j·":tr: i fied'iri'rliltl 1 : 1 , in ifie1PJt,litmenr.;vlhen..dfe Pi. to be crucified with.Chrill;-rholilhlllefte1he Burgetl<! o;ue•hio'<~oil!@,'the\iihol<l:or·porari. . Jdngrh,rhc breadth, rheheight,.tbe depthllf bnhfald~tl>nCcotb)i>hiin;andinhirn. T!ie' !ihc.Joueof God in·Chri!l. Forrhy finnesare ftooi!Bhatl>1 i; 1 rhrllJIIi''fhe <:onuerfio;Jof a rhe (words, and•rhe fpcareairhat crucified Gnnco;lh~rc is ardll d"o"-tion ofChi'!!I,and ChrHl:and yei thou hall allthcbenefitofhis ~llihiWen~firs vrttd-vllan11'there.JO-a reaUvpailion.La!lly,lfdJOu'canfl bdeeuerhar1hou nldh,~.tl~rby·eucry bl!leeuer'iI.Il)ade ane 1V1th artcruelfied with QhriLt,1houlhalriurtherbe Cllrill.·A!nd by vell'il'e'O~th'iivnioli.,Cll'e'crolfe alfured, thathe is pam1cr witlnhee in all thy an~p:lfflon of0hfi(l.,'i<~a~veflly'flja1h:oun, 11\lferies and aRid!'ims; lo eafcithee, and to' aoif.iii.Yl\\ldbeeneci'uCi6'ea,<iti<>ur·ow~e permake theerob~~~erheliJ. ' r•.P<i:.<p3. Coil' fons.Hereupon•P4Mf~lth iil rhe'tilflel!"refcnr; ·r ··•4· ' ' ) ~ ·. " - ,., · "· 1·~t,!;~r•i!i(i;J ';.ith"Ohrijl. ' There 'are' hke i· Thcdutleshen~etobel~arncd:;. are thcfe.: ~t1rlfeslll1'a•I,Wt ~rhle•~wirh·c'hrlfo:"''""' FirU, if·rhou bc<Grucified wirhChriU, then' ,;r;?l~;,~lhinl:we(iiwith him i• her.r~wlnt•r:<s, ' !'lull1hou apply 1hy heart to crucifie thebO: Bpll:~'.lf.J Col. 3· ri•atld ·they are ih thefame ' dy'Ofcorruprion ih thce,by puyer, fafliog,by · !»aHii~H!Ib.eexpi!>unded. Moree~e'r;thebe· •s· iwoidingrheoccafions, by abrlaining from' nefiitl that anfe.'clf'Jti\Jt, commllmon with I heprat!ife offione, andbyall good meanes. Cbtiflin'his paffion-aretwo,0ne is;ltif/ificA· Bcl!oldaman lmoged vpoo ag.ybbot. Thou ti,.ifl~m all our linneo;Roro.6.].'fhe fecond, feefl he harh falistied rhe law: a:od there is no ise:M.riiftcati•nof uone- by th'evetlile of the furlher iudiciallprocccdingagaioflhim: and death!of€.flri£i, afrk( we are iografted into withall thou fecll how he ceaferh from his' hiio.'fhus much ofrhe meaning. ' thefts, murders, blafphemies, euen fo,if 1hou .Thc:a:re. Superllitio'us-perfons rake occafi. canCl behold thy felfe fpred vpon the crotfe : · pn b)"the paffign·ofC:Iin!l,ro ll1rre vpthemofChri!l,and <:rucifiedwith him,'there wil! be:; felbeisroforrow,cori•pailion, ·and ·!eares, by ~'.'. 1heeanew mmd and d1fpofiuon, and 1hou1 1 cdnfiaering 1he piulull handling of C.flrifl, w1ltceafe from thmeold olfenas.Againe,be- , the.forrow that pearcea the heart of<the vir· mg cruc16ed with Chrifl, thou mull be cot!