Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

fp-o ·ACommentarie :vpon -.. Chap..;z. . =- : for my part was leadie to drcuillcif< Tims; if A by his exafuple,Hurr €hr'tllianlibcrty. .., . \ th'ere ha'dbeene Ame~re -occaliori: falfe breLikewife , ·the good !awes ofmen,.,hether thren would Hab'e'im~ofcJ a 'rtecclliric vpon 1 ciuill or Ec~ll:fia!licall; ·reiiding to rhecom• 1 •·s:rhen I ondTitusreh.'fcd i and rhe Apollle< moo go6d, and feruing:for' edification, repid norvrge me ro circumc_;IC him. ·· firain~rhcV;fcof rhing~ilid.llfeient, -fo·thar . i .,. ti•reit maybe dema~nded! !1o'v r~is tex_t 'I they whicli O>all do'o!he'iwife.then rhcfelawe• can,well·nand Wllh Ad.t G.v'.J.far rhore P••' command;with acontemptuous, or diOoyall. citcumciCerhTimothie,oGrei:iarl\ ana·here he ' minde,areguilty before-God; yet hcrC'IIVO r~fuf~th to ctrcpmcife.Y.tJ;i,l)~dit$h:h~wcre a cautions mun be remembicd. One, tha~r!le ier.!cian. la'nfwet'th~s. C\rditndllonwasat I lawesofmendoe not change the nature of f.b_is't(inc;a·thinginditfcrchr.From the fir[\'iii•· i things indifferent: for it is•the properrie of •[\iiuiidn,ro ihc'comming,:lnd !peciallytothc God,bywi!llnf; thisor rhaf, to make it good, (death of~~ri.1l,it was arhihg!'ommandc?,.." ! or euill.Neithcr doe they rake away the v[c of ~~f'a~~nt,an,dap~rr of Gods ~'orfl1ip. ··:A:, i things indifferent. For Jib'cf!iegrauntcil oy • l&~!fl<,aftci'J~c P,l~wi~p oftl1c Cliurch ofrfue [oucraigne power, caiinoi be rcuerfed·bv an n·~T .'l!alll~nt;lt wasvrrerly abohflicd,and a 'B inferiourpower. Therefore humane!awe'sdo !thin;;inrefRcdofvfe, vrrcrly vnlawfull. In· . nomore,buttempcr,and moderit!e,thcoue~- klie middlenn'ie,that is,whilerhcGofpellwas , eo:non vfe·of thmgs indlfferent.Thcfccond liri poblilhlng to the w'orld, and rbc Church cautionJS,1' hatwhen theend ofalaw·ceaf<rh, (6f rhc pew Tefiamcntwas yetin foundtng,it 1 when there is no contempt of theauthoritic was accrernome free,or!ndrffcrcnt. It may be 1 that made rhe Jaw,when no offence is giuen: a .obiedc'd,thot the\vholeCcremOJi~allJawwas 1 rhing.indiffcrcntremaines in hiS free v{cwitb- 'abblilhed in the'death of Chrlll: Ianfwcr,it ' out linne,or brcoch ofcon[cienco. ' 1 \~i'sfo:and circu'mdfion \Vas a~bHlbed, in re~ Againe,herc weJearn'e;thar athing inditfefpeel~ffaiih,ao1fconfcicnce:ycifo, asthe vfc rent, when it is made necelfarie tofaluation, . .r"iiircofwas fcftt<irheliberricohhe people of (as ClrcumcHion was) isnotto bcvfcd. This jGo~.for~ while.~ C1rcu~~~!:i'Goq at this time concJufion fcrues ro ouerthrow the Poptfh \W'~s ~saCorps thal is dtad, jcr vnburi~d, ~tnd onetr religion; For it fiands in the obferuation of !didoM;and (bit muil r'erilainC for a time,that things indifferenr>as mcats,drinkes, apparell, ibnaybcburicd with honour. Irmayagatn'e times,&c: And rbcvung,' orthenot vfingof h!'obicctcd, tba!Baptifine was come m the C them is made nccelfarie euen in regard of (o"omt of circo.mcifion : aqd. that therefore mans faluation. For the abllinence from ~rc.umbfion \Vas but 3n idleand cmprjeceret things that arc: by natureindiffercnt,is made a iD.Inic: ·1anfwcr; it was ndt vfca as a Sacra· , part uf Gods wor!hip, and meritorious ofe· lrri!nt at this iiine, ot ~sapart•of Gods war- ' ternall!ife. 