Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 ~{98 .. A'[ommentarinpon · Chap.:z.. to the p.ore. Htil~ perfan wronged bee not A and oxen,and offerings o(all kindes:and now knowne ro vs (a!often ir f.tls our) then retlito the new Tellament,the poorecomein the ·~Unon is ro bee made to .rhc .Church, or eo?~- roomcofthe Altar. Secondly, the poorc re- ~1onwealth;and rcfllruuon 1s to b~ turncctmprcfcnt thcperfonof ChriR ;andmthem he toatmcsfor thepoorc,Dan.4.1.4. Mc:m:ouer, comes vntov!,&fairh,l am hungrJ..l am 'H<, If both rhc giuing& the raccming0f a thing l.JZm.harbourlrf]t:thcrfore,lookwhatwe wetJld beevolawfUJJ,~as· m bribes, and ·Sunooiaca~J doe to Chrilt, th\! fame mufi we doe to them. (Jifrs; rcllltution·is not r'o'bee'lhade to thcgt 4 Thirdly,' thepoore hauetideand tntercfr ra ~er,bur, ag.befofe, it is ro bee applied to corn~ part of our ,goods: for God is the Lorlof tiJOn vfe ,fpc<ilaUy eo rclcefe. · rhem,and weeare budlcwards todifpofe and Tlic tlllld point ts, Whatmu(ibce re(la. vfe chcm,apcordmg to his appoimmeut.And red i A"f. Thcthings which arc at vsvmuUhis wiJJ is,that parr of our goods be giu<n for JyrecctucJ, or detained, ctther knownc to vs, tbc reieefc, If this be nor done tir.vnkno\t<ne. If they be knowoe,th~y are in wee areth~eues in rcfpctl ofthe goods we~ ~l~ir ownc kindc to bee r<.:ltorcd, or mvalue, polfe!Te, LaOJy.mercyouhc bowclsofcom~ bcod.z. I, I9· If (he p.1rt1c who is to rctlorc, B paffion invs, is apledge, or an in,preffion of b'Cin', and h~ucnot where~ rhc mcrcie that is inGod towards vs: and by Wfth tO make recompencc,.hccmu(t doe that ttwcc may know, or fcde in oul\ (clues, that wbicl1 bee can,rhat Js,~ec rnu[t tl1ewa ready, mercicbclongn·n~ovs. Thus we fee what is \ ~n~willing,mr~1<fc: :and th1s is gone~yconour duty:r.ow Jetvs codidcr what is our f.1ulr. tcl110n, and by.crauJ ng of pardon. Ir good~ Not to any per(on orpcr(ons, it is our to be rcflorcd,be forthclr v41.!uc and quanri;y common fau!t,thar wear'! back~,t-·ard & !It:.eke !fwnkno~·ne:~,be~ rcllautiOn mu(~ bee .made in this duty. And rhe cau{e is, in tharu cdoe ;aecordmg to the t.udgcmcnr)and di[qetJon of net heartily gmc our fcJucs to Chrifi: and JrhCm · . . . this makes vs w beef<> .ilackc in giuing our The fon.rthcp01nt IS, tonch111g the wne goodsto thc poore, z,Cor. 9·5· Againe,wee "when1 Anfi••r. ln refpeCl: of preparation of commonly liuc(ao itwere)wichoura law.\Ve , -mindc, U'ec'mufi prefenrly fausfic: yet not in doenot withDauid, fet Gods law beforevs, ' refpeC\ of ex~cu;1on. Fort be act of rcUitu·. Pfal. 119.v.J.G8. Neither doewee apply our ~ uon may. be ddferrcd,tf thcrcbcrgn.oranccet hearrsro his tlarutcs, v. J J z. 