ppeof the,Church ouenhe In the report,two thingsare fer down,what whole world, it IS Pa"l,andnotfmr:becaufe Paul did? fieo•ce perfumedor,anddeflroledth< hee fpeciallywas ordamed to teach and con- (•ith:what henow doth?H•pr.ach<th•lit.Go(- ucrtthe nations. The fecond is,tharP.mlrof. pei.By thiswefee that verified whichijay foreten and dangerous iour.e_cles,mufi te~ch vs to c tolde,that the iyon,t:1e wolfe,the Jambe,&c. attend on our calhngs with care& diligence, fhould peaceably liue together. Againe,hore and not to bedifm~ied with the troubles that wee fee, that all rhmgs vpon earth, arefubied L11all befall vs. to changea,ndalre~auon: foas it may befatd, Thefecond anfwcr, that P~ttt/was knowne heretofOre it was rhus, and thus, bu't .now it ts to the Chri(lianIewcs,not by face,but byheauotherwife. Therefore ll1 mt!Cnes,wemay not [fa; :this may feeme firange,conlidermgPa•l be cucr-much gricued, for they arechanceawas at Ierufalem,and trauaded through Jury, ble:and in earrhly thU>gs,we may not reioyce intoSyr~a,and Ciilcia: but it is the ttuth: ana ouer-much, becaufe they are mutable,& tub- 'the rcafon ofir is.plaine. The office ofan Aied to dailyalterations.Ourfpecial catemufi 'jlofile, ii not tobuild vponthe fcundaton of be,to auoid etqnall and vnchangeablc <Uils; anorher,or tofucced any man in his labours, as dcarh,and thecau{cofdearh,namely,tinne; ' bur to plant & found the Church of the new and topurchafe to ourlclues,the~oodjhings T el!amcor, where Chrifl hAdnot bsnpr.achder wh•ch arceuerlafimg;namcly, tbcfauuiJr of ' ••med,Rom.t;.•o lnrhtHhcApolllead•f. God,and euetlalhng·lile. ... , . fer from all the Mintilers of the newTellaFurthermore, the thmgwhichPaulaimed ment whatfoeuer. And this isthocaufewhy D at, in p<tfccuting the Church, is tobee con- . Pautwas not knowne tu the Churches oflufidered, and that was, that hu might dtf/r'!] dea. Andhetewefee,that Succeffion (which tht farih. By fattb. weeare tovnderllandthe thcPapitls magnifie) is not alwaieaa note of do~rineof the Gofpell, and witball,thever. the true Church,and the true Minifierie.For tue,or gift offaith,wbereby it is beleeued:for theminifierieof theApol1Jes, and theApothe diuell and his inCtruments feeke the oilolicall Churches wanted 11. And thrs is for urrrhro'wofborh. Chrififaith, s.ranazua the greater commendation ofrhcm. r. (ift hiJ Dsfciplu, thatis, to liftall their airh ' , Againe,ir isfaid,that Paulwas nor knowne out of their hearrs, and toleaue nothing in to the,Churches of ludea, -which were in rhembutchaffe, Luk.u. 3•· Hererhen,it Chriil:Where lerir beobferued,rhat4.ycres may be dcmanded,whcther faith may belofi, after the afcenlioo uf thrill, the Apofiles fpecially in the children of God, in the time had gathered; and planted fundry Chrillian of temptation, and perfccution 1 I anfwer Churches in Iudca. Thisgreatlycommends thus:Thero bethree degreesof fairh,The6dl theefficacie, and powerofthe Golpell. For confills in two rhings,k.noll>/edgtofrheGofpel, 'hardnc:c of heart had ouer-fpread the nation andAJ!cnr to the truth ofit.This faith the diof thelewes,and they had reieded andcruciuels ltaue,and it may bcloil;and helceuers by fied the Lord oflife. And thus that is verified this faith, mar_qwre fall away. The fcc"~ l..l3 kinde -