Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I !E,h,a~. ~he •Ef_iftl~\tpe q_4latians. \<o; Rom.IJ~t p A'rtiflilrhlsjlla&e PhHI .A. of..iufii6carion, nor in rhe worko ofcNr till· lll!rb· •m1mc;eiil>ll p.uernaiid'tlte'l'Cfl-hlni<·~¥• u~rion, bbc'mthe man1fCtlkrion of die_lt ud1, .lreu.'a!fl,.oVW.{IJth••· tii•;~Wllfhi'-'6P<~iufhfi?J.'6J and·fincciitYof our faith 1 with'out hypo~rili2. 1 f 41 U.JfHhcJe•a«•~otak<lhotlf."'&f, rh"e"mi.f•: :And fo~'the deelarariolt ,i\11 :ipprobi riJ?n uf 1 rniJle~:on\liriOrf.Ofprophan~,l•nil'fccure Ept·' rlftS\foiil! abd·workes·ioyf!!ly concurre. Hc!ie tines;~thontil'clil>•mllci>a:s\:lfe~meof!iti!¥fl r~chwe'fee'Lt is a petltlcnt"aiJd·d•mna&1'eUo' 1ticarion.·'FIIe•furond reafon~s·;~~~a•'tfe Goa ~rine of'!he,Papitli,\vhetiibej teach iU!fifi. ' 'Gd.nmunicate; tl}e bc'<iult.Rcatiorl) carion bYtnl,.Workes of the taw, J::ei'Vl'Here igener.dtyroaiJ{or~wf.meh'lli:il\l~his·he<lom lie w:irhe'dl otakcheeaeoFlt. c u·'1 ,.;, 'ui rbe Mmitlc•y~;~f..chc!"'ctd~i!nvl'ltbhlie be< The foulrhpoi~r ii,'tll'e'Meriri>riou~i:i~'ie f!<tlwhm<nto bt t'<•n<iltd sdGW,l>B:C'or.'1Wl ofon(iu1liflcati6J:l: an'diliiiii's'Ctiri!1.'7!iro J.i. This mutl:be'ao.inducelileiltV'nrbvs'jliJ ir'ri1ay beelicmaundedi~har is char ihi!igln come vnro Chtit!, humblihlf,lftld-'iu<ll\tng Chri!l, byj and for w.hifuweeaieiuO:If,~·"I Burfelues,that we may be iufl'i6~d\<:l_'O'd'Jiun· a'Iifwer ,·rb< 06edienci -J"(hrift, Rorll; '$. 'f9: felfe from heauen vtC:rh reafoil!ihlto v• ·dai· And 'it !larickin rwo things, hi4 P4jiitiiii'11J ly, ro moouevs ro rhe praCiife ~)f'tflis duiie. •nddwh) ahdhi<,FilljiUingifthe fA,. i'oy~•a Wh2rmeane rhdegraci~us, and·contin~all fi rl)<rewirh....\'or 6;fmtb the.faw u •ft•~li{httJ, preferuarions,of Prmce andpeople,Church Roruanes1·3·1. Chrift ""''~'"' in'~h<ftmiliiuJ< and lantli By rhem wefee,itisrhegood pleaiffl•••fullf~fh, thatthe rigoHrof the l•>omig"hr fureofGod,rogiuevo arimetofcek his king: bu f•l(illed ••vt, Rom. 8 .. 4· inrJChriftinh< dumr, and righreoufnetfe : wherefore let vo ptrfelJion'of thel•w (or ri:gh«otinrffe,. iil1h~t notneglect the day of vdirati3n, but rake d1e 6duNt~ ~~m. 1o.4. Hedh.At dvrhnot finfi!!. till fimcwh1le itferue$, tharwee maYturnevnro thiNgJ !On~~~:,iiudiHth~ lAwis ikcHTftd.Gal.j~io. God, and beaccepted ofhim;and c:fcapethe Seemg theceforc wee cannot perform~'rhe woepronounced vpon Corazin& Bcth!aida: rhtng•·cbntained rherein,'~y' our felucs; wee , .. The thlldthtngto beeconGdered, conmullperforrberhemintheperfonofourMO; cernes thtngs excluded from iutlifica110n, as diaror: w'ho hath farisfi'ed fortherhrea~nings talfe caufes: namely, the workes of the Law; of the law•br. his palli<iff'r and bath fultill'ed Here tt may beedemaunded,what workes are the ·precept,/of the law by his obedience,~n 1\JCant ! I anfwer, firtl, not onely workes of all aurie.of loueroGodand·man. We'owe the Ceccmoniall; but alfo o(the moralllaw. roGod adouble·debt. Oneis,rharwc'·a~eto For all men know, that