Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

-chf1pl~:-t 4arrteJled tlumtlifl!f'lif l!'rflificd,!ilc/>.~o.. 'i· A; \'Onfcq~emlj.1 {;.l¥ills Qil~pi.~PJ;t )un•d; a&.9 !9CJI car.npsJle;,p,crfeC!ed.,wl,t.\>?,ut,thc oun:cnciHHYil'l'l:ii.p«cepf;!lf§>J!ndit:rpadl: pHJ;\~~be~icn,cepfi~hri(!,CIJq~ rpfe .oprs,thc CO}llJll9dltY tber<lilf ~~purs alfo, "' Pf~~MP ji(C<:J\9,,~ i;Jto hc;ageo (q,oyr roo,m .,'The foJ1!t.h-q\ielliPnis)l61V~heo.liedleoca §M ~ad:and rh!!.l.1.e could .'!<9ff.i.l~9< d,og~, ofGhr((l.fiJ9~.l@,~<Jur iu(!~Qo.>dn(.Jtisnbt JZ,Ji'fs ]Jee,had !""!\~ ~ pe&fe(l f~!iJff{lion in o,y~i9aisq~e1•~ural nianer,f01:1h,nl~fiJowd!!h• ,~ere it,mi'.Y,,bc a<kcdj'Jf{~qsf~C!'lry bcttl '!lf,b9!1lf~/li.ljil)e &(up.C!rnaThral malt; oJ>,!P!Ii"c,c,end 10 ~he cl earl~of l;:hn~.!?.W•I>a! ,qer,OilJllc)l(,py,G,ods.'\~ecptliSWPiiO rbat·bo , vfe feruc the refur5e.tlion, an4.~fc~phon of ~RHIII!Utit!Pill'~.~9~naurueJy;,AAif·ih~erQiD • ' ~!JiYJ,~l141Ji~·f!ll.i9§.:i't. the right !)and_o.f_!he .vp. ft!l!J,P.q~il!l~q,y.e~;J~ep\'•tl.forpurs,itis : F~l«.l A.ifff.l!~yrffr!l> al(o tw PH!~Illhfic~7 !'l!{S jqd~qde:(orhiswillingand approouisG, · <iPII;/II!t after an2~1c~for,<. ,}!g;:r)},y,ferue to IJ.{~ny,tqiq~,j§~be<!<>.ingol1u:lloli•he.cals1hc apj11y,&COI]\mums~c~eo vs, ;md fO put ys>Q rl)ln_g~rhM~fi'Jm;,ll~if.t!Jqy1~Vb'<. · · · ei>lf~lljon of eh~ ·p~acfitswhich Chri(! h~tl1 'thUJl,'!'~ ·~~ii11hat theob~di.eaceefChri!l ~·~red for vs, ;tndpmc~afed ~?yjJis death. i!, Ag4:l!~«wp errou<s U>.UIHecau01ded: ~:.!W!I failh,lfe ~[crnded togiuegifts tomm,aml :fl),e,oll~.j$pff9!ll~Protdlants, le!fe dangetq'J!Uail thiwgs,Eph....S,to, Anct~hriOfaiJh, ll rQ.UJl,y,et,a.!lY.Iltt!lth; nam<:ly.,!·lmwc<~reiu(!i' 'if£~?.•~!amexa(red,f wiHdrawal"!'"tome,l,oh. fi,ed,opdyrl>y,tbe paffion of C-l,JJi.fl.Bur.ifthi~ J~~J.h A,~d,HdJ{ICJj~" tu<r tomalt.fmmcef!i'" v;.ere [q, wee fhopld be iu(iilicd without ful6lW~<a,,Hcb.7.•7·.} 1 . . ,. hngthclaw.:for(as lhauefaid).weeowevnto ,.JJ:lefecondqqefiwn "I howChrtflcc~ld Qod 'I dQubJe<)ebt: a11cby~oJltion,nallj.t• P.R~Y-i>'l,eing1Q9/l, ~M fa.(i~e .fp~y$ beemg ly;. the fu{jilljngof rhe law in allthirrgs, from Ol~ll1, An(w. Ch~ill mufl be <Qn{jdered, not ou.r lir.a b<gl!lpipg :.thef,e,ond, fincc cbe fall ~p~e?,~,l1. as God,or '!.' mao; bur'!' God-m~n, o~Adam,namcly,alatisfaClioJJfQJ<the brcacll oslVJ.~;1·god. Fqr;<!l• godhead d~t!J ,not te· ofthclaw. Now thep~ilion.o£Chr·i.fijupai, 1\'i~' vswuhour rh,ep1anhood,l)\>r;t,h~man· ljlent pf thc!~~ond dcbt 1 6utllQHIUOe fir(!; hqo~,wi,t),qm ·~· ll9.9head. N\~Jrl!,cl•lfe, whcr~asboth !0~11 bee ~ofwcttd.• For, Cuy, <::J11:i(!_as God ~q~~p;m,,tlfob<y, ~nd (cdu·hc th41,doth,Not''""""' itt1111 thing• .,IitJtrl (j\ti~§;.for,~srl[<[C~rein <;:.\Jri{\JIY,Dna<urCS! >n.t/;_cla<> to ,d" then;. ,Thc:,pa!!iol)co£ .Cbrifi f~\l'Sr..e ;ret)llo d•IJi nCl op~ra(iqnp' of .th~faid prqcureth <l<;liijerance frail\·hell,butaloneu)l n~:q.l:' .es, f\:nd ~s d]e!j•~.n~rur,esvruc~d,m~ke 11fclfconftder~d,ll dpthno!Purchafearight 'l'l,Htfirill ;fo .dlepp~ra<~9m)lf}~0 n.atutes roccernall M~., •. ,,, ,., ''li'C~f."llg ~P~,bee1~g ~ll,lted,.m ~ne, make S oh,e£1. I, ;c:;;hu(! fulfille<lJhdaw for him. th{fprup!J.upd ifPr;{;~f.l\ ~e~i;~tour,Th~rfel fe:Jhetefor.