Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.~. the Epijile to tbe qalatians. The la10 reigncs ouerall mcnwlt~oute.cep- A tion,ti\1 they be iutlificd:When theyonce bc– bdeeuc inChntl, & to amend thm hues, ;hen rhc dominionof the law cealcth, and tbev then are no more vndcr the law, but vnde.rg~•ce. Here all Cucb perfons asliuc in thcfccuritle andhardnelfe oftheir hearts, arc to be admoni!hed to repent of their flnncs, and to beginne to rurr.cvmoGod. Forrhey niutl k 0ow, t.hat th~y liue vnder amoll hard and cruel! mallcr., that will doe qothing bur acc~fe, terri6e, and condemncrhem,& caufe rhcm.!o runnc headlong ra vrter defperati– on.And 1frhey die bceingvnder the law, they mufl Jooke for nothing bur dearband dellru– ctlon without mereie. For the Jaw is mcrci– le!Ie. This confidcrarion feructh notably to l3 aw,akcthemrhataredead inthm finnes. A– game, allfuchas with true and hone!! hearts haucbellunne to repentand bcleeuc,lct them beofgood comforr. Fertbcy arc not vnder the dominion ofthe law, bur they are dead to theJaw, and vndergrace, hailing aLord,who ,isalforheirmercifuJISauiour, who will giue them protection againll the terrours of the law,andfparerhem as a father [pares hischild rhat Cc rues him, and not breake rhem though they be bur., wcake and bru1fed reedes, and as linoakmg flaxe. Thefecond pointis, touching the meancs ofour death to thelaw, and that is, rhc Law. Here forne by the Jaw, vndet(land rhe law of ifairh,thar is,rhcGofpel,Rom.3.>7.Andthcy C make thistobethe meanmg ofrh~ words, BJ the /m• ofCbrift, that is, by the Gofpel, I am de9dro rheLawofMo/n.But this fenfe,though it be-atruth, yet will it not!land in this place. Forit is the quefiion, whether by rheGofpel we be freed from the law/ Now Paul,alcarned difpurcr, would nor bring the quellien to prooue it fdfc.Therfore, I take the true mea– ningofthe words to be this: B]thelawofMo– (",t•m rorlu la.- ofMo[<r. It may bede– manded, how rhis canbe, conlidering the Jaw is th.ccaufe ofno good thing in vs?Forit IS the n\inillerie ofdeath,&condemnatio: •·Cor.3. 8. 7, 9· Againe,rhat which the Jaw cannot re– ueale,ircannotworke;but the law neither can, no' cloth reueale faith in Chrifi,the death to D the law, nor teP.:ntance, &c.therefore rhe law is pocaufero workerhem. It may peraduentcr b~ faid, that the law workc•repentance, & fqrrow for finne. I anfwer, there is a double Repcnt.ance,OneLrgal, the other Euangdi– cdt. Lcgall is when men baue a fight oftheir finnes,_ond withall aregtieued for the puniOJ– menrrnerof. This repentance is wroughtby the minillerie ofthe law: itwasinludas: and itiS nograccofGod, burof it felfe it is the way to heii.EuangelitaiiRepenranceis, when bceing turned by sracc, WC rurne Ollt fefues to God. This repentance is agift ofgracc,and is riotwrought by rh~law,but by ihe minifiwc ofthe Gofpcl.Againe, there IS aLrga!lforrorv, wh1ch rs aforrow for finne, in rcfpecr ofthe p~niibrncnr: rbi~ is no grace;and it is wrought by the law. ~~~'!!'t,elicllll(or~~w, i:t (o'rrow tOr fin,,bccaufe ltl~ hone.ThiSmdecde is agrace of God; buritisnot wroughtbyrhelaw,bur by thepreaching of mercy and reconciliail· on:andir fo1Jo11•es mvsvpon the apprehcli(l. on ofGods mercy by faith. The law then be– ing thecaufe ofno good rhmgm vs,it may be demanded(Ifayjho'v we Owuld be dead t? the law,by the law 1 An[. Tl1ough thelaw be noracaufeofriHsdcarhro rhelaw, andfoto Unne:ycc it 15 an occ:a(ioo rheH:of. Forit .lC· cuferh,and terrifierh,and coi1Jsmncth vs:aod rhereby itoccafionathlor vrge,h vs to R1c vn– roChrill, who is the caufe rhat wcd1evnto rhe law.Asthe needle goe.s OeforeJand drawes in rherhrid,whichfowes rheclorh; fo tl1elaw goes before,and makes a way,thaq;racc may follow afrer,and takeplac' inrhe heart.Thus mull this place be vndcrllood, and all orhci placcsrhat fpeake of rhchw 111 thiS manner: as Rom.].8.&c. The third point is,tou:hingthc end ofour death t~the law:~nd rhat is,thatwe nMJ!iueto qod. Itruaybedemaunded, what lifcrhisiS, whereby we liu< to God/ An(.There is anattJ– rall,and afpiriruaiJ life. Natural! life is that, j which we recl.'iuc from /tclamby gcneratiqn: and it is thefuncrion of narurall faculties, in liuing,moouing,vfe offenfes,and rcafon. Spi– rituall life, is that which we recciue f1om Chrillbyrcgeneration: andit is theaction, morion,oropcrationofrhefpitirin vs. Th11 life is called byP•ttl,rh<lifrofGod, Eph. 4- 18. And this is thelife which he fpeakeo ofmthis place. And it is defcribed by many things. Firll,by the end,and vfe ofit. Forir ferues r~ makevstoliueroGod, that is, to the honour andglorieofGod. Andweliueto God byJi. uingwift!y,god!J,i•JI!J. Tir.z. I>. Wi[<!J,in re– fpect ofour {clues:god!], in refpect of God: it!JIIJ,in refpect ofmen. · . That we may Jiuewifcly, "'emufiobferu'e rworutu. Tl1e firll:wc mu a labour with all di· ligencc, and with all fpccdc, that we maybe worthy to !land before the Sonne of man at hiscomming. Andthereforewe muUJabour robeinChrill, hauing true faith and good confcicnce.Eph.5.15· Luk.21.36. Con(ider alfo the examplcofP«ti/.ACl.z4.16. It is true wifedome to be wife for our.foulcs, and for,e– uerla£ling happine!fc: and !t was the folly of the foolilh virgins, that they did not furniih rhcmfelues with the oyle of grace in time conuenicnt. The fecond rule: we mull inthis world corneas nearehca-~en and the happi– oelfc oflifc euerlalling,.. may be. Pbil. 3. 14 And for t.his caufe we mull ioyAe our [clues to thea!fembly where the word is preached, prayer made, and Sacraments 2dminlClred: forthere isrhe gate of heau,cn. Conlider the pracrifeof/v!ofrs, Heb.I '·'5· z6, and rharof Oauid,Pfal.84. ro.Agaioe,being abfenr from heaucn both in bodie and foule, yet we mufl haueotuconuerfatiO there,by the cogitation of