t86 ACo!nmentarie 11pon Chap. r. - kindeoffaitb contal~l knowledge, atfem, A pre~ched, anil the Sacraments: the hand to a talleor ioy in thegoodnctfe ofGod,a zcale ree<i~e, is our faith. The giuing of pardon to the word of God, and apparenffruitcs of .is necetfarie:for though finne> beepardoned, holinclfe. This faith aJfo(bceing better then in the dcctceof God, by hio pron11fe in the the fotrller) may be loCI m theda~es of perfeword, and by procur<mencvpon thecrolfe: curion: and belccucrs by tlus faith(. mzyfall ,Y<tpardon is no pardon to vr, 11l11t be gium qUite away, Luke 8. t J. The third auh,(calvntovsbyGod. Furlhermor<, thisgiumgis led the fauh of the Elett) containes three not altogether at one ioCiaor, but it begi1111es parts, knowledge ofthe Gofpell, atfent to in chcconuerfion of aCinn(r, and isoften itcrhe trJitb .ofa, and appreheolion, whereby :r~ted in rhevfeof the word and Sacramaott, wee doe recciue, and applie Chri!l with his to the death. Paul wils the Cormrhians reI bene6rs to our(clues, or the promife of reconclled to God, Cl ill to bee reconciled, •· million of finoes, ana lifeeuerlaCiing. This Corinthians ;. 1. .1 . And wee ar.e taught, eucI faitb mJiy bee greatlywaCied, for rhmgs apry cay to pray to God, ro giue vsthe pardon pertainingto 1t may be~loCI, as bdJnelfe to B ofourfmoes. T h11 gtUmg u two·folde; concomevnroGod, thefcn!eor feclmgof fpindirionall, andablolure. Condltlonall,when wall-ioy, and fuch like. Againe, it may bee Godgmcathe pardon of fione•pon condiQuriedfor arime in the hcarrJ and not 01<:\\'lt !Ion. rhus in bapufmc, and 10 rhc firlt confel&,, eitherbyfruitts, orany profeUion' and uerlion d a finner,all finnes without excepin.r.efpettof rhe mcafuteof "• ir m>y be leftton,are pardoned ;yeafuture finncs: yet not Coned and maimed :and if~ce refpettthc na· limply, wherhera man repent or no, but vpI tureof it, it isasapr 10beelo!l, asony other on condtrion of furure repcnrancc. The abgrace of Go4: for there is nothing by nafolutc dona.cion is.,,.vben aman repents or re~ ' ture vnchangeable, but God. Neuerchenewes htsrcpcntance: for rhen the pardon of le.ffe, whereth1Sfa1thisintruth, iti1neuorby linnei• limply and fully wirhout condtrion, affiidion and remptarion put out or extinappltcd & reuc;~ledto theconfcience. \IVh<o guifbed: bccaufe God in mercy confirmcs it Dlluwi contclfcd ius fin, N Alh1111, in the name by new grace. Chrill fairh roPerer,l ha~u of the Lordfalrh, Th] fim><u jDrgiJ«otlm, z. pr•J<dJ.,. rh<~, thAtthJ faith f.,/e r.ot, Luk. u . Sam.l>. p. And this priuilcdt;e haueallrhegodly, Now then,rocome to the point,thect.ilde tor God promtfcrh,rhot thry fb•U ""bee ttmp- c of God hath pardon of hislall, m rcfpettof udAbo:tetl3drfirengJh, 1,Cor, 10.13. Indrcd the decree to pardon, in refpeCI of the gene. perfecutoraare fard to tlcllroy the fatth: berail prornife ot pardon, in rtfpea of the procawfc this is their tntenr, and they end.eauour curemenr ofpardon,in rtfpettofthecondtriro doewhatthey caA: but God preuenrs the~r onall donation of pardon, which is made in dcfires, byeCiabhfinngrrudatrh, that it may baptilme:and he may bcfaid rowan<pardon, not vtterly fade. io tharrhe pardon of hi!of!enceis not fully I; may be obiettcd to the contrary on thi< and abfolut<ly siuen him till he recouer himmanner: Thechild ofGod may fall 1010 perlclfe,and renew his repentance. If it be here feoutiOfl,and deny Chrltl: by this fall, hec is demaunded, what the childe of God askes, guilry.ot a great offence:being guihy,bc harh when he praics for pardon day by day I I annot pardon of hisoffeoce:and being ~>ithout fwer,he praicsfor twothmgs. Ftrfl, that God pardo.lltheis witbour faith. Touchmggudti· would continue to fi1cw h1.s fauour,and toim.. nelf<,lanfwer thus ' ThcchildeofGod when putcthemerirsof Chri!l vnrohim,whereas he f,ds,.fs indeedeguihy: bur how1Gudtie in he for his part byhisotfence, defcrues to bee refpett of himldfe, or as much as in him dcpriuedof all fauour. Secondly, hecaskeo lies: becaufe hehath done that which is •orthe giumg of .the pardon, that is, that God tbieof death, andheharh doneaUheecan to D wouId certlfie his confciencerhereof. makchimfclfe guilty. Bur he is nor gllllty to Thevfe.Sceing thcintenrofrhe diuelland condemnario, becaufe God on his parr,dorh wicked men, isto deCiroyrhefaith(uiropnot hreake off thepurpofe of adoption, and peares in this place, and 1n tile 6rll rernptartadiudgehim to wrath. on wherewith Sathan atfaulted Chri!l,Af.rh. Secondly, touching the pardon of his of4 )wee mufi hauca fpeciall care ofourfa•th.' fer.ce,I anfwer thus: In pardonrhere be foure And 6rCiwee-mufllooke tharour faith beea . degrccs:the decree ofpardo before al worlds: truefairh, leCiweebce deceiued,asthe fooltfh . the promife of pardon in rhe beginning of virgins. S<eondly,•·e muO kecpaod locke •·p the.world,Tbrfudofthr••m••,&c. Theprocur fauh mfome fafe and fure place, namely, curemeot of pardon vpon thecrolfe: and rhe in the Clore-houfe or rrc•(ury ofa good condenation, orrhe giuingof the pardon. Thts fcicncc,t.Tim. '-9· Thirdly,ourcaremull be donation is an attlon of God, whoreby hce ro incrcafe m faich, thar cur hearts may bee giucs andcomrnunic~tes Chnll vntovs, and rooted and grounded mGods Joue. t\nd for app!J<s to our confcienccs the renuflion of this caufc wce are to m3ke conrinulll cxperi.. ourfinncs. In lhisdonation,thcre is re(101red cnccs, and obfcrua<tons ofrheloueol God a hand to giue, and a h•nd ro recciue. The toward vo,and rolay them all together,and to hand vt God, whereby hoegiucs, is theword I build aioyfull ccnclulion rhereupon. The