'For then would I the rig~Jt,or igt10ranceofthc f..1tl-1 1~ thereHoWtwith Dauid,malzehafi tok,tep thecommunde~ '1-rcr be in CXCUfltllC: necdc: or if vpon prc(ent menu sfGod, v, 6o, Specially thisgreat com· lkrcilituticnJ life,goods, or good.namc bee en- C mandcmenr of rclccfe: and tbe r:tther, be- ' ~-daogered. cau(e rhc obfcruing of it, is the enriching of .r[hc lalt point is, in what order snd manvs all. · tli:r rl!(hrurion is to be made? An(. Things La{lJy,1ctvs m:ukc, rh~t Pttul becing war- ~ c{ttainc mufl firH be rcUorcd, and tllingsvnncd of theApaCHes, diligent to doe that 'lc~rcainc a(ter.Amongtlung-s ccrrame,th~t is, whcreo~heewas wa~ncd. The Jikcmull u1ce ~ which ccrtenly b~long voto another, thmgs doe, It a;s not fuffic1cnt to hcarc; bm befide .. 1 boughr and not dchuercd,arctobcrdl:orc:d: this, there mull beein vs acare and diligence and Orpofira,things('ommurcd roour truCl.It to doeand practifc that which we hearc. For ; r·!loredforrheir valueandqua- , tbisi• tobuildvpon the rockc. And itio a . ·HW·bev.n~ettMina. the.ord~r is thiS; Relilt~~ c?mmon fauJt tohcarcmuch, and doe little, tion mufl.oc made(accnrd1ng t'J thedJ[;rcuE:::..uh.33·Z4. tbn-efw.if.c men) inJOmcpart: and..for tbcrefl, Verf. I r. And whenPeter was come to An11pardon to be c:raued., in r~llitutlon, ti.och, 1"ttiJhftoa,d btm to hU jRa:for hew~ to be ' warinclfe is tdbe~v[ed, Iell by fupp.lymg the _ 6/•mrd. . · Iolfesofothermen,wrc procuretu our!clues I) : In rhcfe words Pnu/propounds the feeand t lle lotfcof:gcodname. . '· anfwer, " hich hce makes to the obieClion, "Againe, in Pauls praClifew.Cee an carndl mentioned in the beginning of the chapter, care and dr!igo.-rcc to prouidc for the poore. to this effect•: Though the Church glorifie And lllsd•ligcncc is further exprrtfed, Ram. God fort tee: yetwill not the ApoO!es doe ·1'5'.Z5.z8. whereit I~f.'lid, that hec.11Jimftrrd ro it, bccaufe thou art conrrarie to them. ~ere j t'b;'s(lmts at ltrr11{dim1: an~witbal~~ that he~ ~astl an(werf, rhatthtrc\\asindecdeadJifengatfebim(elfe no rcfi 1n rhts dut.y,tJII J1echaa tJonbcrwccnchJmandPcur, ":hc:n hee wnh~ tealed t),i&fmi~e1!nrothrm, that is, t1ll hce fa\\ c Hood Pettr to his f.1ce~r Anrwch: but the , it·Jent>accordulgto his ,.Jcfirc. His example f.1.ultwas nor his, but Pcttrs, ~howas r,hoi!J to mt!H be followedof vs. Iris nor enough for beb/pmed. , ~~~s ro·giuc oood words, and towiO: well, bm For the bccter vnderllandwg of rhefe I w~e nw.Uit~ our places and callmgs, doe our words, three poi.nrs arc robe handle~. The · cndcauom,that.rclcefc may ~ucn be (ealed to firfl is,whowasrefiOc:d? Thcanl\vcr a,Petfr om;Jorc. And there bee many roa(ons CO the Apoflle. Forthe intent o(rhis chapteris, n m'Ooti€Vs. F1rtt, let vs conlldcr that the ro:fl1cwwhat agl:ecmcm rhrrcwas bctwecnc ~. ·i~chugrwasvcry grcar,ro mainraine the altar Pa1t!,and rhc rellofthc ApoUlcs. And tht"re ! I<lth<>Lord inthe old TeOamcnc,with D1eep, '""'no Apo(!Jeof rlu~ame bur one.There- \ ~ -- - · - -- - - - -- fore,