cerc,uoniall a~tons ..., fulfill the ~a-:.euery mome~r, fiorrl our nrfi arc·of no vfe, vnlctfe they bee ioyned wirh C beginning,bqlhii\regardofpur1ryofnatut~ morall duties of loue and mercie. And if and purity ofaCiion•. And·tl\is·debr was1aid P•ul meanronely C<remoniallworkes, bee vpon'u in'inocre:irian,~nd'isexa~ed ofvs in neeocd not ro haue made folonga difcourfo rhe1aw,of.God, Tl!e fecomfdebr is; 'afatis· againlt iuUificarionby wotkes: tor he might faction for the breach of<helaw.Forthis'dou· baue ended the whole marrer inaword or bledebr; Chrifi is become our Siltery;_and twainc, by fiiCwingthat rhe ceremonialllaw Godaccepts hio obedience for vs, ir beeing a wa• abrogated by Chritl . Secondly ;' I an· full fatisfaqion, accordtng to th~ temiur of fwer,rhat nor ondy workes done before faith, rhclaw. ·' ., ale excluded, bur alfo workc$ chat follc.w Fot rhe bcrrer conceiuing of this ob~di fairh,and are donein rhe etlareofgrace. Fo'r <nee, fmlre quellions may bee demaunded, P4ul here teifor.ilhuo:If no flefl1 be iu!lifi· The firtl · ii: ·~hen rhts obedtence begin'ne• ed by workes,rhen nor wee beleeuers: billno and endII An.f""· Samfa~one obedt~pce 'Helhac all is iullificd: therefore'not we Chftfl, beglnncs mhis mcar. uers.D••id,Pf.I4J·reafons on theTame manl G narron, and,c:'ndesmhJS death. Chnfi 'rattll, ner:N•fi•fo /h8Ui•/uftifiedinthffight.~herforc lob. 4·,t. m; m<Att, ro dorm7 Fathm wrU, I tannor,rhough orhetwife I beerhy feruanr, D •nd to fi•ifl, h/4-wor~. But whenwas it indeed Ipk~epingthyc\)mmandemenu. When A· finiilled I Alitrlebeforc hispallionhce.faid, ~rihamwasrhefath<r ofall the fairhfull,and lob. 17,4. I h•u• fi>ti{hed the "'ork< ,.hich th•u ~·is come to t·he highell degree of faith, and . gauefl'r~~tiodoi, 'Againe,ip rhe furrendtingof abounded in good workes, yet was bee not, · his foule,he.'fairh,flit finifhrd, Ioh.19.3o; S: then iutlified byworkes, Rom.'i. 1, i, P•ul Pa•i(airh, c;:hrifl w.uo6tdintttothrdwhufzb·, kept• g..dcotJftie•ce brforeGodandmen, A~. croffe, Phil. ~. 8. The triumph of Chrill be· 'ZpndyerwashenotiHj/ijiedtherib;, r.Cor.i. gannevpon t.h~crotle, C:olofJ. l.J5. and bee 4· And heef•irh, rhat,.«Ar<nOI jauedb; the could nor triumph'bef0re lice had made a "ork.ft, .,.hich God hath orJaintd tlw"'" foou/d' full, and perfe~ {atisfa~ion for vs, When w~lk! in, Ephef.1.9,1 o. And tlleworkesrhar Chritl had procured dcliuerance from hell, God bath ordained for vs to walke in, arc the and R!ght ro life euerlaflmg, hee there !jladc bdl warks ofal,euen works ofgricc.Againe,, ' a perlet\ fati1fatlion for vs, ro the iulhce of hefaith,thar '"""notf••tdbJ worl:!! uf mtrc;:l God, And rl,liS bee did in his death vpon rhe Ti!.:.s. It maybeeobie~ed,·rfiarrhere is a crolfe. For oy the death of rhe Mediarour, Co·oper.~ttion ofworkes and tAith, lAmeJ:.l J. wee r~ceiuethepromifeojeHer/ajling inhtriiAtfa > l anfwer,thatthis Co--op~rAtionis not in the act: Heb. 9· IS. and ~jthontobiAtiDnvponthuroJJ~. S be