Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

-HJ> - -AComment4rie -vport, -· Chap.-~. 19 fixeThe ey~. Ofour faith on Chri!l. Th• A and fo isneirherIoue, nor hope. Louejsalfo[ ~allktupt paies his debt by a~ceprmg thepai-· · "' an band, .lmryet an band rha<giuesout,cow. 1 • ~en~ made by rh>,i>the prop~rty<if, ·muuicates,&< dillribures. Forasiairbreceiucs l true religion to depreffe natur~ and ro exalt ! ·ChriU into our ham: fo Joue opensrhe.hart,' {;fAce: and thi~i~d<>ne when wee make God ' & poures!lurpraife&,thaoks to God, anp all rb,8 nly wgrk,er\)fourfaluarion, &make.our· I maner of goodnesto men, Hopeis no hand, !¥Jp~s to bee ~R.roorq, bur r~ceiueu of rhe. 1 •Y• that wifi1lylookerh,&·waireth for \ :mercy and grace of God by fa(rh, and recej, t!legood things which faith beleeueth.Tber• i u~cs not by narur.e,bu!by1:-(acMJ!~<;hing om 1 , tore it i• the ondy prope.eyof faith toclafpe ' tijF,beggersha0d,qam~lyour f~\lh.m Chnll, andJay boldeorCl1<i!l and·l,li• benefir 1 c.. , tP,,recemetf)e giftor almes o(l,llercie. It is tlbi&<'k~, that rrue faith is n~aer .-. 1 • Th~lall pouu i~ttl;rat faith alone iulliF.e" lone. I aqlivcr thuu.Faith is neuer alone in ;For ~ere.f:.u,lf~j\h,thai '"' •r.iHJiifudby{ai1h, theperfoniu(hfie~, nor in godly conue<fati· wifpom the "'"kt! ofrhe '""- ' and that is as on:burisloynedw.irhallothervcrrues.Yetin :~~n;h~~~~;~~~~~~1ci~!.~;;;ri~~~~~;;;.~~ · s ~~:!:~d~~~~~~: ii•u~~~~i~i~.~~~~~f.;!~~;~ Qf Pat~! rhu~, lf~owing that !l f!1Ani/,not ift/lifird ned With all other paru,hand,foote,&c.neutrb] lfif worksof 'P' '""'•["" "'l if.not bJf•ilh, that thelelfe,theeyem feeingii alone.For.noparr ij!,'lJ'CCp~f~,i~~1g<> wirha.ll:thenif faid1 be ioy· ofchebody feerh,bu<theeye. .·- )Wd}Virh wurloes,£fay they) •vor~e; iuOific. I Secondly, it may bcobieded, that be<mg 'lnfwer, .tl~aJ riJi!})Upner ot..rpn\lation coriuflified by faith alone,wel!>are faued by faith .rupreth:the texr. For [•••I" ] nmU here bee alone:and fp~y liue as welill.Ianfwer;fairh lr£31\0at~d, b~•: al ~I!P>PI~s_hy rhc:_1vords fol~ muO bceconiJdered asan·inllrumenr, ura• a iPwing, }r.eeh.iue brkt1ud sn C:hr-ijl. th4trP.te way. If it beconhderedas:.aninilrumentto l "'igbt ~H,iPf/if~4 by {ai1hm Chrifl wi1bout 1ht apprebeod.-Chrifl to our faluarion, weeare "'Piikfs5'fforlaw:Wecannotdoemoreinthe <?nlyfauedby faith, on this m•nner. Yerif I"~Jipg p( our fpirjtuall difea(es, then in the ta11h be conlidered as a way,wea1e notonely .c~J}_ng t~ dif~a(es of our podie: of which faued bx faitb.F,or alloiherverrues&works <;hnllf~ith,On'lj bduoe,Mar.s-.3.6. When arerhe,way tp!J!e,a> w.oJas f.tith,rhough ihey 4er.1h•"1. al?ounded both in faith and works,. be not caufes 0f faluation. > 1 'Rqm. 4-it is[aid,that h(e Wtl' ~1f/ijitd bJ f•ilh Thirdly,itioobieded,rhatnot only f.titb, 1 wilhout wor/:tr, C bur alf0 the Sacramcrsferue to applyCh•ill: ' _,This,do1'hiDo•.is