201. ACommentarie 'llpov Chap. 2. owne family, namely, thevncircumcilionof•,A fclues a liberrie to liue as ~hey!ill. Forthey lm ch1ld.D•md.for hiS emll example, where· I walke contrar1e to the Gofpel, ddioyningiu. by he co•fed.the enemies of God to blaf· lhlica:ion andfantlification, faith and good pheme,is punin1ed, and that after his ropen• life,remillion offinneand ruortificatioo,Thi& tanca, that men might fee in him an example is the rife and common finne: ofour daifs. of Gods iudgemenr ag~inlllinne, >. Sam. WearelightinthcLord,butwewalkenotas u.14. childrenoflight. We are conrentto come to Here •gainewe fee 1 thattheconfent ofma. the marriage ofthe kings fonnc,but we come ny rogeth~r,isnot anoteoftruth. l'tter,_Bar· not with the marriagegarmenr.It is robe feanA6.u,an~ the Icwes,altogether arc decemed, red,this very finnewi!J banin1 theGofp~l,and and P••' alone hath the truth, P•""'"''•"' bring all the iudgemenrs ofGod vpon vs.Let fa1th, thatj\l,:tpman hrin_gingScripturt,illobe vschcrefore repent of our vncuco and halpnformJ6rfm·Awholr Co•ne</1. Paphnucjus a· tins liues: and preuent the Lords anger, b• \one had the.truth,and thewhole CoU<)cell of , walkingworthy theGofpcl ofC hnll. • N!cetndmod ro crrour. : o,. ! , !twill befaid, how mull we pcrforme this 14. B•t>•hcn lfa,.th•tth.ey wentnot~illt• B duty? Ar.f"'· Two rules muf! be remernbred. r.ight{"' tothecruth •[<he qoffit/1,/faid to Percr The fir!! is, that we mull haue and carrie invs befiJU-4/Imm: lfthoHbumga few, liuepiU{be arigbthcart. Forthcwantof this was Sim~n Ge11tiln, 411dnot bkftbtbwn) wh) conflrAin1/ MagHscondemncd,ACT.8. 2. 1 .A rig'ht heart is tho•th:Gen<ilesrojodi~cthi lerpit~ · an humble and an honeO heart. Thchumbk Inrhtfcwords,PAul(ctsdown thcrep~oofc ' heart isJwhen in ellimatiO ofour ownc hearts, of Ptter, and the wholc:m~nnerof ir. In ir, · we ;tba!eour felue3 vnder allcreatures vpon many points a.re to be conlidered. The firq 1s, ~ earrh,and that fOr our otfCnces: when agame, the time of rhis reproofc: and that was fo 1 in the affection of our heaus, we exaJc the fooneas Pau/faw the offc[lCC of Peter. l:ferc dea.th,and blood ofChrill,aboueall riches, awe lear(>c,,that wemul1: reGU, and cut off rile. 1 boueallhonours,aboue allplcafures,aboue al firll beginnings of!fmpta(lon,o(Gnnc,and of · ioyes,and aboueall that heart cantbinke, or (upcr!huon,bccau(e~care prone toeuilhand ronguecanfpeake. The honell heart is,when ri_Jerefore ifwonce (et footing i.n vs,it wil rake wecarrie, andcherin1 in our hearts the fctled pla~c. purpo(e ofnot"Gnning: ft>.as_ifwe fi"nne atany The[econd ~oint is, the foundation<.>f the C time,we may in tbcrcllirnony of agood con. reproofcm rhe!c words[whcn !{•"'•] and that fc1encc fay, that we Onned again!! our p_ur- ·i• a certen knowledge ofPctmoffcncc. Here pofe, Thcfecond rule is, that we mull make ;we are ru take·notice o(·the common fault, llraight lleppesto our (eete,Heb. tz.IJ. And and char is, rhatwevfeto ccnfure, and conrhat is done, when we eodeauour to obey demncmcn, fpeciaiJypubhkepcr{i.ms, vpon God,according to all his commaundemenrs, Cufpitions, and conietlurcs, and hcore.fay: Pfal. il9.6.and alfo,accordingro all the pawwhereas we fhould notol'en ourmouthcs to ers ofthe inward m:an, thae is, not onely io reprooue,till we haueccrren knowledge of atlion,but alfo in will,atfcClion,and thought. rbefaulr. Mor~ouer,publ1ke perfons,as J\1a. Let vsalfo apply our hearts to the doing of gillrares and Mimflcrs,hauc thair priuilc'dge, this .leff: tf we come ro che marriage ofthe rhatan accufation isnot toberc:ceiued ag~inll Kingsfonnewithout the garmc:nf of aright them, wltbom there be a proofe by 1wo or heartandlife, we hcare the fcntence, Binde three witne1fc:s, r.Tim.s. 2 o, tbtm handandfoou,andcaft tbtm into t;tttr d~trl~: ,Thcchird point IS, the fault reprooucd, nejfe,thm fb•ll bHmpi•grtndgn4/bing ofteeth. which is herecxpretfed by an other namo, "" . The fourth poim is, the place ofreproofc: ·to w,,k,e with ariohtfooteto the lrNihoftheGojpel: [before all men:] for they that linne openly to that is,not to c.;'nuerfe with men,and ro carrie ID rhe offence o( many,are openly to be reproo· himfelfefo, •• he may bcfutable to the finceued,r.Tim.;.>o. ritie ofr.he Gofpcl,borh in word, and deede. The fifth point i•, concerning the re•fons Here is a notable duty fer downe for all which Paul vferh for the re!lraining ofthe men, y, walkprith an tucn foouaccordmg tothe finne ofPcttr. The firfl is rcr downe in rhe 14. lrMlh o(<h, qof}cl: and rhis is done, when in verfe, l[tho11 lmi•g •ie.,,&r. Hererhe meaword and deede,and euerylvay, WC afcribeall ning of fomoword•are to be opened. To IHthegoodwe haue,or can doe,tograce,ro mer· dai.::.e,nr roliuctU a ltw, is to obtcrue(an~ thar cic>andto Chril~: whcnagaine, in word, and neceffariJy,)a differenceofmeates,and umcs, Jeede,and euery way, we s•ue all thankes to according to the ccrcmoniall law of JIJofu. God, for graceand mercy byChrill. Here ToGcnri/i:t;;,c, orto /it~nu" Gentile, is ro.vfe t~\'O forts of men are to be condemned, as meate~,and Jrinkcs, ~nd flmes, freely wuh. halters in refpectofthe truth o(thc Gofpcl. out difference. Pettri<faid, to compdl!beCJ:•· [he 6r!l, arcP.tpi!ls, who ioync Chrifi and ti!utolndllh ..r,not bytcachingofany a.octr10, workcs in the caufc of our iuflification , and (for the ApoUJes ncucr crred,in reachmg and faluatiou.The fecond,lrccarnall Protellants, deliucring any thing to the Churcho( God: >nd all otber forts of men, that profetT<rhe this isa principle:) therefore he conllramed name ofChriH, ~wirhallchallenge eothem~- them by thcamhoriryofJHs examp1e:where~ - ~