Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

' ! i C4ap.l. the Epijlle ttrtbeqatatiam. lll p<>und rhefll, and hereupon foinerime adde w<>tds-wir-houf ~dding to the ·fenfe. ll1•(es fllitll}lfm;fo.t/r r/iuil{irue. D~ut:6: 16. Chrill al!~a\lglogthe((tilt"words, fait!;, Him ur.t~ '(Ji4lt rh••ftrue,Math•.;. lo.D••~'ilfa11h, Sam– fieoapi/6.rnt uffiring lh<u wouldifi•;', bHt mint ;,,;,;, h.{lth••pirrctil, Pfal.4o-7.rhe author to lheH<brewes cirii1grhis text faith. Sacrifice At~~b".rnt ojftri11g tbou,WOHfdt{l HOl, 611t a f111fle hAjlthoufitted mq. Heb. 1o. $. And rhu.rhe, peircing ofthe eare is explaned. For indeed it. lig11i6csro be madeobedient: and to thisend 1vas-:fbodicgiuen t<?fChrill, that he might obej.IJis Fathero will.' - The eight and la(! point is, the pra8:ife of !hem that are iu!lified and that is, to beleeue, B o·rputcheirrrull in 'Chrirl. Trufl in'"' Lord (faith the Prophet) ••a J' (bAil[,, •JTurtd, 1. Cl]ro,zq,lo. AndSalomm(aith,Roll]•urcart ontbt"Lord,Prou. t6,:.lly meanes ofthis fairh the heart of the righteous is fixed and llabll– fhed. Pfal. 1 t :, 7,8. For the be'rtcr'practiCe of this dury,two rules mu(! be remembred. The one is,thar faith and the pra6l•fe thereof,:nu(l raigne in the hearr,and haue all at command. _vVe muCl notgoe by fenfe,fceling,reafon, but ~e-.uuCI fhutour etes, and let faith keepeour liearts clofe to the promifeofGod.Nay,faith mufl mter-rule nature, and command nature, and the Clronge!laff'ectionsrhereof. Thus A– brc.bambeleeucd againll hope, and by faith was content to offer his natural! and onely begotten foHne. ouerruU: na· rure,then much more mull ithauealthe lulls anJ corruptions ofnature at command. The fecond rule is,rharwhen we know not wharro doe,by rcafon ofthe greatnesofour dillrelfe, )\ feth a rhirc! •eafon, to dilfwade Pettr from hdting berweene the lcwes and Gentiles. ' And rhereafon will the better appeare, ifwe fearch rhe meaning ofthe words, If, »bile we , oe iuftifitdby {!Jri/l,that is, by fairh in Chrifl, without thework~ of the law. Wt arc f-und ·Jinnm,thafis,fouodir~our iinues,not fully iu– !trfied, but are furrhor tobe JuUified by the workcs ofthe law. Ir(hriftrhe minif/tr'.ffnnc? that is, doth it not hencetollow, that Chrill miniUred vnro vsoccalion offinne,in that he hath caufed vs toronounce theiuCiioe ofrhe law!Godforbid, that is, ye do~ alii told itwith measblafphemie, thatChri!l lhould be the mimUeroffinne. > we mull rben fixe our hearts on Chrill with· out feparation. Hethotclimes vp aladder,or Come flecpe place, the higher he goes, the fa– lter he holds. 2. Chro.zo. u. lob. 13. u, Hence i' true comforr,Pfal.l7. ''3. 17, Andifwhilt'wt(uk}tobem<dtrightmu bJ Chrift, weourjtbmaref•undfnnm, i<Chrifl th• minilltrof(innt! Godforhid. · The argument then Is framed thus: Ifbeing iuCiifiedbyChrill, weremame !inners, and are further to be iulltfied by rhelaw, then Chrill is the minillerof linne :· but Cbrill is no miniCler offinne:rberefore they which arc iUllified, need not further ro bciurlificdby thclaw. Thevfe. Firll, welcarnehence, thatit is bla(phemie to make Chrill the mmiller of Gone, who is the mini!letofrighteou(neffe, yeaiulliceitfelfe, m.n .II. D•n. lP$. Ht brings eutrlaf/ingrighttOufntff(,loh,I. Ht u th• Lambe of qod that tak$r away tbe finntr ufth• wurld: Of this all the Prophets giue rellJrnO· ny,ACl.r o.4J· Therforc Atheillsareno bet· C ter then diuel•, that recken him among the falfc Prophets of the world, And many of them that profelfc Chrillare grrady to be blamed,tharmakeChrill the grMtcll !inner in the1vorld: becaufe Chrtll died forthem: th.erefore rfiey prcfumc of mercie, and rake liberrieto liUe as theyIill. For the better vnderllanding ofthelatter part ofrh" chapter.It mufl be obferued,that P<ul directs his fpcech not onefy toPettr,but D alfo to theIewes' that' llood by, beeing main– tainers ofiu!lification by the law. Againe,PaHI hereteacherh, that they which areiullified by Cbrill, are perfectly to beiu– Ciified;andneed not furrherto be iuCiified by anythingoutofCbrirl, asbyrhe worke•of thela1v. I rmay be obiected, that they which arc iuCiificd feele themfelues tfl be finnero, Rom.?.•'l· An(. The corruption of original! Linne,is in them that are iu(lified: yet it is not imputed to them by God,and wlthall,ir harh receiued his d<adly wound by the death of Chrr!l.Thereforethey which are iullified,are not reputed finners before God. Againe, it may be obiected, that they which ~re iuCii~cd,mufl confelfc rhemfducs to be hnners to the very death. An[. Confellion offinnclsnot acaufe, but away for the obtaining of par– don,Prou.:8.14. r.Ioh.1.9. The vncouering ofour finnes is the way ro couer them before -God. The finnes thereforeof men iullificd, vpon rherr humbl< and ferious confellion, Some rhinke, that in rhis verfe Paulmakes an obieClion in the perfon of the falfe Apo. !lies' on this manner: If WC be iullrfied by Chrill alone, uiith0ut rheobferuation of the law, then there is nO difference betweene vs Iewes and the Gcnti_les; but we are as deepe !inners asrhey: and if.thrs be fo, then ChriCI is the mini!ler offinne, And thtn fay they, to this Paulanl\vm, qodforhid. &utliomewhat. doubr,wh<ther thisbe the fenfe ofthewords, becaufe Paul doth nor niake a direCl confuta– !IOn ofthis obiectton in ihe words following. ThereforeI rather fuppofc, that Paul con– tinues his former fpet!ch, eilen to the end of rhe chapter : and that in thcfe wordcs he V· are not linnes1mputefl,butcouered. . Vpon rhi's doClrine 1t followes, thatthere is not afecond iullfficarion byworkes, as r,he Papills teach. For he rhar is iul!ificd by Chrill,is fully mCiified,and needs nor further robe iu!lified by any thing our of Chrill, as byrhelaw. Againe, rhefameperfons reach, rhatour rinnes aredone away byrhc dea(h of S 4 Chrill,