----~~--~--~~~~~~~~?C~~--~~--~~---· f(:hap. z. the,E;ijlle. tp}he.q.alt~.~ianr. 18~. GoJ. VponchJO, oy' <jo,tirine•,chey further I A An~ by,this ql!;:lnes, many·':".er~ kept from vpqraid v•, thaP'l• wil\bo trted ~y nothiqg, rececuing the (;j.ofpell, and rhefa~th or weakc but,l!y che $cr•ptqF!'I', euen as ,<,iJe· mal~fa. beJ,euers W3!·g~epche~. No,. chen, ihc end tl<>iJr,.char will'no;!>.c.Jr!~J 11Y the ~ell,bur ofrheconfer~,m;e,was,t~ (lay rh•s falfe report, by ~~·~·~ide~~e.l,.,\>(w.er,for rhefatiStying of rhardl~ Mm\~'~leJof P••l m•ght haue p~f; our.aduerfarica, w.e[~Jbmzc our Cclue~ ~9 the fage,anq tliac_\.\;Jt.ngrcater profir. : rr;i~ll of rhc Church and Ccuncds, To be ir, H~nc~ the J?¥P,'.fis.garhcr,rhat tbe dochin.e rherhr~ecautlnns beforeremem~rcd,bedn. ofP~•/':"~s,rocfrrcn, and vnpr~firable, til11i lyqb(cr.ued: fpecially, thar all things be iudwas approou,4 .br P'i"'· I an(we,r l.that Paul. i ged and tried by the wmren word,an. dby rea- (o~ghr rpc •hpso,barwn ofhcs dochme.at th.c_ / Ionsgathered thence. ,.. , h~ndsot f."tr;~'ld.rhc re£l:not &ecau(e 1t w~• Againe, the Papi.lls hencegar,her, that the vnccrtcn,an,o,v•\Profirable,bur becau(e •r w,as i Scriptures •re to be approoued by the flau_~Jered: &1J;le flaundero•as!~hat hc,ra•ght. , Church. A•[ ....Thus much we grant:y_,r (o,as orberw1fe then fmr d1J. No~ tocur off <hi} we hold, that rhe principal! approbationof fi•un,der,he rfer~ meatics to mansfe(l his con-· , r!\e word, (whereby we are .mooued to be· Cent withPmr, and rherelore.C«kes approbac lceueandobey)isthewor4, &from the word, B tionar hiS hanJ. _ • and not from the Church. ForrheScriprure Ag•ine when P•ul(airh, L4flfoou!dru,.,, ' h.uh hts euicicncl!wirhin tt Celfe,wf11ch ls (uffii,vain~. heg1uesva ro vndcrfi.aoJ, that eh¥ 1 c1eilt romakevs belecue tbeword eo be the Mindlerieofthe word, is nota~orkcof cafe,, 1 ·•ord, though the Church thou!d (ay no· or pleafure, bur alabour 'nayacourmued I,a-, rhing. i:lour, l1ke ro the runmng marace:. It· were~ 1 The third pointis,concerning theper(ons, 'cheretore eobewilhed, that M1mtlers ot the u·irh whom PaulconferreJ:namely,n·•m rh"" q~(pel,woulJ,CoJ.bour,and walkem thiS calthllt were th~chiifr,that is,with them that were lmg~chat theym1ght be able ti>Tay n·ith P4ul~ . mpric~ andaccou:1t,as Pettr,l4mfs,&c.Herc I!J-!u~ f;ught a goadfight~ I h1111e {in1{bed m; : we fee, whar is thehonour andwo~Q1i p that is cl)ur(c,&c. :.TlfP.4. Jucto excdlcnr men, )'lamely, apr~tious and TtmJJy, hence it appeares, that all bdeercu~rend e£limarion. Thus the 9a.meo! DAuers lhc.uld hauea ccrre., knowledge of rhecr mdw~sof price in lfraeJ for hi• verrues, 1. latth an,dreligi~n. The procuringofthis,was Slm,l8.iaii ,And chuswirh the Papi£ls,arewe rhe tlli~g th•r Pa•l aimed ar, in thio confeconrenrro honourrhe Saints. Agame, here ferencewirh the Apvllles at Ierufalem. We rhe Papdh gather, rhatthey are hereticlces, C "'"(!norb•.uchlfJ.,n, c•rri<dar>aJwithfH"'J rhatafter Pauls esample, will not goe vp ro ,.,.d"f "''!.''"', Eph 1 4. ~4, Gods word re- , Rome toPmr, :;nd hiS luccc!