Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

200 A Commentarie 'l7pon Chap.l. Thus then,ifPwrwas fubietl ro ertour,the A ThiswascheSim•l•ti..of Chri!l, who when pretended fuccelfoursofPeter , namely, the he was come roEmaot,mAdtm thoogh bt,.oold B;fl10ps of Rome, cannot be free from erhAHeg•••f•nhtr, Lulc.z4 z8. Thus P••la. rour.It is alledged, that Peter erredin lifc,and mong rhelcwes,plaid thclcw, 1. Cor.9. ze, nor in doctrine. I lnfwer, it was [o indeed:yer Vnlawfull Simol•ti"' is 1 when fomethmg is dtd his bad example tend to rhc ruioeof do· Ggnified,orfainedagain!l rhctrurh,orto the tlrine,ifit had nor bcenc prcuenred. Therepreiudiceof any. Of this kind was rhe limuforc,th• errour that was in atl, if we refpetl lation of Pmr, which tendedto ihepteiudice the cuent,was in doctrine. Againe, I anlwer, ofthe Gofpel, andro rhc offence of the Gen· rhat an errour in atlioo, preluppoferh an erriles. rour in miode,orarrhcleafl,(omc ignorance: The_fccond point is, rhe mamr ofthe fin, becaufc the mindc is the beginning of the orrhehoneirfelfe,whichwasonthJSmanoer. thing done. Thus all Goners, arecalled ign•· Firll, among rhe Gentiles at Anrioch, he v- ,.,per(ont. Heb.$.1. And irfeemesrhar the fcth Chriflian libertie, in eating rhings forerrourofPmr was,rhat ofrwo euib,it nsrhe bidden by rhe ceremoniall law : yet after befl to chooferhclctfe: that is, ro choofe ra- B rhe commingofcertainelewes from Ierufa· rher to offend theGemiles,then thelewes, to Iem hefeparoteshimfdfc from rhe Gentile•, whom hewasan./\po!llefpecially appoinrcd. and plaicsrhclewamongtheic•·es. Like ro Here againe wcmifcrable wrcrche• are this,wasthchaltingofthelfradiresberweene raughtto watch and pray, tharGod woldnot Godand!.u.andrhe pratlife leade vs into rempration,coGderiogmofl ex- · offundry men, whoare Protellanrs wtrh vs, cellent menarefubiect te> falling. And men and yet in orhcrcounrriesgoctoMalfe: and mufl bewarned norro abufe Petm example the pratlifc of our people, who changerheir rn bolllering rhcmfelue& in rheir naughrie religion with rhe times, waics, byfaying, we arcallfinoers,that rhe Here we fee thegreatweaknelfeof Peter, beflroan aliue JSafioner, that rhe iu[l man in thar vpon a very Jitle occaGoo, and char falls feuen timesa day. For rhc place in rhe prefeorly,he falls away from hisprofellioo ro Proucrbs >i. 'i· isfpokenofaffiitlionand hisoldcourfe. In him we may behold our nor ofGnne: the iu!l man falls feuen times, owoeweakenclfe, and conlider what we are chatis,he falls into manifold perils. And furld<ero doe in like cafe. We now ptofc!Te rhe ther, we lhould not ondy conGderrhe faults Gofpell ofChrifl:yer ifany occaGoo were of. ofiull men, bur alfo rheir conuetfion and re- C feted,it isto be feared,rharmany ofv• would pentance. And againe, to linneand rocom· be ealily mooued ro rerurne to our old promitfinne,areNo diuers things.Thou!;h the phaneneiTe, and to the fuper!litionofpope· goJiy finnc,yer doe rhey nor keepe acourfe ry.Bur for the Uayingandthe better ellabli· ·on !inningand goeon from Gone to linnc. lhingofourmindes,lctvsalwaiesremember, Verf.I>. Forbrforrcertmc•mr(m"Iames, rhatrheylhall pcriO•, who withdra~v themheaJtfl'iththe Gmtilrs :but whmth1Jw<rrco>ne, [dues from their faith, profeflion,and obedi- 'hu•ithdm• himf•lf•, ft.ringtbrm that """{ ence,which they owe voto God, Heb. 1 o.38. t becircumcifio", Plal.7;.•7. Verf.IJ.Andothtr lt•m diffrmM<~llil:,mife Agaioe,here it mull be obferued,rhat Paul 11ith him:in(o much th.t Barnabas JM6 brought in dcfcribing the Hn, exprclfeth twoatlions, intoth(irdijJimHfationa/fo, hittt:ting wirb the qroti/n, and hil{tfATAtion TheApofilcbath propounded his[ccood I From them; the firll good, and rhclatter euill. anfwer inrhe former ver(e:oow heproceedes The beginning ofhis atlion was good,butthe to makeadeclaration of it. And firfl, he fers end ofll was naughr. The rcafun is rhis: the downc rhc caufe why Prter was reprooued, man regenerate is partly llelb, and partly fpi· and rhe mannerofreproofe. The caufe it in D rir:and hereupon ir ii , thatwhen we will that rhe u.and I j.verfes,oamely Pttm fin. And which is good,wecannct accomplilh ir,anderhislinneis fer forrh by foure things. By the uillis prefenrwith v•.ThechildofGodislikc name ofthe finne,rhe matter of rhe Hone, rhe alame man, thatgoes the right way, buryet caufe ofrhe finoc,the cffetls ofrhe Gone. , halts areuery !leppe. Abrah•mand S.r• deThe name ofthe finne isnoted, when Paol lireilfuc,thar is from rhe fpirit:but they defire faith, Andothrrlrrmdiffem6lrdlik.._,.,;(e fl'ith ilfue byAgar their handmaid, that is from h•m.v.r 3· where I gather that Petm finne was the flelh.Rcbrcca feekes the blefling for lacob, Simul•tion, Simulationof i~ [clfeis athing in· chat isa worke of thcfpirit : but fi1ee fcekesrt different, and according to circumllancca is by lying, rharis from rhe flelh: Prttr calcs either good, or cuill. Lawfull Gmulation is, with the Gmtilcs, rh•t IS from Chrrfi1•nhwhen men conceit that which they may Jawberry,he afterfepararcs hi mfclfe,thati• from. fully conceit, and Ggoifiefomethingeirher by corruption. Titus wefecrhat rhebefl •·orkes word or deede, that is onely beudc rhe truth, areimperfect,and m1xedwnh corrupt10n:and andnor contrary to it.Thi•wa.rheSimHiatJ-1 . thatforrhebe!l workesweroufl humbleour onofJo(epb,wbocarried himfclfc as a llrang-.' lfclues, and feekc parclon;notin refpc<l of the to hi• brethren in Egypt:afcer he had examigoodnelfe of the workc,but on 1efpetl ofthe 1 ,n~e~d~t~h~et~n~,a~n~d~k~n~ew:2w~ho~th~e~y~w~e~r~~~G~e~n~·~i~Z·~~d~e~~~8~r~h~c~re~o~~------------------, I· It