~his pailiou aloneferues for our fRre;(icpoedie9""' ,<:;hn(!,being <he work ~fi,ficatioo. ,4nf, Chri(! as man tu!filled rbe of ,a·¥~diaropr, Q¥1 . in iuhe_op;rationf of law foJ himfelfe: that hcllJightbe in barbMIJP.{RJlrl"res. ThcpraC!ife, exerF,ife, or exe· mres an holy high Pridl,&fp continue. N.,. cw.!qo of obedi~nc~, is from the m;mhood: uerrheletfe ~slYJedialour,Goq ond man,hee t~erffi>re it isfa)d,!)Jat Chrifl fare our finnr< bcca'!I,C fubicC!rothe la )V: in thisregardhee inf!irhodie vp,on the frolf:, I.Pct. z.z4. chat bu did not fulfill the law for himfelfe,neirhcr was f#JfemJ i.zheflefb, I.Pct.i.I,rhat hernade,alihe bogndfo rodoc. . , ~i•J:;•:•J hJ the vaile ofhis flefb, Jiebr. 1 o, zo, ' Ohie<f, II. .Thatwhicp Chri(! did,weare th~tweearermnciled i,n the hodJ of hisf/efb,Co- 'A'It bound to do: but Chri(!(fay J 0 me) fulfil, !9lL1.-12. Ol?eclie!Jce is prop~rly afubieCli· J~d thclawforvs,: thercforev;e~rcn,ot bound on ofihe will in rcafouablecrcarum, ro 1he fofqlfill!he law.Anf, Thatwhich Chrifl did~ ~illpfGod: No!" !h~~iliof)begodhead of we are not bound topo,forrhefame end;an4 Chr({l, admits no .fubieClion to the will of D in the (a>1JCPJ~r11er, Now hefulfilled the law Go~, becauf~.chew>ll of chegq4head (or of in way ofrcdelllption,and ta(isfaC!ion for v.s: God,): is one and the fame in ;Ul rhe perfons. 1 11nMo doeno~wee fulfill th> l,a\l(, C!J1i(! thereforeycclds fubicC!ion oply ip.reway ofthankfulnetfc fQr:l!~r redemption, fp~a· ofthewill ofthe manhood: iqwhic)1 he Ohie£1.1 I I. Tbcl~'Y ,dpt,b Rot exaC! i1.9th performes obedience, Morccucr, the <>pera. obed><ncc, ape! the p<nal!}' ~!fa. An[. In the tionq( thegodhead is to make rhe faid Obeefiate of ip,, the la\" rhrcamed the dlence meritorious and fatisfaClory for all , penalty,and it onlyexa~~d obedirnce. Since tliatfhallbelecue. lnrhisrefpeC! Paul faith, rhefall it ex~.C!erh bothobedienc<, and the G•J,.., in Chrij/ reconciling the ··orldvwto him· punifhment. T re threatning of the law, ex· felfe,z.Cor. 5.1~'and rhat Godflmldehisblood, aC!s the pun,if\mJent ;rhcpf<PCpts exaC! obe· ACl.zp.z8, namely, in rhatnaturewhich rhe diencc. · · .. SonncofGod a!fumed. He11cearifeththe . OlmfJ..lV.·Hebr: 10.19.B)the6/oodof value,price, and digniry of the obedience of {. brif/»"haueenfran«>nfoth<HoiJplare. An[. Chr'lll. . . , ; , bloo!.1 Chrift, weeare to vnderfland T hcrhird qu~lfi0n is,how the Obedience ' 1hepaffioq;~ndd1c paffion moy not bef~ueofChri(! fiJOuiJ bF rnadepuro 1 Aff, By rhe red from aC!iue.,&volunr~,ryobedJence. For free donation otGod. For Chri(\ ioreally giChri(! in f~tfcringobeycd, & 1pobeymg fuf. 1 Homa.>.ia 'uen vmo vs in the word ond facramenrs: and fcred.. And (as ChrJfof/om (a>th)theP•J!ionwa Ad. . /Qndi