196 - ommentarie "Rpon Chap.z. there zs.yeares,l!hath no likelihood oftrurh: A thatgraceu notinfeparably annexed,and tyforth en P"" liued in the breach of an exed to the word pr eacbed, forrofomeit istbe prclfe d5rnJndemcntofGodJtOr a long time: iauour af death,to dearh. The third is that becau(e thelewes were hisfpeciall charge. · tha preachingof rhe word is-an extern:u inA,3aine,ft is to be ob(erued in this te~r,rhat llrumcnr of fiuth, and rogenera1ioo >and the l11.rms, Peur, Iohn,are made equall,all beeing proper effettof 11, is tO declare,or ro.figtlifie. · ·piUars ;<tnJ 14mu~S fir(l oamed;and that not And it is an in!lrumem; becaufe, when the wirl'rout c-aufe. For not Ptter, but lAm's was mmr!lers ofthe word,doby it lignifieand dethe Prefidenr of the Counccll of Ierufalem : clare,whatrs to be done,andwhat is the wilof becaurc hee~akcthelall, and concluded all, God, the Spiritof God inwardly cnligbtens Att.rs.r;. hercfore the 6rllnaniingofPcthe mindc,and inclines the heart to belecue & ter,!n orher places ot Scnpture,is nofufficient ~bey. Hence weclearrie, that iris a magicall proofe of h"fupremae~e. · ficbon, tofuppofc that fiue words, hnbio ;, Thirdly, Pmrhere is (aid to make acouemy body, 010uld tranfubllantiare-rhe bread in- "1\0~1 with Paul; that he fha/16< th< Af'j/lcof the to thebody ofCbritl.Secondly,welearn,rhat : IJt~t.tleJ,and Peter~{the /ewL"'.But i Prter had the Sacraments donotconfer grace, t~:optre ._bl!coc head of the Church for I 4' yearesto- B operato,h) I he W9rk,t P.tmt. For the word and Sagctlier; and had but knowne the primacie, craments)are both ofone narurc(Sacramenti whi'ch the P4pillsg1Ueto him, bee would not bcfng aviCibleword.) Nowthe word,and the I .bauoconfenred to this order. It rs·alkadged, preachingofir,doth nor confer grace,but onth~t Pa•l was rhe chiefe Apoll-le ouer the ly declarewhatGod will confer. Thirdly,by ; Gemiles,ln refped of paincs and labour,and dliSl! appeares, thatcharme•orfpels, haue not in re!peel ofiurifdrdion. I anfwer,thisdi- , nor fore\! in them rocure dilCafcs, & toworke llinlfrion hatb no ground in the word ofGod. ·wonders,butby faraaicalJ operation. For the -Againe, PaHlwas an A-pcllle,andvf<.dhis AI bdl word ofall,euen the wordpreached,hath pbffolicall authority ouer the Gentiles: am! 1t not, Lallly,weare here robe putin minde ·c'berc ia 110 Eccleftnf/icdfl per(on that is, or ci:m tha·~~ee Iofe notimem bearing of thcwo.rd: ·bceaboueanApollle. For hecwasGmplyto for it 1s amc:itneswhcrtbywearccleanfcd and he bcleeued in preachingand wrlting,and had rcmcwed.E~~ry b.r"?'·b tbne 6ringethjDrth fruit, extraordinary power gtuen himby God, to Godpurgcth" by hlSworJ and'other meones, pyni!h them tbat rebelled, thatittnll]bring {Drthmore [ruirJoh.15. Againe,P.w/here faith, that the Goffie/lwJU It isarhingto bceobferued,that theApocommittedtohitnandPcter, tharis, that they c 11les at lerufalem, acknowledged Pa•/robee were pm in truO w1th ir. Hence wee Jearne anApoUJe: becaufehe hadrhegiftofanAthree things. The firl!,thar the Gofpel is not polllo, andbecaufehis mini!lerywupowerour~,bur Gods:an'd rhat mcn:~re but the kc:eful among the Gentile•.Therfore,rheywhicb pcrs ofit. Forthis we are to prai.(eGod.The haue the gift ofreaching, by wl1om alfo God fecond rs, rhattheminif!ers of the word, are is powerfuU in tile conucrfion of finners, are eo keepe and maintaine the truth of ir, with minillersccrrainely called of God.Let them a1l faithfulllelfe and good confcience:and furthinke on this,thatvtterlyaondemnethemirher,toapply itto thebef!v[e, &tothegreamllery of the Church ofEngland, For matefl good of men. For this charge lies vpon ny reacherumongvs, can fhew both the gift them that are put in troll, The third is, rhat ofreaching, and the powar,or rho efficacieof the GofpeiiS afpeciall treafurc. For this, we their minillery. in England are to giue vnro God all thankIt is worth the marking alfo,that the ApofulneJfe, fpecially by bringing forth thefruits U-le~are calledPill•"· Here we feo,what is the of the Gofpel. In this duty the mofl of vs chatge of the minillers of the word,namely, come 010tt: and therforewe mayiullly feare, D to ful!aine and to vphold the Church, by doJell God take.from vsthe Gofpel of life, and tlrine, prayer,counfell,good life. E/i!l:.ms is giue it to a nation that will brrl'g forth the called of /•"', Tlu ch•rret1••d horfo-mm1, fruit of it. lfr•d,z.King.•3·4·And the Church ofGod Moreo.uer,in that P•ul faith, that Godw.u vpen earth, IS caiJcd the PiDar ~nd grDHttd .1 mighti~ h] birn, andP~ter,to the /ewes 4ndGentr•th,inrefped of the Minillery oftheword, rilu, wee are ro contider the efflcacie of the 1.Tim.;.rs- · Mmillerio. Oi itthreecautionsare to be obAgaino, in that all miniUersin their places f<rued. The firll, rhotgrace or power to re- (according to the meafurc of gifts receiued) generate, is not included in the word prea 4 are pillar~, they areadmonifhed hereby to be chcJ, as venue ro healc, in amedicine. Pnul conllanr in the truth,againll a! enemies •hatf.tith, Het thAt planuth, and hethaewt~teretb,U f<>euer. It is the praife of John Bapti{f, that notan]thing, I.Cor.3.7• Toregeneute,isthe he was mt arudefoal<.!• of thcwindc, Mar. l r. proper workcof God,not agreeing to angels, 7· All beleeue..are to lland r.a intemptatino not to the He01 of Chrill, exalted aboue on, again!lthcir fpirituall enemies, Eph<(. 6. men and Angels. For rhc verrue ro renew or r3· and this they fhalJ the betterdoe, rf rhex - rcgcneratc,is not in ir,as in afubicCl,but in the be diredcd by the good example oftheir teagodhead ofrhe Sonne.The fecond caution is, ehen. Thirdly,