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' Chap.2 . the Epiflle to the (ja!atianr. . The third anfwerofPAIIIIS,•rifi-. A tainesthree parts. The firil, ofP•sll iourneY td G•dfarme: that is, rhe Churches ot Iudea to Ierufalcm,in the firil verf.thefecond,ofh•s ~then the,v lleard ofmy calling, and conueruconference with rhe ApoCUes, in the • ·vccfe: on they conudarrd therein the power' the the thitd,ofthe approbation which theygaue go~dne!Te,and rhe mercy of God, and with him,from the J.verf.torhe n. . 1oythevgaue him thaukes for it. In this praIn his iourney,I conGderfoure thmgs.The ·aife ofrhe Church,we learne that our duty is fir£l'is,the Manner ofhis iourneying, mthofe tofandiRe and glorifie thename ofGod, in words,!went vp,orafe<ndtdt• l<rH(atem. And cuery ·worke of his. And rhis fancti6c'ati- ·this he fpeakes,becaufc Ierufalem was placed on !Jarh t. paru. The lirilis,thcconudera- , .andfcatcd vpon a mouncaine, andcompalfcd ~ion•of the·Diuine vertues that flmv rhem· wirh mountaines, againe,in rcfelue~in•eueryworkeofGod,as hiswifdome, fpe<ftofthe dignirie and excellencie of rhe power-,iufilce, mercie, prouidence, prefence 1 place, as we in England arc fa id togovp to &c. Thefecondis,praifeand thank(giuingro London, from all theputs of the land, beGod forthe fame. And this practiCe muU b"- ,caufe it isrhe chiefc ciric. ~nlargedtoall hisworkeswithourexceprion, B The fecond thing robe conudrredinrhe to his audgemenr.~, as well as to his workcs of iourncy is, the time when, i:l thefe words,f1i,.,. mercie. Therefore we arc commaunded in 4/ttrfourume; Here two qucttionsare perfcquurlonr• (an£lifie G•d in•ur heart!, J, to be conGJered. Thefiril1s, et which of hiS Pet.J.l7.AndM ifu, becaufe he failed in the .iournies mnil this be vnJerilood / (forhe doing of this dury,was barred rheland of Ca· m 1Jcfiuc iournies toIcrulalem.) The firil, paan. Numb. zo. u. In England God hath from Arabia:thefecond,~>hen he and Barnawroughrhiswondrousworkesamongvs. He ba& were fenrbyrhe Churchofrhe Gentiles hath giuen vs peoce and protection againI! ro c~riC'IInestolerufalem : rhethir~, when our enemies, with the Gofpel forrhe fpace of he went ro rho Councell at Ierufalem: the 4o.yearesand more. And ourdury isro glo· fourrh, when he went vp forthe keeping of rifie God 10 thefe workes ofhis: but ala!, we his vowe:the!ail is mentioned, Act. '9· u. doe it nor. fortheGofpeloffaluarionislitle An(rwr. Thefe words are not fpoken ofrhe regarded ofthe moll, and little obedience is firll,for that was but three years after his conyeelded tr> it, This neglect ofours;inglorify. uerfion : neirher can they well be vnderilood lngand prailingofGod, is a great finne: and C ofrhefecond: betimfe Paul then was fentby it llands vs in hand ro repent of it berime,lell the Church,and thereforehe went not byreGod rakcawoy hiswordfrom vs,and leaue vs uelatlon. And they cannot wdl be vnderto I!range illulions,ro beleeuelies. ilood ofthe third: for then PAHI would here Ag•ine, here 1vefee what is the right man. haue mentioned the Councell of Jcrufalem, ner ofhonourmg of the Sainrs,and rhu is,to whereofhe wisa principall member, lpccialglorifie God in them,and for them.As for relyfcelng hebath occauon foro doe,and itferi•giousworfl•ipofadoration and inuocation, ued much for his pureofe. The fourth, and it IS proper to God: and the Saints deurc it fifth iourneie• were after a longer rime then nor,Reuel.u.9. fourrecne yeares. It is likely therefore, that CHAP. z. 1. Thm r4·1~~ruafic' I wttJtvp againe to](,. ru[11lmJwithB4rn.tb.u, and took! with me Titm al(•. 1. And 1went hJ reuelatim, ~nJcammunic4uJ.,ithth<moftb• GofPe/l,r>hich lpuachAmong the gentiles)but priuaufJ with them thttt wn-e th1 chi<(,l</16] •'!} m<A nu Ifoould runn•, orhadrun mvame. I N thischapter, Paul proceedcs roiuilifie and defend his immediate, and extraordi– nary calling.And this wholechapter feems to depend on the Iall words ofthe former chapter, againil which the Aiucrfaries of Paul might h•P.IY ob.icCI on this manner: Though thcCburohes ofludeaglori6eGod forrhee,yet •·ill northe ApoO!es doeir; be– caufe thou teache(l otherwife the they reach. 1To.thisobicction, Paul makes a douhlcan· , fw<r,inlhischaprer.Theelfcct andfumme of I \he fir!I is this:I went to Ierufalem: 1conferreo with the Apoilles there: I had rhmcon– {ent,al1d approbatiOn. ARd the an(wer conthis iourney here mentioned, and defcribed by Paul, is none of the liue mentioned by Lu~,but fome other.Thefecond quellion is, When thcfe fourreenc yeare< mufl beginne1 A•f"'· It IS vncerren. S<>me rbinke, they muCl beginne at his conuerfi"on ; fo"me three D yearcs after, when Paul went firll tolecufa– lem:and either may be • truth. None mull here tak,e otfence.For though ciicumClo:mces oftimcJndpJace, becing tha:gs· ment dnnot alwaies be certenly gathered, yet h1ilories for theiro fobllance and do. Clrines perraimng to faluation are plamly fct downe. And here we are put inmmd.robc content ra be ignorant 10 fomc thmgs, be~ caufethefpirit of Go) bath moredarkely ex– prelfed rhem,or againe becaufewe cannor,by reafon ofour blindnes, gather rhem. The third point is, concerning the compa· nionsof Paul in thisiourney,Flt(meJy,Barnlf.· G.,,andTituJ, AndPaul takes themwithhim, thatthey might be wirnetfes to the I ewes of thedo<'lrine heraughr arnong the Genrilco: &againe,to the Gentiles of the confent chat wasbctwcenehim, and the relloftheApoQ..4 ltles.