Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

.. 1 94 .ACommentarie )!pon Chap.2. and c:xrraordinarie cafe,ic may bee otherwi{e.. A And the manner which Paul vfeth in com– mendmg of himfclfe,isto be obferued. Firtl, hee doth it in great moddlie: becaufe in (pea– king of himfdfe, hce concealcth that part of the tcntcncc,which lhould haue ferued to ex.. pretfe his praifc. Secondly, in praifing of himfdfe,heeis nOrcarried with enuie, but his care is,ro maintainethe good name ofrhereO: of the Apo11les;1vhcnhefaith,Whar th•J haut hir.JtUnomatttrtome. Here then we fee, that rheAtheitls dde Paul wrong, who challenge him for pride aod prcfi1mpt10n,asthough lle could not brookean equall,and withallskor– ned rolearneofany. Againc,by PJtu!Jexam· pie wC are ro take notice of aCommon finnc. B Mens hearts arefo polfctfed with felfe-loue, and they are fo add•Clcd to their owne praifc, that it is griefeto them, to hcarcany praifcd bclide therufelues: whereas loue bindcs vs as well tn take careforrhegc.od name ofothers, as ofour ownc. VVhen Paul faith, Wh~tttbty were in times paft 1 it matursnottom~: we learn~, that we are toeflccmc of men, not as they haue bccne, hut as theyarc. P~rer,lamu,and /oh»,though they had becne fither-men, yet are they ho– 'noured Apofllcs. fhereforcwhen men haue repemed, wee may not vpbraid them with their liucs pall. Neither may wee rakeoccation toconcernne them that bee in authority;becaufewehauc knowne wh:tt they haue beene heretc(ore: buteucrymanisto C bee clleerued according to his callmg,and ac– cording totbegraceof God giUcnhim. Like is Gods merciful! dealing towardvs. For he accepts men, not as they h:tue beenc, b'ut as they are when they repent, ThercforeifSa– thanOiaff at any time obied thy hfepall: fay vntohimchus: r~umer.ot what lhauebune: bttttefl mewhatlam,a71dlvhatl '¥Pili Vr. This fufliceth when we repmt. Godacapteth tht per(cn if noman.] By per– Con is meant, nor the fubllance of aman, or rhe man himfclfc, bur the outw~rd quahtie orcondition ofmao 1 as counrrcy,fcxe, birth, condition oflife, rkhcs, pouertie, nobllitie, wifedome,learning, \l<c, And God isfaid,nor D t04cupt theperfon, becaufe heedothcallm~n, beflow his gifts, and giue iudgement, accor– ding to hi, owne wife and iu(l ple•fure, and nvt according to the outward appearar.ce, and condition of the perfon. Reade Job 34· 19. It m•y beobieCled, that God dealesnot equally with them that are equal! : becaufe all men arc equal!inA dam. and of them hee chooferh fome to eternal! life, and refufe•h others. I anfwcr: bee is faidtoaccept pcr– fom,thatdea.lcs vnequallywirh men, be~ing bound todcale equ•lly: now God is notthus bound : bccaufc he is a foucraigne, and abfo– lJurc Lord ouerall his crcarurcs,•nd may doe I with hisownc what bewiii,Math.zo.J6. Se– condly,ll may becobieCled, tlmGod hadre– fJPearoAbcl, •ndhu (•cnfice,G<n.4.4· An(. I The condition ofman is two-folde, outward, m~ard. Ourword,Oands mworldly,andciuill re!peels. Inward,flands in apure heart, good confc1ence,and faith vnfained. For thio one– ly was Abtl refpeCled,Hebr. ''·4. Though God accept not the outward per(on, J'' in,_ uer1 ~a/Ion~ hu th4t fear~th God, i4 tte&tpted of h1m, ACl.t o. )4. Thirdly,it m•y be obieded, that God itidgetb euery man according to his workts. An[. Though workes appcarc outwardly,ycr the roote and ground of them ia in the heart. And the iudgemcnt ofGod is a_ccording to them, asrhcy are fruitesof the laith of the heart. Thevfe. Allmenarcinthistobelikevn– to God their heaucnly Father: nor accepting pcrfoos mrhm dealmgs. A1 Magi!!rates in the execution of iuflice, Deur. 1, 17. Mini– Hers in reaching, and in the reproomng of finne,Mark.J1.14.and all bclccuers,who are not to bauc reltgion in acceptation of per~ fo!ls:lam. J z.I. This acccptatroo is the ruinc ot focieties.And ir isthccurumon f•ulr. For vfually deClions are made, offices bellowed, and iulliceFxecuted with partiality, and" ith blmde refpeCls to countrcy, kindred, friend– Oup,moncy. Secondly,wcarc a! taught to feare theiudge– ment of' God, and to prepare our felues with all diligence,thatwc may be found worrhie to flandbeforeGodin thatgrcatday, Forwee mull come naked before him, and bee will haueno rcfpetl: to our birth, our riches, our learning. Therefore I! rs good ~vs now to puton ChriCl,that in him wee may beaccep– ted.For with him theFather i1 well pleafed. Thirdly, \l'ee maynot [et our hearrs vpon 1he outward things of this world : becaufc God doth not rc{peCI vs forthem. But wee arc earne11ly to fecke afm the things that make vs accepted with God; as true faith, righteou(nelfe, and good confcicnce, Rom. '4·'7· Againe, fuperious mu[! be admonithed to dcalc moderately with their lnferiours, Co– lotf. '·''· Againe, infetiours are to comfort themfclues if they beopprelfed: in thatGod theIudgeofall,accepts no perfon•. LaU!y,hereweclearr.e,rhat when wefl1all haueimmediatc fellowOJipwith God in hca– uen,all outward tcfpcd ofpcrfons !hallceofe. God himfelfe, and the Lambe Chri11 Iefu•, thall be all in all tothe EleCI. In the ende of theverfe, PaKI addC!: For thqcomrntmicattdnothing tonu.Bur to the con– rrarie, Rom. 1.11. may be cbicCled: where Pau/defircs tocomctoRome, thathumight btcomjorttd b]fhtirmHtHAII f•ith, bothhi~and 1heir~. An[. Though the Apofllcs did com– municate norhir.g to Pa•l, in refpeCI of do– ctrine or iudgement; yet might they, orthc rneancUbeleeuers, conferre fomcthing vnto him,in rcfpcetofcom(orr,orthe~on~rmati· on ofhis fanh:and thus much he hgmlltth to cheRomanes. Hereisagoodiumfor them that -