Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

.1 212 .AComrn.entarinpon , Chap.z..- 1 \Chrill,and we iu!lified in our bap~Adome oflinne, which Chr)fl bath ueUroyed. ifwe faland finne after bapt~fme,we :pu{l · Fun!Jo.o;, !"e.arej:ere taugllt eo beconll~nt doe work<> of-penance, that we may fatisfie ip that whid1 is good,Tli.I.!).an~ t<> hs,Id f~(l GodsJU(Iice, and be further iu(ljfiedby our theGofpe(o¥\l[ch.we profttfe. Webaue.put ,workes and fuffcringo. But then, by their vnd~rfoo.t'cthePop(OHcllglo.nfor'rhis.many lcaueslafcerw.e arc iu!l•fied, :,y Ch'rHl, we are yc:ares:our dory·Js robtconGant heretn:,-.a~d foun_d !inners, and we arc further to be Ju(lifino.way<:uher jnwor.d,or d~edc,tllal ..:cl bY our ownc workes.Now t)Jis is the point, .which we ~aue to the ytterrooll of oqtpw.~r ·which PiluLherc confurcth. '. · dcltroyed. , ' "", ~' . .-._ r-- • "''~ \_ ... . Againe, pytht5 doctrine welearne, that 19. Forlthrfug~rhdiji>,~milr~J(othtt•w-, Chn(l alone is by h1<ofclfe luflicient for our: th.r I"!•I /i~''ll"'' q~d, . , , :•· , ·.o iulhGcatiOn.lnh~rn(falth p.,l)arewccomphu, In tbe[e wor4!, Panl[cts a Ce.cond €of. z. 14. He isa well ofgrace and hle neuer r;afon, <o proouc Chrijl t.O ~~·nOI;t\t~Qe(of d~i~d vp,loh.+•t·T htrdly, we mull content hnnc,m aboWhing the it1Q1cc ofihe law. And our felues withhim aloneJandwith hisobcd1the reafen is framed tbu~; :We Icwcs,I!J.~ified d.lence for our iuClification, de(piGng(in re~ B byCbnfl,aredcad to rhclaw,nortoliueas w~ [peel 0 fhin')allmerits and faust•dion done h!l,but <o lmero th~ honour.ofGod. Therchyman. fore Chril\.in ukmg away;.hc ru!liccqf.'t~~ Lallly)JCrc \Vc [cc what mufl be the careof law,is nouhe miniflcr ofC.gne. .. ..J menin thisworJd)namel~v,to,feek~ro be1ulh:- Hcrcrluecpointsarc.propound~d:t~e firA: (iqdby the fatth ofC hrilL Invas P••ls prmcti•,rhat t!•.!':P.•(foniuOificd, rs deod to rh<law: pall dcfire to be f'""d m Chrt{l, ha•ing "'' ~¥1 the fecond, 1l1ar he isdc>,9r_o the law by t\Je Ort'n~rit,htroufnclfr/mtlhrrighteou[nrOewhiChl! Jatv:~hethlrd)CJ!at he is dcjJd that he max Hue h•h• f"ith ufChri{I,Phii.J.IO.Thc likedefirc .vnto Gqd. 1 ·' • Lr. . . lhould be in v5all. F,or the better vnder(laQding ofrh~, fir(I r8. Fori(! bui!dagaint the rhingt ..hieh I ,potnt, we mq.~fearch 1y(1Ati~meanrby djrpg hllu~ def!riJ]td, lmaksmy /~'If~ a rr.m(greJfot~r. 1 tothr/aw.Her~tPclawis,coQlpared toaq h.ar4 . By things dtf/rfljed, Pnulmean.c& the wotkes .and cruell rnafler: and we to ilaucs or ~'i:m4ortlJ~ iufhcc o(thc law, as ~pP.eares f:?y th~ ' men:whofo long as. they_are aliue, rhey f1.tC n.cs:r vcr(efolluwing,whcrer~qd~ringar}~a(?n .vndcrrhcdominion, and at the command of , ofjthis, hefcith~ 6; the law 1Aml/e(4i{totbt:l.:fltl,. . -their maficrs:yet when they aredcad,tbeyare , .:rhefc word1, depcn,d on et>• for111<1 thus: free from chat,bondage, and their mafiers f:AH/had f<id before, that (IJJ£1(1 was,qota C houcno more t!) doewuh them. Here tben,ro II)tniCleroHinnc vntovs:ot!ld here heprooues bt dead totbrlaw., is~obefrccfrom the domiif rbus. He that builduhe iuilicl:of the law ni~n ofrheJaw. And we ~re free, \nfourere. ~hichhe hach defiroyed, is,a mtuif!