. I 2.14 ACommentarie 11pon Chap. 2. ofo;,-;;;;;;-ts, anJ by the atfetlions of our j A hcarts.Phil.J.1 1, Thanve may liuegodlily, foHmrultt mu£! be remcmbred, The firfl: we mu£! bringour felues into the prefenceof the inuifible God: yea,\\'Cmufl: fer ourrhoughrs,wiiis,affettion,, and all we doe in his fight &prcfence: and we rt1UGeucrmorcrememberwh.ttfoeuer we do, thanve haue to deale with God himfclfe. In rhis regard Enoch is faid to 'P'Aik,s wilh God, ! Gen. 5· 14. Abraham and Jfaa< before God, Gen:I7.I.and48.15.and'Dauid,Pfal.t a6.9. and IJ9·all.andCorndiui,Atl.ro, 33. and ~ 11ait/,z.Cor.7-tZ. ~' ''i'he fecond: we mu!l !akeknowledge of ' rh~ !'ill ofGod in all things, wbcthor irbere- B uecded iil the word,or byany euent. It is not enouoh to knbwGods wil,but when time and placcfcrue$ 1 we muH acknowledge it. Rom. U.LCol.I.IO. The tlmd:ive mu!I bring our felucs in fub– iefhon to the knowne wilt ofGod,and capti· · uate all our (enfcs vntoir: and fufl'er God to [£rvp his kin;;domc in vs.Rom.tz.t. Thefourrh:wh~n we bane ot\endcd God, we mull' lnllantly l;umble our felues bdore his maieflic)cnnfcmng our offences, .:md ma– kino in!lant deprecation for rncrcic:.Thusdid £.;:;a,chip.9.>mdVar.it/ 1 chap.'?.and Dartid, Pfai.J!.J. , our actions. · Thuswefeewhatit i:1toli11ttoGod,Nowwe areallwbeexhorted, ro order our lfuesin this manner. For fir[! ofall,we areGods:and thercforc·we mH/1 glori(ie God6oth i11 our bodiu andfou/a,I.Cor.6,>o. Secondly, the end of ouriu(lificationand redemption is, that w• mayliuero God. And it is great wickednc!Tc to perucrrrheorder ofGod, by liuingtoour feluesand the luLls of our nearrs. Th~rdly, there be three degrees ot life. one is In rH1s life,a fpiriruall and arene~ved life:' the fecond in dearh,when the body goes to the earrh;aud thefouleto heauen:the rhird,in rhelafi1udgment,whenbodie~nd foulc rcumted,emer in· rorbcprcfenceot God. Tbercfore that we may befaued, we muflliue vnrc Godin·thi; Hfe:for wec:m neuer come to the fccond de– gree ot life,butby thefirfl..And we mufl nor imagine, th~twecanfteppc immediatelyour ot alcud and wicked l•fe,lnto cuerla!ling hap– pmclfe 111 heauen. Laflly,rhe groce ofGod in the miniflerie of the Gofpcl hath appeared, and long taught vs,and called vpon vs,to liue vnro God. ThcrdcrevnleLiewebe alhamed and confounded for our finnes, and bcginne with all fpeedc to liue vnro God, it Will be worfewith vs,rbcnwnh Sodom and Gqmor– rha,and m,any ether natiOns. lO. lt1mcrucifirdtritb Chr;_ft: Thus 1/iue, ""The fitib: in all our miferies and aduerfi– tfes,we mun be (ilenr in our hearts, by guie· riijg,our wills in rhe good will of God, Pf1l. 4-4-Examineyot.rfe/u,,and btf/.11, Pfal, 37·7• Be(ilenr to Jehoua. Confider the example of A.ron,Lwit.IO.J.ofDauid, Pfal.J9·9· ofrl:e C ~~tnot l a:Jmore,hut Chri{lliucu11m~. Andi, . that Inow lit~ein thefle(h,lliueby thefAith ofthe lfonneofGod;who hatb lo1ud me, ~tnd giuen him. feifefor me, Iewes,ACl, r '·' 8. . Thefixth:In all things we doe or futfer,we I me!ldepend on the goodnclfe, prouidence, at\ a mcrcic ot God.for the fiJCcclfe of ourla– bdurs,and for eafeor dcliucranccour of mi– ferif, This is to liuebJfaith:and,asPeterfaith, I.i?.,cr. 3.17,tofar.ClJficGod in 6ttr hu~ru. . The JaH: mall thing!i we mufl: giucpr~ifc an't!'thankes roGod: and that for ourmife– rids and afflil'lions,iob,I,zo.for in them God m'i1;gles his iuUice, with mcrcie, whereas he ' Ojightvrterlycon'demnevs. · ' · D ' · ' Thatwemayliueiu!llyinrcfpctlofmcn, '"'""'" nntU be obfcrued. Thefirfl:we muLl lbkke God in ChrHl, our rrea(ure& our por– riorl , and his faumir and blcfiin'g,our riches. Th~n !hall notthevde linncs of auarice, and ambition, beare !\.vtly in vs:and then thall we Iearncwith P~mt:o~ecotJUnt inakr 41~tt~. Phil. 4· 11. becaufc howfoeucrthe worldgoe, we haueourPorriona.nd treafure. The fecond, we m'uflloue God in louingof man: &fcruc him in doino fcruice to men by the offices and duties ot"ourcallings.They which labour mrhcir c;llings; fOr this end ro get riches, ho– !louu,and rOfctvpthemfcJucs in this world) pmphanc their 'qllings, atid ·pral'life iniu. A ice.For ,]ot fclfe-louc, bm lone to God, in· duties ofJoucro men, mull beare (i.vay in all \>Vhereas,Pau/faid bdore, lamdeadtothe lawe,bhe hedeclares thercafC'InofJt,whcn he faith, lam crucifiedwith Cbrift. Againe, here Ptut/fcts downcthe rrue preparation tofpiri· rualllife.For God fir!I kdlt,& then hemakes aliue. And the meafin<<>ffpiriruallhfe,isac. cnrding to thedecay oforiginallfinne. This p,cparation, !l•ndsin !WO things:the fir£! is, fellowOtippl:with Chriflin his crollc & paf– fion, in rhrfewords, I amcrucified,ith Chri(l. The (ecoM,hAbnegation, or Annihilation (asfomecalllt) in rhefewords,Nor Ja•jtiJOre,: I amcruojiedwith Chrift. ' For the better vndcrflandingoftbofewords, u·e mull obferue, firfl,thor Pauifpea~cs not thiS ofhimfclfe parricularly,but he fpeakes in the pcrfon of the Chriflian !ewes, before whome he now reafoneth ·with Pettr: n~yin the perfon ofd bclceucrs. For al rharbele<'Ue greburied it;fo hi1d~4th.Rom.6.4. SecondJy,rr mull be obfcrued, tharP••' fpcakesrhis of himfcltc nor as he is aman conOiling ofbody and fuule, butas he is a finoercarryingabour h1m the body offinne.Rom. 6. 6. Further, it may be demaunded, vpon what ground he 010ld fay,Iamcmcifirdwith Chrif/1An[.There he rwo reafons ofthis fpeech. One IS, that Chr1£l vpon rhecroLle,flood not a1 apriuare pirfon,bur as a publickeper(on, in theroom, place,and Ileade ofall the Elcl'l:and rherfore when he~\·ascrucified, afJ bcle(uers were cru_ citied