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t,Ioh.3.7· t i I I i Chap.z.. the Epijlle to the Cja!tttianr. , f10.n tile death of Iinne. Andby thos power, A Chnll is laid to hue m them that belceue. The rhord "'the rciurrecbon0frhe dead bomiles.The reafon 11 this: There is con!cicm:c in rhem; and by 1t they know rhemfeluc• ro be m1fcrabJc !inners: bm they wane rhtrpur– pole to obey God, and the mclmarion to his Jawes;and thcrloremdced they barenotrheir lins,bwratherthecommandcmcnt ot God. The fecond operation and ligne ofrhe Spirit, "a mind and dofpo!itiOn,lol<e to the mind and u 1 [polition otChri£1; which IS to doe rhe will of God, ro fcoke his glory,and to apply h1m. fclfero rbe good ofmen, mallduucsof Joue. Therhirdandlall (toomirmany) isroloue Chri!l for hlmfdt;and ro Jouethcm tharloue Cbnfl, and that becaufe they loue Chri£1. This IS arruc ligne that weehaue p.j[ed from de4th to life, J.loh. 3·•4· It may behere faid, dy ro cuccJatfmgglory, in the d~y of Judge· mcnr,Ltom.S.r J. ~Thus then rhe meaning of rhcwords is e.. uidcm: rhat Chnfi: as aroorc, or head, !JUcs in rhem that arc vmccd tohlm, and that by rheoperall<in of his Spirit, cauling them to die vuto their finnc:-s, and. roliucvntoGod. And againe, it mull be remcmbred, rhar P~ut fpcakcs this nor prmaccly of him!'clfe,butge· nerally m rhc nameofall beleet~ers. For hce !alth, 1.. Cor. l 3S.Knowycnot dUlt Chnjfi4tn pm>exaptye bereprobates? · T be vfe.Hcncc itfollmves,that rheywhich arc true bclccucrs, cannot make apractiCe of linne:and agamc,that they lione nor with the full confent, or fwmge of their w1ls. Becaufe Chr~Oliucs m them, and rellrames the will 111 parr • When they !.jnne therefore, they Jinne not ofrual!cc,butotJgnorancc, or inhr· nmy. Secondly, the rruebclceuer,cannot whol· lyfallaway from gtace: becaufe the life of Cbn!i cannot bee abolt01ed. As Cbri£1 doed but once, and tOf cuer afierliucsto God: fo they tha.tareinChnlt, d1eonce eo fione,and Joueerernally toGod,Rom.G.oo.Tbe vcrrue, andpower of GoJ, that was lhewed in railing Chn£1 to Iof<, ;, likewofe OlCived in quocknmg them rhat doe bdecue, Eph. 1.19· J.-!e there– fore rhat is·madc al1uc toGod, dies nom0re, but mnames aliucas Chrifl doth. ,Th~rdly, they which are true beleeuers;are a free and volunc.rypeople obcyong God, as 1f there were no Jaw to compell fhem. For they haue Cl~rill to Jiue in them.Reade Pfal . 11o.z.The Spimoflife rhat!s in Chn£1,,. al– fo m them; and rhat isrheir law,Rom.8.z. It is rhe properry.of rhechildc ofGod to obey GaJi as it IS the nature and qualityofrhe fire ro burnc when matter is put to it. B how can Chnllbee liudrollueinvs,conlide– rmg we areladen withaffiiClions&mifenes/ whereChnflliues, thereJSnomolery.Anf"'· In the modfl of ail miferics,rhe life of Chnll doth ruof\ appeare. VVherc narurall hfe de– caies,there!plrituall life rakes place, z. Cor. 4· 1 o. 1hftire mm1 hody the mor~iftcnrion of cur Lord lefiu,tharrheitfeoj lefiu.maJ bemaderna– nrfe/f in me. qodtpower T4 mademanifoj} in WC4k· n'"ff4-,z.Cormth. •z. Againe, it may ~efaid,1f Ctuillliued invs, welhould notfeclelo ma– ny corruptions a•we doe. An(w, Thcloteof Umfi is conueycdvotovs by littleandliule. Godhaumgwounded trnd fli:ine vt_, fidl: binaes vs vp,then he reHirtet 'ils,and tile thirddill) he rai~ (eth vs vp, Hot: G. 1. Againe,naruro fcdesnot C nawre,nor-corruprion tC:eles corruption,but grace:rherfor<!IN>rhelife ofChr~fi rn V> rhat o\1akcs vsfctla rhe malle.and bodyofcouupuon. ·.,, ltmay.bc hercdemaundcd, howweemay know rharChriUhuesm vs/ An(.BythcSpirit ofGo'd,o./oh.J. 24.And the Spirit isknown by-rhe.mdtions andoperations thereof. The p fnlf,whcrc<ifis a purpofe toobeyGod,accor· ' all his comnlaundements that con– cernevs, with anin~lination of1our hearts to Furthermore,here weare to rake notice of the common finneof our daies.Mcnwill nor fuffcr Chrifi to liue in them, and to rule ouer them. It is reputed a:fmall matter; but it is a gricuous offence. The Gennles fay, Let vs 6re4k,.e their b11nds, A'Rd cttfitheir cords from vs, Pfai.>.>.Andltwas rhcfin ofthe I ewes to fay, We wilt mthlluetbumanto ra-i:moHervJ,Luk. 19.'14. And therefore Chfllt fairb,hringthem ; hi}her,ondJI•Y them hefcreme;ver.f.z7• La£1Jy,here we Iearne our dury:and rhatis, foroliuc, that wee may bet able ro fay1virh good·confcicnae,that Chrtjf.butsin v"wemull lcekc his km~;dome aboue allthmg!, & take his voakeonvs. ·ltwoll befaod, what mufl we iloe"that Chrill may liuein Vi! An{w. VVe ruull vfe.the mean·es appoioted/meditarion ofrhe word, prayer, facraments: and" ithall we mull fpiriro·ally-eawhe flejb'of Chrifl, and drH.k_ehwbMd,loh.6.s7. Andrhatweemay earhim,we·mo£1 haue afiOlllack in ourfoulcs like the fromackeof our,and we mu£1' hunger and rhir£1 after Chri£1: and rherefore ·wee muftfecleour owne finnes;and our fpiri– ttrall pouertfe; a11d haue an earnell-lu£1 and the [aid commauf.ldernents.P,u/ faitil,he w.:u (olt&vnderjin;~<:andyer withall he.adde,, that he.Jif,~hud i11 theill-..1 of(God Accor"lli»g-to the in– ward man,Rom.J.13 .He rhar loues God,and keepes his commandemenrp,harh the Father and thcSonnedwellinginhom,.Joh. 14. z3. Lt!!his beeobfmleU. Phara•h,·when Gods ha11dwasvponliim,c.onfelfedhewas a·finncr, and his people, and rcqueiledM,(<nnd A•· >Dil, (><'<iple..go·e. Butafter God had )Vittnlrn<vna his hand; he returned tohis oldc coirofc.llhc lokede:fickc men:they niakc pro· miCe to amend their liues,.and rhey requea their fricndsropmyfor rhem: bu~when chey arc rccrollerctl, they, forget alltheirfaire p~ J appeure·afierCnriO,as'afr.ermcate & drinke. VVhen Si[erawai purfucd by the army of 'theIfraelires, bee cried ro lael, and faid, Giue medrmf<!,, Iudg.4. ·19. euenfo T we