Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.:z. theEpijllet'Jtheqatatiam. 195 r that come to 110 Sermon.r, becaufe they can A Th1sminor is omittcd,yet the proo(c ther~... f Jearne nothing.Pot the cafothey wereas Iearof, is fet downe thus: For they (awe the efli· ned ~s the Apoi!les, yet mtght the):'profi rin cacie of my minifferie among the Genti!<s, bearing, in rcfpec'l: ofcomfort,.of .latth, and and the grace ofGod that was with me.Th<r· good affeCiion. . fore they acknowledged me fortheir fcllow7. B•to• theCDntrarp•htn tluy fin• tiJatthe Apo!He,&c. · q.;ptll••tr th# rmcir~llmcifion w.u commmcdv•· The vfe. This text m~~·~notably aga,inll 1 , me, Jf! thcGojjJe/ ot~er tl;tcircm»cifion~ w.u to tbe Primacie oi Peter. F}rll thercfore,Jct V~ Perer. .. :.. pbfcrue the ordinance of God here plamly 8. (For he r! 1 at.>;M4 mighty&;Pem intht Aexprellcd, that Pa11/ lhould bee tbechicfeApof/lefbip oH<r the mmmcl}ion,w;u aifomighl] fry pel!le oftheGentiles,andPmr t~echiefe A· "'' 18wardtlu Gentiles.) poi!/e of rh e Iewes. And thi• Il!•Y elfewhere 9· And>•hu;Iames,andCephas,••dlohn, bee gathered. For the commillion of rhe k._new thegract•fGqdthAt"'"'!.'"'" to me,which twdue Apo(lles tanne rhus,tbat thqmuflftrj ~reaccounudpillt~rtlht] g~tflctO m~,and to Barpreach to lrrufaltm and Ittdut, rflep to s llfJJIITi4: nabas,therighthandoffel/ow[hip,!hatwe fhoHid B andin the lajl plau," thevttermoft p<rtofthe preachtrnheGenti!u,4ndthey Circttmci· et~rtb, Ad. 1.8. And Paulscomn:._iliipnwas, ji.n. that bee lhould fir{\ preach to the Gentiles, The word& of more dii!icQity are thus to and in the fecond place to thepeople of Ifbe explaned, [C•nlrAriw•[•] that is, they did rael, A/1.9 16. It may bee obiet!cd, rhattl>e communicate nothing to mee in wayot corcommi!l.ion ofaH the Apofiles, was to goc rcdion, but on the comrarie; they gaue me inro aJ thewor1d,&topre.\ch toa! men with· rhe hand offcllowOup. Againe, the word• out exception, Mar~• l<i.t;. Anf~rtr. This [circumcifion, and vnfircHmcl{ton] fignifie the power and libcrric, Chrifl gauc to aH the nation ofthelewes,and rheGentdes,theone: Apollles, andhee did not take it awayaft~r-' · circumcr(ed, the other vncircumcifed. And! ward: neuerrhcle!Te; hee ordered it bya fe• whenP.,•I fairb, rhat the gr•ccof Gpd wa~gi· cond decree, rhat Paul flwuldfp~cially haue . uen " him, bee meanes fpecially, the gitt of care of the Gentiles, andPmrof thclewes. an Apo{\le,Rom.t.), La(\ly,llgiHtth.right And this the Lord did in great wifcdome, band off•il•wfhip to P.•Hi, is to ei!eemeandacthat confulion ond difcord might bee auoi· kno\\'l,dge him for their colleague, or feJ. ded,andaregardbadofalprouincesthrough lpw;;'\pollle, by giuingtbertghthandinto- C rheworld• . ken thereof. > Hence it followes,tbatthe primacieofPeThe c01itents ofthe words are thefc:Here ter~ oucr I ewes and. Gentiles, is a fuppofed PaH/ fets downethe third figne of his approdung. Forthe orumance of God is,thatFrbarion, namely, that the chiefeApo(\Jes acttrll¥~1! be cbiefe ouerthdewu, and not '"" knowledged him for their fellow·Apollle, theljentiles, which were almo!l a)l theworld verf.9. Secondly, hee fers downe the manbdide.And thus the ft1premacie ofthe Pope ner, how the chiefe Apo!lles acknowledged goesro cheground,for if hecholde of Frltr, thiS fellow1hip: and that was, by making a and fucceeuc h1m mauthomie,andoilice,(as co4enant withPRul, that bee Jhould preach bee pretends) hee mull challenge a fuperioto the Gentiles, and Peter to the Iewes. rityouerrhclcwes, andh~ehathnothmgto .ThJrdly,heefets downerhe impuiGue caufe, doe with vs. For P•ul was chiefe ouer the that mooued the Apoi!Ies to.receiue P••l to Gcntiles,and nor Pttrr. · their fdlow01ip: and that was the decree of Secondly, thi< ordinanc. ofGod giues vs God,,whercby heordaincd,thatPa•l fhould to vndetlland, thatthe,place, Matthew 16. b<~ the chicteApollletr> the Gentiles, and tH, ThDH Art Peter, ••d "f'" thi< rock_ewiO 1 P•tcr the cluefe ApoOlo amongd1e !ewes, D h•tldmJCh•rch, &c. and J wiO giue thee the vnfc 7· L>{\ly , hee fcts downe the fignes, keiesofthekingdom< of heauerl: doth not con· wbcre!ly the Apo£Hcs knew, that P~~oHt was taine apronu!e made to Petn-, ofaprimacie ordained the Apo{\le of the Gentiles :and ouer all theApoi!/es,andouertheCathol!ke they are two; the grace of God giuen him, Church.lfChn!l had meam•nyfuchthino, and rhe power of his minill:erie among the inrhcfcwords, heewou1d not haueaffignc 0 d Gentiles, verf. 8,9. Furtbermore,che tbings thelcwes 10 Pettr, and all rhenat1ons of the herecontained, are in a Syllogtfme difpofed "·odd betide, to P•nl, Thuswe fee, how this thus : text,fOr many hundred yearc:s,h:uh beene a· When the Ap•f/les fawe.that 1 w.u ordained the bufed,and is Jhllatthisday. chi,fe Ap•f/l,.fthe Gentiles, andPcter<iftbe Thirdly,itisfalfe which the PapiOs reach, }ewes, the] ac"-.nowledgedm< for tbd, feHow. that the place mS.l•hn, Fe<de "'1 lamb't.and,, 1 6 Apo/1/e, 11nd made 4 coumant with me, th;~t I Jude myjbecpe, giucs apnmade toPerer,oucr foould preach tot/, Gentiles, andJ?etert• the the whole WC> Id, For bv the ordinance d Iewa, God, this feeding of lon•bcs,and lheepe is liBtu 111hcn!wa.s wit!Jthemat ltrufolem,the] {4w mitcd to the nat100 ofthe Iewes. ' that ! "'·" DrdAined the chief< .dpof/leof the La!lly, whereas Eufrbrw faith in his Cbroc~ntiltt,andPctcrcfthc lewn. niclc,that Ptta was BUhcpofRomc,~nd fate R z there