/ Chap.z. theEpijllet!Jtheqatatianr. 197 Thirdly, in til:;tMinilkrs arepill"'r? wee' A fcJueo ar~carcfull forthegatheringofrdeefc. "'' rauobc eo clcauc vnto them,and thetr nu- .Hence wee learne, rhar 11 1s rheollice ofPani(kric0ar all t~mes,io !If<and death. For we /!ours and teachers, notonely to preachand arelmi:r,Jimrinth<TI!mpleif(j•d' Chrifl is d•fpcnce the word, bur alfo to hauccareof 9 ur fou•d"""• and<hey bcpiU.rr rp holde vs rhopoore: and th1scare1s to be !hewedm cxvp:.l; rhcrfore not to be for(akeo,'Deu.rz.I9hoitarion,counfelf,puerfighr. As for rhe adFurthermore P••latthistimc was not acmm .Clration and execution of-matters becounceJ a pillar: for h;(aith rhus, lAnm,(e· longrng to the poore~ it belongs to others. If pb.u, lob•, Art •m••t•dpii/arr; as who lhould the Apo(!les at any ume gathered,carnerJ, & fay, I am "'counted none. Thus Paul g<les d•fpenled releck, it wa• becaufe the Church thro~ghgood report, and euill report, and is w.s nor yet founded, and planted; and thereeautent to be contemtled. fore rhere was uo orher eo doeat. Laflly, tile example ofconcordamong the Now I come to the pradifeof PAHI, in Apofll" isto beob(erued: in that they giue thefewords) Wbrchtbmg •If• I "'"' dt!sgmt r. the rrght hands offellow01ip one to another. d-.. Here firfllet vs marke, that P•Hi who 1o, w.rm•go•IJ d••' ,., jhoNidmnember the B had fpoded,and made hauocke ofthe Chuch pom,which d1ing •i(o1""' diligmtto dor. of Ierufalem, now gathers rcleefe, (and as In thefc words,P••I (crsdowne the fourth wee fay) beggcs,for tt: an~ no doubt, thera· and laflti,::ne of his approbation at Ierufather tbat hcc may make lome re:ompence !em, on thiunann<r. ht my departing, the forthewrong bee had done. By Jus cxamApoflleswarnedmetoremembcnhcpoore, plewcearc taugl1t to make fatis(aClion tOr and of no orher thingdid rhey giue me warall inmric::~anJ hurts doneto othcrs,and that n111g : therefore rhcro was a full and perfect to the vltcrmo(!. Hce that fleales,according confenc berwecne vs . to the qualmc of histhef<, mull rellore ei· In thefe words, t1vothings are fer downe, rhcrtwo-foide, or fcuce-fvlde, Exod, H. 7· rhe Apoflolicall warning, and the pracbfe et hee that maimcs a man, mufl p•J fer hi- he•- " by Paul: The warningm thefcwords,[W••· ling.•ndfor hi& r-fling. chat is, forthdolfe of m•gomly tiJAt we{hould "''"'"btr thepoore.J In hislabour, Exod. 31.19. DAniel faich toN•· them three points are to l:e confidcred. The bucb.dne"-"-"', 0 King,/;rt•"-f olfthJ fnntsrPith fir(l, that the Church of Icrufalem IS in ex- •lmer-:lmler, Daniel 4· 14, that is, whereas treame pouerric. And the caufe• of it may chouhallbcenegiuentocruelty,andQPprcfbec two. Thefir(!, becaufe the poorer fort C (ion,ceafcto doe fo any wore,& makefome rccciueJ the Gofpell: thus it was 111 Corinth, rccompcn<e by giuingof almcs.D.wid faith, 1.Cor1ntb. 1. z.G.Not ma".} wi,fi accqrdmg IQ it is the property of awicked man, toborr~'W, :he fl.·p,, not mAnJmightie, nor m4"J n~ble. The 11nd n9l t(} rtpA],Pfalm. 37 .2. r. Sat~stadion,reJrke haue wee in expgrience at this day: rhe. cornpence,aud reflitution,ische way to life,by poorer foccamong vs doe more heartily retheappomtmcntofGod.Ezcc.r8.7.and 33· c<iue re; then they ofthe richer forr. By rhis r;Jj rh•urejlortthepldge,«ndrtpayrhatwhich we ara taught, that we may not fixe our loue, rhoH hajl rob/Jed,rhoufh•lt lme,•nd""dit, The &our contidencc vpon riche<:and that they 1 Lord faith, Arethttre•fHruifwick!dnuytt in chat buy, mull bee as though they bought roe ho11(e 'f thnri•k•d! and beeaddes,rhar h.e nor, and they that polfdfe, as though they ' .. ,a notiHjlifitth< f•if• b•H•nce, Mich.fi.to,u. potretTed not. Becau(e riches llealeaway the Zt~ehe"' m bis conuerlion, for knownwrongs heart . The fccond caufe of their poumie reilores fourc-fol~e : and for his vnknown~ was, that rhc1 were depriued of their r~eht~ for wrongs he giues halfehis goods to chepoore, thep'of'J!ionof tbtnam"f Chrij/, 1. Thelf. %, Luk.19-7· '4· Heb. ro.J4. Here weeare taughtto fitce Let vfurers,iugro!Ters,and al that oppre!I'e, downc, and eo reckon what the protdlion of D or deale deccitfully,Jemember thiS 1and beChn!l wrll eo{} vs to the vttcrn>o£1: and wee ginne to makeconkience ofthis duty of famu[I put rhi::~inour account,that we mu{\ be tlsfatl:ion,or rcfittution. And tha[Jt 'ray the read1e, and w1lling to part wi<h the d<er.Cl betterbee praaif,d, I will further fer downe thing• m the world, fortht name of Cbrill. 6ue porn[5. And thi>reckoning and refulution mufl wee The fir!l is, ~homufi (atisfieand r~flore! daily carry about with vs. Anj.He that ische caufc ofany wwng,or lolfe T hefecond pointis,VVhy the Church of to other.:and all rhey thatareaocel1aty.Mcn Icrufalem mull be releeued by the Gentiles, may be accetrane many wares;bycommaunconlidcring byGod, Law;Deut.r;.rr.cuery demenr, by counfdl, byc<>llfenc, bypartnerplace muCl relecue hi' owne poorcl An[.VVe !hip, by r<ceiuing, by filence when a tnan arc fir(! of all,debrersto our owne poorr,and ought co fpeakr, by net hmdripg, when hee rhey mull hdl berelccued :thisdone (in the ought to hi11der, by nee mariifefling rhat ca[c of extreame necdlirie) wee are debccrs wh1oh weought comanifefl. · ro <he poorc a thoufand miles olf.And in this The fec<md is;r o whome mufl refiitutiOn cafe, did the Apollles crauc releefe uf che be made! A•/. To him chat iswronged,and Gcntrles,for them of lerufalem. bcares chelo!Te,(if thepart•e beknowneand Thethird poincis,thatthe Apofllcs themaliue:)ifhe bedcad,to hiS heircs:ifal be dead, . R3 ro