of great vfe. Firfl,wee lanfwer, nheyarefaid toapply, in rhat-they l~•rne hence, that _a m;m is il,l~ified by the ferue to con.firmefaitb, whofeoffice is·to apmFere-rtJeccie of God: and that there is ex· ply. And hereler vstake notice oftheerrour cl~<j~d from iuflificati.on, all merit ofcon. . of thePapifls,whoteacb, thatourf.1tisfaaigruitie, a!lme.ricorious workes of prepararro.ns ferue ro apply the fatisf.tlion of Chrill : 011, wrought byvs, all Co-operation ofmans and thefacdfic~oftheMa!fe,roapplythefa· will with.Gods grace, in the effetling of our crifice ofChrill vponthercrolfe:wh<reas nol;uUilicarion. thing indeede applies but faith. 1 1 Secon,dly, welearn~ that a man is iu(lified lnrhe'fixth place, \ confider the 4y,rhe IW•~c merirof ChriU:that is, by the kinds of iuUificarion.ThePapill• m~ketwo: m~ritorjpus obed.icnce.,which h<! wrought in 1, when of an euill m2n i; made. a himfelfe,ang not by rhmg wrought by him in good man: thefccond, whenagood man is vs._l:fererhen our merits, &farisf~aions, and made better: andrhis, theyfay,is by workes. all inward iu(lice is excluded from the iullifiBut it is falfe whkh they teach. For theIewes qtjon of a C.nner. To this ende !'"" fa11h, which wereborne ac holy and peculiar'l'eo-- thar we Areiuj/sficd fritly bJ 1hcm}emption thAt D pie to God,by mems of the coJ!enat,,.treiuis ~~ (hri/1,_Rom.p4. that we•re marlethe iu- . flificd(as Pa•l herefaith) bJ{aitb,withOflt 'll'or~r. '{li« of.G~d in,him (and nor invs,),z. Cor.s.z '· ·Againe,he faith,th•t rhevery end of•ou~be. tha,t he g•uebip1felfttoddimrvr,Gal.J.4.that ' leeuingis,rbA("'emay bri•flified by failh,,ith• hi hll/hp•rg~dour jinnesb; him[clfe. Heb. '·3. our w.rf<.r.. Therforethereis oneonly iulli6caan~. not by any thing in vs. Hence it ap· rion,and no more :and that byfairhwabour J'.~a.;1 cs,\hat tf:>eJ?apifls erre,~ndar,e dcceiued, workes. , . wi,J<~thcy tF•>lJ'thar Chr11l did merit,rbatwe Theieauenrh point is,.theground of thiS mightyl_eri,t,& f~ti•fie for our felues:forthen doacme of iullification. by faith wrrhour .we 0Jould not be iulli fied byour faith alone. wotkes.And·ir is laid downc m the end ofthe ! ,,~birdly,h~qcewee learne, th•J afinner i• 16.£N• flefh fhaObeiHjfift,J l>y thtJ<orktt of ,iy~!~ed,by me~re faith: that is, that Hothing thclAJ!.Andtbisground is.taken,as Ifuppo(e, ,within vs concurres as a caufe ofour iuOificafrom Pfal.143·v.z. It may be alleadged,that tion,but tiuir ;and thar nothingappreh.end• Da•i"faith rhus, No Jlefh fh•U bee i•fiifjrdio c;_hr.ills obedience for our iu(iification, but • thy fight, and that the other words,.["1 tht farrh: This will more ear.lyappeare, if wee worlr.nofthe/a,]arenorcxprc!fed: I anf"er, C91\1POCe-faith, hope, and l<>ue. Faith is like that the Apoflies, and Chr1fl rn citmg places a~hand,•lopen< it felfe tor~ceiueag(fr, ofth~olde.Tel!amenr,·sr.pfythem, andc.- pound