~r offin, fP•Eir..F_irfl,i~ rcfpeCl ofthcaccufirl,g.& damor make• himfelfe a lmner:bur theIewes,and natottefentcnce ofthelaw.Rom.S.t.Sccond- 'Peter byhis example build the IUC!ice of the ly,in refpeftofrhepowerofthe Jaw, wherrby lqw which they baue deOroye~, and fo dotb as an occaC.ot) 1~ prouo~et~ and flirrcth vp 1 njjt ChrHl: therefore the l1!W-es and Pettr the corruption of the heart in the vnrcgenc:~ lllakcthemf<luesfinners,and Cbrifldp1h not rare,R0m. 7· 8.. Thirdly,in rcfpectofrhe ri· :make vs linncrs. gour ofthelaw,whcreby it exact:cthmofrper· .. H.crc let vs obfcme the modd.Jic&meeke. feCI obedieqcc for our iuflification.Thus P••i nelfcofPa•l. The tbingsw)Jich he fpeakes, hcre[aith,t\lath•irdMdtothda>r. La(\!y, in copc~(ne p,..,, and tbclewcs: yet left h~ rcfpeClofthcobligation·ofrhc confclencc,to olfend thein,heapphcs them to bimfdfe.Tbis cheobfematiqn of Cerempnies, Col. 1. 10. care not tootfcnd, wastn Chrifl; who wai raThus are all pcrfonslu(\i~e4, by the faith of ther willmg to depart from hiSilglu, rhento 0 ChrHI,frec frpm the law. ... offend.Mar.r 7·' 7· And Paulbiddes vsp!'"[' .. Hence.wslcarne,tha~thePapHlserre,and allmen in cbatwhich i4 gtJod. aredccciued, when they reach, that the Law Hereagame, it is P>i~!J doChine, thar we and thcGofpcl,arc cnc for. fubfianceofdomakeour[clues offcndou_rs,whmwe build that ct:rme. For ~hen they '"-;hid) are iull1fied by 'i!hich ;w• hau• la>r(uiiJ d•flroJed. Thus Tea- !=brill, f!Jould notonelybedeadto the law, chers.are great o(feqdours; when good dobu_ralfot!) the .Gofpell. Now the Scripture Clri•Je isioynedwith baddcconuerfation. For faith not,tha•perfonsiu{ltficdare dead ro the gcog doClrme deC!roics the kingdome of Gofpcl. . darknelfe, apd paddc conuctfation builds it They crreagainc, in thatrhey teach, chat \"P again~. Thus rulers aregreat offendours, -pcrfom l~fi1, the 111erirof the dearh of ,hengoodcounfelland badde example soe Chr~!l, arc timber to be iu(lificd by the wge;her. For good counfcll beates downe workesot rhe l?w• Fo( he that ts iufiified by wjckedoes,,aod bad,example f~ts ic vpagaine. Ohrill,is deadtorh~law: buc if.w< beiuflified ,T~us i>elf~ucrs in 1 CiuH! arc great olfcobyworkes, thenareweby Chrifln)adealtue .d,ours,w.hcn refopncd religion, and vnretOrtot he law. 1 me.~,~(<; are toyned together, ~s often they Thirdly, hcrcw,efcehqw long the dominiare.Eor t.henvm~fGrmcd lJ(ebuilds theking. ono(the J:iwcontinueth, andwjlen ir endech. The ,j