'For cxamplc:tomarrie, or nor to 1 thig;or aS :t'rer ofn~ceflirie,butonelyas a ~ marrie,is for nature a thing indifferent: aad fi-Cc!ceremonll:._,and t11at·oncly then, when If thereforewhen abflinence from marriage it ~~<laeiito'thecUifi\:ationofrnen: ' · made necelfario(as io is in,diuers orders of -· Bc~ingthbrarhmgindittcrent,itmightas men and women)the nature of the thing is bccaGbn feiiicd b·evfcd,ornot vfcd.Therforc changed,whi,h God harh le[\ free, and Jti'sa l~•"ccfridefdn:ding io t~e \\le:rkcnctfeof ~h~c dodnneofdiuels;which istaughr. - 'ficlecilingTcJes', wcumc1fed-T•m"h"!atill Here againc weJearnc, to make difference !\l~t'h~"n\jghin'oh>fc_n~ t!ic'godly, and h1~- ofpcfrrons, ·Somearc weake, fomeareoblli· aer th'rtlh'an tlS~rll~ ,'He tefufCdro circuinJ nare. Weake ones arc (uch, as hauingturncd t?i~'.htu~; '.JIJ , 1 '--' 1 '' ., t 1 1 vntoGo~aodcarryingintheir heartsapur- •'''HJr~'~M~atfl~clllon'i~anfwered,whetllcr pofe in'aUthings to plcafc God,neuerthcletfe W,J! 'f.!"Y vfe tb'm'?' in'dlffercnt,as oft aswe )VII, docfundnet~mgsarnJlfe,>vpon limple1gnoan8 ha~ J'c ~~11: TheanTw'cr is, No. Thmgs :P rarice,or-baddecunome, tillthey be better in-' l~~ri6rcalied md1ffcrchi, bbc~ufc!wc may vi~ " formed.Of d1cfe P••' liirh; that h'r becAmeaU 8\Vrlfii>dttfercntly, ornotvfe them when we to•O,th<t6tmight(•Nr(omr, 1.Cor.9.u. And v,;ill, >!!~ h_o~ we.~vi!l.: but )>~caufe in'themfortheir fakes he condcfcended to circumci(e r!;(Tie,,or in tlic!_ir own nat~re, they are"f"b~r Timothir, And if WC tl->a! naucfcarce. droppe gobd nor cilill;and we may vfe them well, oi ofmercie in vs, m~ll rhus beare wirh them iU and"¥~ tl}?.Xagairye not xfc tl,l~n~ well o~ C· char arc weikc,much morewiJ God doir,\vho urrr: )'tirthcimore,there be 1\VO thrngs which is meicie it (elfe. The good fllephcard brill!! ~qra!p~c]1Cv(edfrp~ggs inditf~rcmt! t~hela~ hom~rh~flraJ(ne~pe Vf()n his/hollfd"'J: b~ ca:r:n ofchariric ~nd ttlclawcs6fm~n. 'fhe lawof hisl!imb! iiih11bofomr. m. 4o. 11. He m/In" chf~lti_els';his, Th,ingt indijftr~nt!••.h•c,afe 1' thrfmoll/;!ngflaxe,lfa.4z.Hejpamthem (c~n,~~ll,Ccafe '.Jnd· ~r~ M'thmgs; thiltftart hjm,tu afather fP,zrct hu chtld, Mal. !'1orall 1 that is,c.ttherforhtddent 1 0rcot'nmaun-! 3.17. THis bCeing a!wa1eJ11 remembred,~h~t qe~.J""If•ith,lftocate Aen,,bc ro the offence!' · i,·eakc onestmly ruroe to God, and came m lit his brother· 1 'bcwill care nil A'e!h while the theirhearts ah hone[\ purpofc notro finneaworld llanJs,J.Cor.S. 1 3· And though hccir-1 gainll hislawes at any rimcwirriogly,and wi!· cJhicifedTimoth;e; y'ct would he notcircum, Jingly.Obllinarc per(ons,arc fu~~ as pro~ehe ,oifcTitut,Jell he·fllould offend rhe gocjly, and ' the (aith,and ycr hoiJ and pro~hlc bad thmgs I ~