Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2 • .Chap.2. the Epi~!e to the (ja!atians. 203 1 ~ ~~=---~~~~~~~==~~=---~1 by he eaufed them to thmke tlw the obfer- A cclfmcobfcruation of the law. uarion ofthe CcrcmoniaiiJaw was necetfarie. Themal~riswanting:theminor isexpreiTed The firll reafotJ the~ is framed thus: If in the tG. v. and it is amplified by an arguthou bccing aIcw, v[ell to Jiue as the Genmentofdium things, thus: Though we be tJ!es,thoumai[l not by thy examplccompcll Iewes,to whom thelawwas giucn: yet we forthe GetJtilestoludaize in the necelfarieobfake the Jaw, andlookc to beiullified by the feruation of ceremonies: but thou beeinga faithofChrill. Secondly, rheminorisconfirIew, vfell to liue as the Gentiles: therefore mcd by a tellimonie ofthe Pfabne: vcrf. 16. thou mail! not compell the Gentiles to hue BJ the work" ofthei•••,nof/efo fh•ll6e iufli{ied; · as Iewes. Here two points arc tobehandled.One,of Here firll,lct vs obferue the force of euill the dt!linction ofthclewcs and Gentiles: the example:it compels men to be euill.Therfore other ofiullification. let all fupetiours,Magillrates, Minillers, and Touching the dillinction oflewes,&Genal! goucrnoursof families, Jooketo thm extiles, fundrie points arc to be handled. The ampies:for tftheybe euill, they conClraine ofirll,whar is the caufe ofthis dtliinction. A .f. thersalfotobceutll. The good wtl! and pleafureof God. Mojrs Here againe,we fee "'bat wonderfullfubie- B fatth, God<hofe thel(ra:lires •boueall nationt, ction the auncient bcleeuers yeelded to the Dellt.7.G.Helo:~edthem, Dcut.IO.IS. When he Mintflerieof theword. Forif the actions of diuidcdrhe """'"'· hcob"'"'hi!portior., Dcur. the Apoflles compelled men to doctbis or p.S.Hclznewthem aGou-.lnations, faith Am01 that, wharthen did their doctrines and Ilea3·'· And he chofc them, becau[chelouedrheir ucnly exhorwionsdoe/When lohntheBapfarhm,Dcut.f.J7- Henceweg•thcr,thefree ttll preached, the kjngdome ofheAUen (ujfmd Election ofGod: and that they are dccciued; violenc4, And the violent took! it tothemfo!ueJ. whothinke, that there was no diffcr~nce of When the Difciples preached in Iurie, tlu7 !ewes and Gentiles in refpect of God, but in (mo Satan faUmg donmc from hcauen b~e lightrefpect ofthemfelues:becaufe theone embranino. The weapons ofPaulwerefPirituall,to<a{f ccd Chrill,theother refufed Chrill.But there dOJ~ne holdt,andtobringeuerythoughtinfu>icfJi. cannot be a refufall, where the Mclliaswas onto God. Herethefaultof our time is tobe notknowne: andamongtheGenulcsf!ewas conlidered.We hauethe formeofgodline!fe, no: fo muchasnamed,Rom.l s.zo. in hearing and in outward profellion, but we Tho fecond point is, wherein llands the want the power ofit. For we doe not in heart C differenceoflewes and Gentiles. Anfw. Here yeeld fubieClion byfuflering our felue• to be the!ewes areoppofed to !inners of the Genvrged and compelled to obcdtence by the tiles:andthereforebytbelewe.sare meantan authoritieoftheMintllcrie. holy and pecultar people. The dillinction Thirdly, here wefee wherein !lood Petm thereoflies in this, that chc one was holy, the Gnnc:namely,in tharhe conllrained men to a otherproph~ne: the one in the couenant, rhc necelfarie obfcruarion of the Ceremoniall other out of the couenant, Rom. 9. 4· s. law: by his example binding the Gentilesto Pf•l·•47-ZO. Here two errouro mull be auoithc doir.g of that which the Gofpell hath ded. One, that the dilfer<nce lay in emhly made free. Therefore great isthewickcdnelfc things: which is not true. Fortbclawwasgiofthe Romane Religion: in thar it placeth a uen to the Ifraelitcs: and it was aScboolem.jler necelfitic in many things, in thev(ewhereof, to(hri{f, Gal. 3· and anintroJ,aionto aGetter Chri!l bath procured vsan holy and Chrillihope, Heb. 7- 19. Thefecond errouris, that an libertie.ln thisrefpcct the vowes ofperperhey dtlfered oncly in this, that Chrill was tuJI!cominencie;ofpouerty,andregularobemore plentifully and fully rcuealcd ro the dicnce,are falfcly tearmedft•ter •f perje[/W.; D Icwcs:morcdarkly,and fpa ingly torhcGen– and are indeedeftares•f•6omination. ttles. But it was otherwife. For the Gentiles t S· TJ!t whichare lnt~er !ry nature 1 ~tndnMJin· nerrofthe Gentiles: 16. Know tbdt a man i4 not iujli~ed h] the work,tsofthel•w, 6utby thefaith of le( tU Chri{l: "hich(!{•J)hauebe/.,uedinle(m Chrif/,thAtwe might6es•Jiified by thefaithofle(u. Chrifl: and not 6] th~: Jrorltpsfthdt~w; becaufe bJ the wor/r.,ts oftbe141• ,>10 jleP, foal/ beiuptjied. Here Paullaies downe thefecond reafon of his rcproofc,itisframod thus: That which we defend, both in iudgemcnt and pradife, that muff: wcvrgc,and not theconrrary:but iu(}lfi~ cation hy fatth without wor~s wede'cnJ both 1:niudgoment an .i practife: therefore we mufl r rge tc,anJ not thccontrarie, n.tmely, the ne. were,.ithom God, ""d Chri{f, Eph. :. 1:. and they were l~fr to tbemfelues~ tD w.tlk$ in their owtJ~waiu,Atl.14.1 6. Thethird point is,how long this difference endured/ Anfw. Ttl!rbedmhofChrill.For theDtfcipleswcre forbidden togoe into the way ofthcGentiles,Math.Io.s. And Chrill f.ith,that he wamot(mt, Gut to the/of/ flmpcof thehou(<oflfr•d, Matb.Js.zz. It may beob– ieCled,that herewefee the dtffercnceof!ewes and Gentiles is Clandmg, long afterthcafcen~ lion of Chrill.An(. Chrill in his death did ful– ly merit the abo~01ment of this dtfference Eph. •· Neuenhel<lfc the cxecurion ofthis a~ bvlilhment •·as bydegrees: and it wasatthis timebcgunneby the miniCierie of the A.po– llles,yet notaccompli01ed. The