(!// Commentarie -vpon Chap.1.. The la!! pomt is, tbarrh,eI ewes are an ho: A begin with the name.The word,/ufhfi<,is borly people by nature: not becaufc holinelfcli rowed from courts ofiudgemcnt,and !ignifies conua~edto them by generation, but becaufe aiudic1all act Othcrwhilcs it is put for the eueo from the1r beginninr;, and blrrh,byver."\ actionofthc iudge, and then it fignifics to ab· rue ofthe conenanr,thcy are holy. If the rootc foltJe, or to pronounce innoccnt. _Thus Paul bchol],lhcbranchctar<hoiy,Rom.u,l6. Ifcifaith, A<'t. 1 J.39. That we ar<i.jliji<dfroma/1 rher oftheir parents belceuc,t/;~lr chJ!drmare thingJ, j'rom which we c8u/d ~ot ~c-iH//i.ftedhJ the hdt;., r.Cor,7.14-InaciuillcontraCl:,tbe f~ther ' 1 •., o(cMo[ct,that is,abfolucd, or cleared. A· and his Q,cire make but one pcrfo.n , and the 1 gaine,Iicoppofcth iufhficarion eo a-cq.Ifation, fathercoucnants for himfelfc, and his pofleand condemnation,Rbm.8.Jj.Now t.hc~onriric:cllen fo,in the coucnant ofgrace, l;ae:be. traric tocondemnation,is abfolution. Soq1e~ lceues for hfmfelfe,and wjthall makes hispo- . times againe,rhc word ;·,tJiifi•, figni6es the act fleritiepar~~~er_:>ft~e fa1dcouenanr; & rhus ofthe partie iudged, or of the witne!fes :and chc poGeritici.Jccom.cs holy. 1t may be obicthen it imports a~ much,as togiue tdlimony, Cted, that whatfocucr is &o.t;ne of flellJ, is orto declareand approoue.Thus /am(s(aith, fleOJ. An[w. The paren(fJOaines a double AbrahamWM illjh(i·~ b; workft' chap. •.v.u. perfon."Firfl,licisto bctonodered as a ch1ld B tbat.is, declared, and approoucd to be a iufl of,fdam,ancl thushcbrmgs forth acbtld, ha, man byworkes.•In the former ligni~cation is uingwtth A'_dolTtHnarurc, )fd4ms t;orrupdqn. the word vfcd , wherethe holy Gho£l .dcliucAgaine, he is to bcconGdered as a beleeuer: reth the doctrine of iuUification, as in this and rbusalbcic, he dothnot, prop~gatc hi<J place. , 1 faith and holinclfe to biscbtld;yct bymeanes Thevfe.Herewc fee how to dilfinguiOd>eofhis faith, hisch1ld is mthc'Coucnant, and twecnc Iull16cation, regeneration, and rcnocqnfeq\tCntltY is tob,caccOvnrcd .holy in the uacion. Regeneration is rf~aJiy in Scriprure 1 iudgemcntofcharitie, tillG,od manifef!the thcchangeoftheinwardman,whcrel>y~·care conrraric. Againe>it may be obietted, rha.tif borne anew. Rcnouationis>rhechangc borh the children of belecuing' parents be borne of rheinward and outward m.:l!J, that is, borh holy,theywantoriginall linne.An(.Thechilofheartand life. Iu~1ficorion is neither, but drcn aiioflii1ainctwo peffons. FirCl,thcy arc ~ccrtaincatCf:ion in God applied vntov~, ora to be conGdcrcd as clnldren' of the fir!! A, certainc refpe<'torrel•tion, whereby we are dam:and thus they a. re conceiucd and borne 1 acquit of our Gnncs, and acceprcd to life c~ lt~ Cinnc, and afe children of wrath. Againe, uerJallipg. SccondJy,wetnutl here:: note, tbat they arc to be confidercd as ch•lurcn of he· C the Teachers ofthe Church of Rome, milccuing parents :and thus by meanes of the flakcthcword, l•Jii(ication. Fot by it, they cpucnant, they arccb1ldrcn of God: and ovndcrfland nothing cls, but2 phyficoll trAilf. riginall finne which is in rhem, i$ couCrcd mutation of thcqualitic, and difpoUricn of from their firfl bcginnins,andnotimputcd tO our hearts, from will ro good. And by this them. miflaking, they hauc midc amixture or ra.. Thevfc.Therewas noabfolutencccffityof ther confufion,of lawand Gofpel. Thirdly, circumcifion. For they which died before the here wefee,what i9to be the difpoGtion ofthe eight day,wcrcbornc holy,and confequcnrly, partie iuflified: (for by the c<>nfcquent we in thccoucnant:an,J 1hcrfore might be faued. may learne theantccedcnt.)A man therefore And thus Baptifmc is not ofabfoluteneceffithat would be iunified, mull come before the tic: for the children of bcleeucrs arc borne iudgemcnt[care of God, and th<re mufll1e holy and Chrtflian: and therefore dying in pleadeguilty,and be his own aduerfarie, con- 'thewantofbaptifme, may for all that befadcmninghimfelfe : and becing pre!Tcd with ucd. Thcfealcof the couenant is notof like thcterrours of the law, hemufl flie and make neceffitic,with thecouenantitfe)fe. his appcalero the throne of grace, for parSecondly, here wclearnc, that it is notthe D don in CHrifl: and then heOiall beacquit,or ac'l ofbaptifme to confcrrethe firfl graceobut iuf!ified from al!linnes. Thus much doth onely toconfirme,andfcaleitvntovs. Adopthe ••ord i•flifie,import. ThuscamcthePobtion,and life beginncs not in baptifme,but belican before God, Luk. 18. when he {aid, fore. If therooteb~ho!y,thebranche1 fpringing lord lu m(rcifull to mNI {imur; and dc:parred th,nce•r<hoiJ. We are borne Chri~ians, if iuflified. Thus in the lift petition, wear< our parentsbclecue,and nor made.fo in bap· taughrro come cucry day imo the prefence tifme. ofGod, and to acknoiVIedgeour debts, and Lalily,ifwee beborneholy, it isourfliame ro vfe the plea ofmcrcy,faying, Forgi•< '~~''"' that we haue made no more proceeding in dcbtt. holioc!fe, then we baue done: the mof! reThe fccond thing to be confidercd, is the rnaine ignoranr,and vnrcformcd;andthey of fubictl: ofiuflificarion> or the perfon to be JU. the better fort, eitber !land at aflay, or goc (hfied, and rhar is man generally, fignifying backward. • that a Man u i11jlift<d. The holy Ghof! The [econd point is, concerning Iu~i6ca· · fpeakcrh thus generally, for twocaufes. The tion,in the fixteenth verfc, of which fundric firfl i$;becaufe al menwithout exceptionhauc I things arc there propounded. And firfl,I will ncedofiufltfication, cuen they which are re. ------~------------------------------------------------------~g~e--ner~~