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the Epi~!e to the qatatians. tOt·e thc}tamoogrhe Aunckm , are greatly dcc~iuCd~ who rbinke, rh.u the Apame Petu wa• not reprooued' 'but fom·e other of that t!a'lne. ·Tho fecadd puint i_s ,who reurled I An(w. Paul, and that notfor fltew and falh10n, bur in truth, and good earncrl. . A~lll. tlus ap– peares, bccaufein the wordsfollowing.' he fets downcawaighrie and vrgeotcaufeot hlsre– proofe. Therefore./eromeand othereare de– ceiu~d,whothinkc rhat Pau!repr.oou~d Peter * Simul:l.tC .j( i11 {hewa~d appearance~ and normgood ear– nonvcrti.j ncfl. The third poimis,whatwas Par4/smiodc andmeaning,inrefilling Peter? A11(w.Todoe his of!ice.The kingdomeofGod, & all things pertaintng thereto, mu(\ haue free without rcliOancc.The fecond petition i•.ThJ ki•gdomecorne.lohn theBapti(\ preached thus, Prap4rnhew4yofthe L11rd,,md tmt~ehis p~tthes /lraight,Mark.1.Saint Part/faith, PraJ that the wordof Godma; hauefmpaf[age, a"dbeglorifi. td, 1. Theff.3. I. ConrrarJwifC, fuch things as bindcrrhc kmgdomecf God, mull bcwith– flood.Therdore P~ur faith,Refift y~uradrur~ (aruth~ dmr.U.jlronn j,Jfa~th, t. Per. S· 9· And rh1:1smen that i re~rdlrurnents of cmll, are to be'withOood. And here Paul, by an holy rc– proofc, withftands Pcur for his badde ex– ainple. InPaHI, here fir(\ we may behold an ex– ample oftrue vertueJmtbat he rdifls eUIII, to the vttermofl: of his power,foJJowing h1sown rule, Abhorre that whi(h iseuil!, andcl:aue vnto that whiah is o-ood,Rom,IZ ·9· Hauemfdlowjhip rrilh thcvnfr.:;it{tl/1wQrkfofdarkp1ej[e)mr rather rcproouethem, Eph.;. 1 t. In like manner mu_ft eueryoneofvsrefiOeuill; firft, tn htmfclte, and then in them that appertaiOe to him, Therefore Pa~tl[auh toall, Puron thearmour •JGod, thatJ' maFefjJ , Eph. G. 1J· Here :. thing• may be demanded :firft, what muftwe -refill? Pau/anfwcrs againe, Principiilttiet,and powrrJ,andQ~&ritiMilwick._ed~~Jfes: that is,the di– uell,~nd all his angels. It may befaid,wehaue nodeah11g with tb~m, forrheyvfenotro ap·· pe.,cvn:o vs.Ao[.The-diuell comesnotvnto A lift vp thy '1/0I&e like a trumpfl, (hew mJ peopi' th(trtran(greflion.Ier. I . 17, Truf[evp thyloims, ~tri[e 1111d [pe11k! v nto them dl! th4t. l commatmd thedenotafraid of theirfaw, Jef/ l defiror thee beforr thcm. L1ke ltbcrtie may the minillcrs of the word vfc,obferuing Pau/JruleJz.Tim.1.7. God bathnot qiucnvt the spirit of fear~, !Ju{(Jf prnver,atJdojio~e, and ufa(oundmind:. WherC he fets downcthreecaueAtJ, Firfl that this li– bertici~ reproouing, is not the fruit ofabold and raOt difi>ourion, but it is a fruit of Gods fpirit, and fo to be acknowledged. Reade ! M ich. 3· 8. The fecond, thatthe vfeof this l1b<rtie is to be ordered by a found mindo; i whereby we are able to giue a good account of our reproofcs, both tor the matter, and B manner of them. The third", that all our admonitions maft be feafoned and tempe– red with loue: that they rend to the good and faluation of them that are reprooucd. Thcfc caucats obferued, libcrtie in rcprqo– uing O>all neucr want hisbleffing,Ifai.50.7. Thirdly,here isan e<ampkin Pa•l, ofan ingenuousandhone!lminde. When he fees Peterdoanulfc, hereprooucshtm to hisface. Contrarieto this, is the common praClife in backbiting, whifpering, aud tale~bearmg, wherebyJtcom:s ro patfc,tharwhen aman ts in fault,cuery man knowcs ir, faue he wh:ch is in faulr . Th18 viccthe law ofGod exprellcly forbids, Leu.19. 16. And it isthe propmie C of« good man,not totakevp;, J<l(crepm, Pfal. 1~. And Dauid rcpro·ouejl Sauf, becaufe he dtd but lend the •care ro tale-b·earers,faying, ff"/ureforcgiru(fthouantAt.c to mens words thAt (.q , beholdDauid (eckphtui!lag.:i41thtt? J, Sam.14,1o, In Peter,ivhowhen hewasreprooued mad• no reply, we fee an CHmple of patience ond humtlity, whereby he humbled himfelfe be– fore thercproouer,when hewas conuided of an offence. Thc.ltke was in 'Dauid when he f•1d,let therighteom(mitemee.Pfai.141,V,S. •Whereas PAul faith , that Pcur wasro be vsv1tibly,butin the pe:rfons ofemllmch,and il1iihe ba4de e<amplesofall men. This made D ChrH\raytol'etcr, Math.16.>J. (•m• behind mr,r'S:flttn, f~rthouar& tenoffence vnto m~, {vhcn PCierwoYld hauc dilfwaded hiro going to J-cn\falcm. Agaioe,it.may befaid,Jnwhat th'itt,(_Jm·u_O~·erefifi t·h'tm? p~,t~ anf~vercth, In h<•uenf;<hmgJ,vetf.1~. tbat ts,tnthmgs w,hich perrainc toGods kingdbmc,andconoctned– ther the faluotion of our foules , or.thewor– fhip of God. For the diuell feeketh by all manner0f cuils, tohinder thefe good rhings. Moreouer, thu; duty of ref10:ing euiiL is fo nece!farie,~hat we muCl reli[l finne, if ncedc be,to thevery l11cddinz of our blood, Heb. IZ,4, bf•med,orcondemncJ, not in re'fredofhis perlon,bur oflfrse"xample: we fee that excel– lent men euen th·echiete Apo(lles arc fuh1ed to crre,and be.dcceiued, It may be fa1d, how thenmay.we tru(lrhcm in tbeirwritings?lan– fivcr,l...hile theywere indeliueringnny thing to the Church>whcthcr it were by fermoo, or writiog,they wereguidedby the infalltbleaffi– llanceofthcfpirir,and could not errc.Other– wifctheymighterrc ,when they wore oat of thisworke,io mind,will, andatfedion,or adl– an. ·Thus Jonas, when he [a\"9 rhatNincuewas not dellroicd,was impotent inhisanger. N A– thanwas deceiucd in giuing aduice to Dauid, ' rouchingthcbUildingofthe templc.:.Sam.7. t\gaioe , we haae in ' Paul an example of Jboldoelf.and libcrtie in reproouing of linne. jThis was a thing commau.nded to the Pro– lphcts and Apo01cs,Ifa.s8.t.Cryand(pare not, ThcApoflles at theafcenlionofChri£l, flill dreamed ofan earthly kingdomefaying,Whm o·iltthoure(lorethek,ingdomero l(rae/1 Ad. 1. A:od Peter beemg bidden to anfe, and care of things forbidden by tbeceremomalllaw,faid, Not[o Lord,ACI.Jo.14. R'-4---~T.,..h,