Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

:u8 A Commentarie -ppon Chap.z. we bcingpurfuedby rhefentence of the law, A by the rerrours ofhell,death,and condemna– tion;mull llic to rhe throne ofgrace,and cry our,(aying,Giu~meof rlu tree of ltft,gine me 1, tbe w•terof lif<: I peri{b f or thirft. Thcnlhall our wretched foulcs bee quickened, and reui · ued to eucrlallinglife,Mar.s,G.Reu.z r.6. In the fourth place, here 11 fee downe the Meanes offpirituali liCe, in rhefo words, And i•thatln•wliu<inthejle{b, I /i1" hph< faith of (be< Sonnetif' God, whohAth!ossedmee, And giutn himfdfe for me, And that the doarine may the better appearc,I ~>ill !land awhtle to !hew the meaning of them: By Jl•fb, is rr.eanr the mortall body, or the fraile condition of this temporalllifc. Hcbr. s. 7· and 1. Pet.f. z. B And therefore toime im he jlefh, is toliueana– rmalllife by eating, drinkmg, fleeping. Fur· ther, P4111 faith, that liuing tn the flelh, hee liued by faith: and for the better conceining of this, two qucllions may bee dcmaunded. The firi! is, vVhy a bclccucr is faid to hue by faith/ An(w.r, Thereceetw0caufes. Fid!, faith is an infirument to vmtc vs to Chrill: and by mcanesofthisvnionJ weereceiue life from Chnll: for Chrill dwels m our hearts by fairh,Eph.3.•7.Secondly,faitb is aGuide, to order & gouerne remporalllife,in all good manner, according to the will of God. And this faith doth byadiuinek1ndeofreafoning framed in rbeminde, whereby it vrgerh,~nd perfwaderh to ;;oodduries,Rom.G.ri. C The fecond qudlion is,fiow men liue by faith 1An[. Thechilde ofGodliuesa double life in this world : a fPirirunN, and a <<mp..-•0. The fPiritu•llllandsfpocially in three rhings 1 Reconc1hatton"·tth God:rcnouation ofhfe: and goodworkes. Now in ourreconcilia.tion with God, we liue in this world only by faith. For we haue,and enioy pardon of finnes, im· putation of tullice, ond accrpration to life e. rernall,onely by meanes of our fairh,Rom.4. 4'and 5·'· ..1\.gaine, in the r<nouation and change of our liues, wcdiueby fatth. For our faith in Chrill puri{irth our hearts, Act. 15. 9· partly, by dertutng holines and puritiefrom Chritl vr.tovs,whoisour .Gindificarion: and partly, D bymoouingand perfwadingo( vstoholineo and newnes oflift,I.Io.h.J·3· Lalllv, inrhedoingof euerygood wotke ~~~~ O) our faith. For firtl there mui! be agenerall faith,tbat rhe workein his kinde ple~feth God,Rom.I•PS· Secondly,iullify– ing f~ith mull giue ab.eglnning to theworke, 1be/umd,rhm[or1J JP~k!.PCai.Jr6.I%.Third-, ly, after the w_orke is done, faith mu(! couer t:l;lc defe&s rhergqf,tharit IINYbe acceptable to ~od,:Heb.ll.s. 1 - -TCn)porall hfe a~nds in cares,or rniferi~s: a~d mifcrjcs ar.e .ourw.ard afflj6lions, or in .I wars) teropt~t(ons. And in all our worldly c~res, wee lltC to .1iu~,by faith. Forour care 'umll bee to~oeour office, and.tbe labour of our calling, with all diligence. Thi• beeing done,we mull there make a paufe,and for rhe fuccelfe of all our prayeu, and labouro, wc mull call our care on God,r.Per.s.7. Ltkewife, in our affii~bons wee are to Jiue byfatrh. For our faith is toalfurc va ,rhat God, according to his promife will &iue a good ilfue,r. Corinrh.r 0.1 3. And though all temporall rhingsfatlevs, it makes vsreraine the hopeofmercy,& ofeternal life. Thirdly, ir make• vs wa11eGods leifureforour dcliue· rance,Ifa.r6.28. LaUiy, in our T <rnptations wee arenot to liuc by feoltng, bur by tairh, yea againll fee– ltng,ro reil on the barepromtfeof God;when we teele & apprehend nothing but the wrath of God. And rhuswee fee howthe beleeuer hue• bYhis faith in this world. It may beelatd,Wharisrhe (airh wee line by? Anfwer ishere made ' It is th<faith of th' S"'n'of God. Andfauing faith isfocalled;be– caufe ChrHl isnot only theAuthor of it, and the obtc6! or marrerofir,buralfo the Reuea– Jer of ir.For thtrc was acerraine faithjn God, which was pur into the heart of man in the crcatton,whichalto themoralllaw rcqutreth: bur thts l~ith in the Mefiias, waHtot knowne rill afterrhe fall; and rhen it was reuealed tl> rhewarld byrheSanne ofG1>d. Againe,ll may bee(aid,What;, rhisfairh of the Sonne of God I Anfwer is here made: A faith whereby I beleeue that Chrifl h4th lo· udmt,4~d t,iJunhimfolfef.rme. Thefe words then thus explaned, are an aofwer to an obie6lion, which may bee fra· med rhus : VVhy fl10uldell thou fay, that thou liue!l nor,bur that Chrillliucrh 10 rhce 1 conGdeFing thou liuell in the lleflt, as other mendoe1 Anfwerismade, Thoughlliuein the llelh, yet lltue by the faith of the Sonne of God. Thevfe. Hcrefirllofallrheyareto be blamed, that liue by fenfc, like bealls :be· leeuingn? morethen they fee, and trutlin& Godnofurrherrhen they fee him . For, if a manwhomcwtefeeand know, lnakea pro· mtfe toVi,we arecomforted: yet ifGod,who is inuiGblem~ke in his word farre betterpro· mi(<S (as hedoth,)weare not in like fort ccm· forted. Againe,we pur too much confidence in meanes. Ifweehaue good callings, houfe, laad,ltumg, wee can then rrutl in God : but when rneanes of comfort falle, wee arecon– founded in our felues,as ifthere wereno God. Wee are like the vfurer, 11howill not uull the man,buthi! pawne: euen fowe rrufi nor God vpon hts bare word,,.ithoutapawne. If hccpme to vs with afull hand, and with the pawneofhis good gifrs,and blcllings,we rrull him; dfe not. - Againe, they~re-to bee,blame.d, that liuc onely by the guidance of reafon. For many difputc thus: I de.aletruely and iullJy withall me~,and liuepeaccably ••ith my ne•ghbours: therefore God will hauc mee cxcu(ed, But there mull bee a.better guide to cuerlalling hfe; -