l c :hap. z. the Epijlle iothe (jalatiam. "JJ.rJ'!, kjnd~~f~.Cfin11. ChrJtitn chcobbt!on·or· hini• A 'tl1e fierce wrath of ?o<l, ag.-aillll hell,. dcarh~ Jdfc diu notonlyqlferto Gc.d Ill, pallion,but &condemnation. Ccrrame bca!!s,c<hcn tney all0 ..,r>!lycrs,which are no paffidns, Hcb.s.7. are purtueJ,Hte the ne:-.;t way m1hc1r ucnnes, Tl1e lecond errotiC is of the.Pap1lts: who where they holdc thcmfdues euen to death. tearh, thatthe thing by whicli,and for wh1ch Cnr.tbn rdpeCl of lllSobcdie~ce, is our h1· a!inner is formally iuUified, is remifli,noffim, dingplace.Rom,3,Z6, hcli•fet forth vnro:the mrhm'h~unt iriftic~inf~Jed by dJe holy-Ghojl.Buc world as aPr()pstt/!itoru. Foras the PropirMtcrie tl'fls cannvt bee. For inherent iuttice,and iu~ couercd the Arkc,andtl1cdc~alogue, [o hce tlification 1 are made dlfbnct'giftS of God. couerethou_cthmes,:mdhchldesour boo1cs · Paul '[allh, Cbrifl "m•d, vnto vi if God, wif'· · and fou!cs, f~om thefurious in<l1gnatulll aod d~me>iHftice,fanElijidat'ion, 1. Corint~. 1.3. Avengeanceot God. Lee v:s: thcrciorc byour gaine, Bu1 }' arewajhcd,y,arcmflificd,a.df••· fairll,H1e to thiS our h1dmg placein the (form c./.ft,d, 1. Cormth. 6.11. Secondly,them!llce aod tempelt of Godswr~th: and let vs there whereby a linneris iulhfied,lsr'"ue.:~/... a' withoHt lme and die. Fourthly, this obcdJenccJs the rht ia", 1\om.3· z 1. Now inherent mlilce,or foundation of our happindfe. Fortrue hapthe habJtc of chariue, isrcuealed hy thelaw: B pinelfi:is,ro be eafed of ourlinncs,Pfal. 3: .r. ;ond theobediwceof Chrilt, isthconclyiuand thiS eaii:wehauefrom Chrilt,Matth.l 1 Illcc reucalcd ll'itlloutthe law, For it is aiu· 28. Lalily, the confi9erauon of this <>bedi· {flc\.'lmputed,which the lawneuer knew ;and 1 cnce>Is thctOundationofourthankfi1lnes to in thiSobe<liencc, CbriLI perforined the law, God, For if we belceue that Chnlt fuflcre'll, and more too. For hed1ed for his enemies; and fulfiHed rheJaw for vs ;we arc wor(ethen and fo loued his neighbour more then him· he.i!s,,f we do not eucry way thew ourlelueo idle, Th~rJiy, God IS notonclya iuihfi<r, thankfullforthismcrcy. butal(oisyl ins•fts!jmg.Rom.;.><>.becau[che The filth pomt to bee confidered, is the IU(hftcth none bur (uch as bringvntohim a meanesof Juthtication, nameJy, 1h~ Fiilthof rraeandperfeCliuibce, eithorinthemfelues, Chrsf/. Ofwhi.ch l coo!idcr three things. or1n rhe~r Mediatour,Prou,I].I5."Now thiS The firll,what faith is/The Pap1ltsoefine1li' mward, and mherentiullice is not fuch; For lhfying lairh to bee ag1ft of God, whereby 1tis imp<rfeCl: becaufe 11 rsincreafed(asthey wee beleeue the articles of faith to bee true, reach) by a(econd iultification, and 11 IS in and the whole word ofGod. But this faith thii hte mixt with the coemption of the Beih, the Jiuels haue. Here they alieadge, that A· fourthly, therighteoufoelfe of agood con· C br.h.rmwasthe father of all the falttifull,and !Ch:nce,1san cxccllentgrace,and g1tt of God: that h1s