Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I ! I Chap. 2. _ the 1:5pijile to the q,_a_la_tz~·an-,-.r_. ___ 2_0_1 1 It maybe demanded, howthcactofP<I<r A menmorethenGod, at the Jdlin this one fl 10 uld be a Gone, conlidering he did oneatllon? A•fw.Thercarcthreckondsolfearc, ly ab!lame from certaine meates, that he Oncis,withoutallfinne: this wasln Adam, , moght auoid the offence of certaine lewes? and in ChriCl.TheCecond is,altogetherfinful, An/01. The fal'l ofPeterconfidered,by it Celfe, in thewicked and vngodly,- becaufe it isfeue: : is nota llont: for Pautdid the likein playing red froon faith and obedience: ~swhen there rhe Jew: but thecircumClances make it a fin; isa feare of men, without thefeare oLGod. For fir!! ofall, Peter doth not onely abllaine The third is, a mixed fearein them that arc , from meate• forbidden by theccremoniall rcsenerate,inwhumt·hef<:areofGod i•ioy-' law,buralfohewithdraweshimfelfefromthc ncdwirhthe corrop.r fearc of man• And in cornpanic ofthe Gentiles, and keepes cam• thiunixtureothcrwhilcs the one primailes,a:· 1 panicapartwirh thelewes. Secondly, he ab- ·therwhrlesthe other. And this·leafe was in' lhines r.ot among the Iewes at lerufalcm, 'P<ttr,tn wholn at rhos inne the carnal! fe.reof but at Antioch among the Gentiles, where a man,prcuai/eU agaiolCl tbe true feare of Godl lirtlebelore, ne had openly done the contraPaul dotes feare t<>bcrhe catlCe of Petm rie,m vfing his Chri!lian liberty. Thirdly,he · ff finne ,that he may thereby fignific vntovs, vfcd this ab!linence, whenc<rren le•·cscame what kind oftinne'itwas,namely;a finnenot from Jerufalem, to [carch out the liberty of ofma/iu,but of••Jirmitie.A tlnne ofinfirmitie rhcGenrib. Fourthly,whilePmr.feekeuo is,whcn there isa·purpo[e in the heart notto auoid the[mall offence offome Iewes, he intinne:and yet for all this, the finne is commitcurres a greater offence ofall the Gentiles. red,by rea[on the will is ou'ercarried by tempLaii.Jy,tlusal'l of Pmr, did rend to theouerratio'n,or byviolenlfe ofaffechon,as byfearc, throwing of P•uls MiniClerie, and the fupanger, lull. Thus'Ptterfinned. Andletitbc pretlingofrhe truth ofthe Gofpell. Thus rcmembrcd,thar tofinncofinfirmitleisprorhen theact of Pmrbecomes vnlawfull, that perly incident to fuch as be regenerate, asp,. was otherwrfe lawfllll, beeing fimply confide· urwas.Euery wiokcd man makes his finne his red by it felfe. Here it may be demaunded, mfirmity1: fotnication is theinfitmity ·of the what Peter 0Jou!d.hauedone? Anf, He thouId fornicator:drunkennetfetheinfirmi!ieofthc haucepenlywith!lood thelewes, that came drunkard, &c. Butitisfalfe whichrhcyfay. from leru(alem:as P•ul withClood them that Forthey finne with all theirhearts when they vrgcd thecircurncifiono(TiiHI: 01- AgAine be- (inn~. fore he had plaid the Icw, he A10uld haue ad· The fourth and la!l point is, the effect of uertifed rhc Gentiles that for a time he was to C Petm finne, in drawing thelewes, andBarna' yecld ta.the in6rmi!ieoffomelewes. bas to the like ditlimulation. Here we feethe In Petm example, we are taughr,rhatwe contagion of eui/1 example. And hence we mufl not offend God, though all the world learne,rhat Mini!lers ofthe word mu{! ofne· be offended. Letfe offences mull giue place, ceflitie ioyne with good d<>Cl:rioe, the examwhen 'he grea<offence is at h<nd:rharis,wh<n pleofgood life.For fir{! ofa!,it is the exprelfe God is dithonoured,and the very lea!! part of commaundement ofGod, J, Pet:5, 3. B<pAt· his truth is fupptelfed. . urnesofth'fock,e, t. Tim.4.r •· Btanenfamplt The tbird point to be confidered, is, the inword,c•nuerfation,loueJjirit,(aitb,puriiJ,Phil. caufe of thcfinnc of Pertr: and that wasthe 4.8.Whaiy<haoefeeoeinme,thAt doe, ·Marh. 5. feareofthe offence ofthe !ewes. Here two I6.LctJOIIrlightfo,rhatshrJ may queflionsare to be handled. The fir!!, how (eeJOurgood~rorkJr. Secondly, practiCe m the PrtmfcareOJouldbeafinne/An(w.Thereis Mitiitleris a part of his teaching. For the ' a narurall fcare created by God,and placed in multitude doe not marke (omuch what men ' the heart ofman.This feareofit felfeisgoud. fay,as what men doe. Heroddid many things, , Neucnhclctfe, by rhecorr.uption ofnature 1t not becaufe John the Baptifi wasagood0Ylinibecomcscuill. And iris made cuill two waies. D Ptr,but becaufe hewas •goodman, Mar, 6.~o. One is,when men feare withoutcaufe 1 as when Thirdly,MiniClers haue not the prefenceand theDi(ciplcs fcare.Chri!l walking vpon the proteClionofGod, vnlctfe rheirliues bevcr; fea, and feare drowning when Chrill was in tuous and godly. !Jthot<turne, thou /haftf/and thethipwirh them.Theother is,when there is before me, lerem,15. 19. Godreue.les hirjicrets no mca[ure in fcare. As when men fo fcare i81he Prophttrhisfemanii,Amos 3· 7· LaClly, the creature, that they neglect their dutie to fearefulliudgementsofGod belong to MiniGod. This was Peters feare,and it was afinne llersofwicked liues. DeClruction befalsthe in him. For God is to be feared llroply,befonneso(Eliand their families, becaufc they caufeheis Lord of body and [oule, and can by!cud ex•mplc made the peopleof God to de!lroy both: and he is robe feared for him· finne, t.Sam.>.i4. Thelikebefell the fonnes felfe, whcrcascuerycreatoreisro be feared in ofAaronlortheirpr<fumption. , part onely,and for God,Rom.I:;.3·4· By this Againe,a[fuperiour!are warned togoe be· we arc taught daily to inureeur felucs in our fore theor tnferiours bygood cxaonple,When h<artsro fearc God aboueall things. Ma(es "cnt into Egypt robe the guide ofthe The fecond queClionis, howPetercould Ifraelitcs, the Lord would h•ue de!lroyed haucthe fcare ofGod, confidcrir.g he feared llim,by r<afon of the badde example in his owne