~our, to haue 'q01res~~irh 111 v.s,: aqdfa~rnprefu;>polcth<errheirdot!rineand religion rried and ex<m!- '•en k~gwledg~.,,The ti~(l, · and(ccondcomned. I anfwer, firfi,wearccontent tabetned mandem~nt11 r'qu,re,diat we knO\~o· God,and by the wri!ings ofPet,.,.,·lam", f,h,,P••I, &c. nuwill; dolh!JguJih him fr01nfalfe godo, and · And thisis rhecowmaundem<nr of God, in ·1i• worlhtp hourta!CeworThip. ff<r< corned doubrfullca[es:Toth<L•w•nd totheu(ls"''";,, rhe fault ofour times to beconGdercd: mo(l l.fai.S .. 1 o. Secondly, lanfwer,thatwe haue a •qenamop\1 v,s, d~e not know theirrehgio~ c<)mmaundcmenr, not wgocvp t-? Rome at A foulc ncg~lgSEJ~~·Wetake paiQes ro IeillhJ: th,.day,ro haue,01,ir r.eligion tried..Reu,18.4 t1;adcs~nd oc~parions, that w~ may hau~ q''ll'f~tof Ba6J1•.•~7people. Thinj!y; I an. whrrewith to .r.referue this tempor~Jl life; (wcr, rh~'rhe Bilhopof Romei~ P•(mlucwhat a lhame then cscl, that we learpe r.Ot "e!fQU[,not io tqchmg,bur indcnyr~gCht~JI, l;>.erter to know rhc doClrir.e of truer~l!g{/in; t\n<! the learned Papifls confetfe, that for whereby ourfoulesare to bdaued I · thisfucccflion,t~~JIhaue but a humane faith, · ·· ,, La!lly,l~t;r'ewdearne,rharrheoffice0fih~ grounded vpon huwane h1lloqe. ' · D Min•£t'"'•9PJ only to teach and pr•~>!!•.b'ut Th,c fourth point io, the End ofrpe confe· •(fo ro liu.iy1~pd take carc,h 0 wby pre~~!"fl~ rence, bj/1P,ould runn•,thalls, ldli lhouid he maydoe the n)o£l f.OOd. · ·, · pr.c::a.ch,or flad preached invainc.Tbefewords I 3·· B"'t'lettfotrz ct VrNJ~ w,hifh ~41~i'th!i./~~ of P•ul, ~re norfimplyto be taken. For.rhc thD~tgh h~wcr,e• t;l_tecian;wMc~pt,Uedto /ucirlvlmlilcne ofman ,and eueryfermon ,bungs cumci ~"td. . · forrb_rhe fruit which God bathappo!nred. _After t~e. tonference, follo~osrhe~~{ i\ndwherhcntbevnro the hearers, rhe fa· prob~tiOI>,'\hlfhwasg•uenroP•u/, Ir£landl uour o! hfe,orrhefauourofdea~h,•w alwa1e1 in foure r.hing,. Thr fid), that rhe Apu!l!es aJw~ct fa~our vn~? God.Theword.sthcrfo.re Jid norcompeltTttHstnbt Clrcuillnte~. v: '3: ~ame rhc; meamng: Le£l IDY ,p,reachtng , Thefecond, rhar rhey ad~ed noth<ng r.~ h\' lhou)d be oflelfe vfe, and profir:or agame,ldl dodr<ne, y 1 ~·Therhird,rh~r rhey gau<hiin I nlOuld preach 10 Valne' m rcfpcti of rhac ' !b• hand.ofte!lowth•p. v.7·· The I~H,rhorat A'\Od wh1ch li looked for ar rhe hands;of an ', \Hs d,epartnrc, they required ot him norh•ill;; ApoG!e, And thiS P••lfpeakes,becau(ea rubur rhe giumo ofAlmes verf.l o. '' ' 1Tt9r went abroad; that his doChme inm:my For rhe firfi; the words And Titt11 Ja<M ~~~ rhing11)was conrrarie to the mher Apo!Ues. comptOtdto!u.fircllmcljeJ,, ~arncihis (wfc! ·/i for .,