- 1 gin M.i/ie,an·dthe cru'elty of rh~· Ibves. But formable to Chri£i in thyfulferings.Hefutfe~ I dJirWJ.ttliim'anevfe 1rhat may bemadeofeuered in Joue: and'the more his pallion.incre:r-': ryHiiMrie. · ' -- fed, 1he moreheflJeweJ his lobe': ·euelif6.iil Therightvfeis~his :Weareinmindeand rhlnealllit!ions and futfering~, thy Jouc iol medlla!ion to confiderChrifl crucified: and God and man muU be increafed,though man firrl, .wearetobeleetie~ that hewascrucified. C belhe caufe of thine alllit!ions. ·Secondly;: forvs.This beeing'done,we murl goeyetfurCfiri!l futfered in obedience :•Not my rriii,IIHif rher; and as it were fl'read our felueson the thy ,..;1/btdon" euenfo, in all thy fulfering•;• 1 crolfc o'fCht~ll,bolceuingand withall behoJ. thou mull rcfigne thyfclfe to God, and qoJti:: · dingout feluescrticlficd with him:'Thou wilt thy felfe in hiswill.Thirdly,Chrifl futfcred in fay,thfsis a hard marrcr,I cannot doe it. I fay all humilirie;humblinghirnfelfe to the death againe, thatthis iuhe right pra<life offaith : ofthe crolfc:etren fo we,in, and vpcn our affil· flriue rherfore to be ferled in this,tharrhe botlions, are to humble our fclues vnder the dle'Oftl!y-Gnneis·crucified with ChrHl. Pray mighty hand of God, confeffing our linnes, inllfnt(y by .,kmg;'fceking, knocking,that and intreatingfor pardon. Fourthly,hefutfc.' rhob•niaie!l rhus ~cfeeu·c. This fajrh,and.perred in faith,asman depending on his Fathers fwafion,is ofeodle!Te vfe.Fir!l,iris the founda. 1 goodoelfc, euen in 1he roiddellofhis pailion: tion ofrhycomfort, Ifthoubeleeuc thy felfc eucn foare we to doe.Fif:hly,hewemooconro be crucified with Chri!l: thou !halt fee thy flantly in hi• fufferings to the very death:· fcffcfrced from the rlominionof the law and euenfoarewe ro futfcr in the refi!lingoflin, fimie·; rrom hell,deaih, and condemnation; D euenvntalheOJeddingofourblood. La!lly, and tathy great eel m fort !hairfee thy felfe to · rheprincipall careofChri!l was, to fee the rriti<;lph ouer all thy fpiriruall enemies. For fruir ofhiS futf,.ings:fowh~nwe~rediflrelfed, this Cbrill doth,Cob. 14. and thou doll the our care muLl rather be to fee rhefruireofour fame, ifrhoubeferlcdinlhis, that thou art dillrelfe,thenro!eekedeliuerance, This concrucified with him, Secondly,vpon"rhi• performiry wiri!Chrifl in his paffion, isaninfalfwal.ion,,thou'fl•a.lt feele the ver1ue o{ the hbleworke&tokenofrhechildofGod, and dea,rli'of.Chri!lto' killfinoe in thee, and to aflgne,thalwearecrucifiedwirhChrifl. raiferhydeadfoule to fpiritualllife. When Againe, herewcaretotakenotice of the rheSliuoamireschild wasdead, Elifoawent& falfe tairh ofmany men.They.cao becontent by vpon him,applying face ro face, hand to to beleeue tharChrifl was crucified for them: haod,:ind footto foot: and then his Refi11vaxbu11here they makea paufe: for they doe not ed.~ar.me,andreuiued, r.King.4.J4. eueofo bdeeue that rhcyarc crucified with Cht~£1. ap~ly ihy felfe to Chri(l crucified, hand to Their faith thereforo is buta falfefaith , and han~,foot la foot,hearr to heart: & thou n,aJr their profeffion is according. For they haue · fe~leiorhyfclfe • dellh of fin, and the heate rheformc of g"dline.tfc .without the power · ot fpiritnall life to·warme ana inR•me thy thereof. They 1hinke, thatrheybeleeue rhe dead heart. Thirdly,ifrhou belceue thy felfe Articles of faith aright, ·butthey are dccei. ued. .I '