fanh was·nc.thmg elfe but 2 p~tfwati~ but by 1t »«r<nor ~>•f/•Ji'dl J.Cor.4+ LaOiy, on, thatbe'llasablc togmeh1m a chdd in his .a•clo1c trrour isro be noted 111 rhisPopi01 do· oldeagc. An{. FIFlt,theobieCl ofAbr•h•ms c'lr~nc of iullilicauon.ForinPopith learning, · f:mli was double I onc.Jctfe principall, that he rciuJ(!icnof (mn", is notonJy ana.bolifi1ing 1 lhouJd ha~CIIfue ill hfs'Oideage: the (econd; of the gUIIr, and the pumOJment, but alfo of moreprme~pa11, that the Mellias hisRedeethc corrupt1on ofii1111e: fo as the parry par-' 'mer fl10tild defce'nd of his Joiocs. And rhj, doned, aild lu!Wied, harh nothmg in h1m, ,v,;s the rhuigwhich his faith fn the promife that(•' they fay) God maymllly hate, Ar.d of God fptcially aimed.at. I anfw<r againe yei-i'allf.iuU,fied a~iU regencrafc,falth other· that•Abr•li•mbeleoued not onely the powe; Wiie'Of himfelfc : tllatfi••• 4,.11/"h in him; 6fGud,Rom.4.> 1.bur ailo hisw11l •h1chhe and·that thclawoffinna,bcls in 'hsm •gasnf/thc had reuealed in-the p101111fe, In th; p,d •11 th• . brlt:ot hitvflnde, ·an~'/radeihl11ica,D'fiue· to finne 1 tumomo(lh~l'arth PJa!t6e6.h:Jf~d.Secondly,irii· 1 ;Ril1~.7: '• · 1 ' .' ' ·• · • alleadged,thatChrWinthecuringofce"'lif~ ~··'rh{vfcofthe,doch!ne.Firlfiinthat we arc blinde men,reqmrcd no more, but that 'the)' JU!llficd by an 'o!Miience out or our (l:Jues, B OJOuld beleeue hispower,JV!at.9 zS.Ianfivef, wc_~c~~aqghr? vtter!y to dcny_o~t (eJues, and fhac che end of the miracles of Chrdl,wasto topot out ot ~m felues) as haui.l]·g- nothing confirm<: rhe certcntyof doClrine, ·fpeci~lly in"Vh\'hcrcbyw~C ma'ybe fauett: ,Here 1s the touching his natures, and offices. And'there·· · fOuiJdat,on of the 2bncgation·Of'our felucs. fore ageneral faith touchint,;thc dil;line pbw... se,oodly, thcopc~icncc of Chriflmull bee er'or godhead ofChnl!,waS'fullicient,forihe . vntovs the foli)Jdation ofOllr obedien.ce: fer obtaining-ofa·miraculous·ctire.Thirdly,they hee pctform'd all.iight<ou(ne!fe for vs, that obieCl, that faluation is promifed to generail we~might bee (er,llants not of fintie', but fer· faith, Rom ·~I 6 9·lf thou jha!t conftf[e n-itlith{ uants of rightcdUfOelfc in all duties of obc· moHthth~Lord l~Jm1 ar;dbd(efl~ th11t G~od rn1~ riienc~: ·And iJi ·his obedience wee mull not f,d him frcm th' dMd, rhou /TMit6,[aii,J.That ond{ refpec\ th'e·tl(erit thereof, but alfo his Pttm faJth was generall, Mattb.16,r o. Th• 11 h5'1r·bxamplei!' fotic,mercy, meckenelfe,pa· ortlc(m Cl.rijlth' Sonn<~ftbt liHingG•t!.That ti,<!nce, &c. and afrenr, are wecro faOuon our the Eunuch• faith was of the fame kinde dfl liu~'·:Thirdly, the obedience ofChrillmull 8.37· 1 bti<e~'"h•t Icfm {hrifl isthcSo:n"r 6.~~ ,the foun,Jatlqn,of dur co~fort. In all qod.Anf.It,. acommon mle infcriptnrc,that claUngers and temptations, wee tbilt bclecuc wordJfigni/jmg kw6n-/rdg~Jigniflf~rifotht mctions are to oppofethe obedicnceofChriflagainll and go.d"ifdli•ns if rh, heort, Pfalm. 1. Th.; S : L!rd