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the Epiftle to the qatatiam. 119 ~--~~~----~~ hfe;namcly, faith in ChriG:eJic !hall we mrife A with onccye,orwitha fquim-eye,wlthhaifan Chap.~. vf our marke. cye,or dimme light, were healed, not for the Tlmdly,rhey deceine rhemfelues rhat think goodnes ofthelf light, burfor thepronafo of rhey may Jrueas they liCl,and call vpon God God.The poore in lplfit,areblelfed:now they when they are dying, and fo dre by faith. It is are poore 111 fpirit, who tind themfeluesempwclrfrhey can dre by fa1th:bur that they may ry o( all goodnes, empty of true taith,full of [o die,rhey mull liue by faith. vnbdiefe,and vnfamedlydefireto beleeue.So Lal!ly,rhcy are to bee blamed, thatfpend then ifwegreeue,bccaule wee cannot belecue rheir daie• m worldly cares, fo as no good as we OJOuld, and carnellly dellre to belccue, rhmg can Thts isthdrfe of infiGod accepts vs for bdeeuers. d.els. And where true faith rargr:es ircuts off Agame, m rhefc words [who h.rb louedme, the nruhirude of cares,& makes vs ea(! them Andgme• IJtm{dfe for m:,] S. P•ul lets downe on God. tbereafon or arguruenr, which faith vfeth m _ Moreouer,hereweefee what we are ro doe I the mind rcgenerarc,to moouc men rolllle to in pcrdlous rimes, as in the time of pla~;uo, GoJ. And the rca((HliSiramed tllus; ChriC! famioe,fword, when pre(enr death JS before louerh thee, & bathgmenhimfelfe forrhee: our eyes: wemuO then Jiuebyfaith. When B therlor~fcerhou huero God.Rcade rhehkc, ,YoRhheud of rbeflood, heeprepared fuch Rom. u .I.andPfal.II6.Iz. meanes as faith would affoard for rhefauing By thiswe aretotakc occalion, to confider of hrmfelfe, and his family. Aln-aham, l(aac, and to bewatie the hardnelfe of our he4Cts, f.-acob. .by fanb Jiued as ptlgrimes in a llrangc who doe not relent from our cullIwaies, and Jand, and were comenr. Mof~s left Ph1Zra11iu turncvnto God vBon rhe confidera(ion of c.ourt, &fo~tr~dnot the wr~th if the kjng:6eca;ljt' hu louein Chrtll.Tpewatersofrhe Santlua· bJfaidJ hu jAwehtm that wM inuijible, Hebr. rie haue)oogHowc9vmovs: but they haue u.t]. D~tuid in the fcarc ofprcfent death, not fwcemcd vs, and made vs fauory: rhcrecomfomd himftlfe in the Lordhu God, 1. Sam. fore it is ro bee feared IeO our habitation• be 3o.6. When /cho{aph•t knew not what in the atlengrh turned toplaces of nettle• and faitworld to doe, bee lift vp rh~ eyes of his faith pirs,EzeC.47·"· to the LorJ, >. Chron. 20. 12. ChriC! in his u. I doe not •brogatethegraceef Godfor if agony and paffion ofthe crolfe,by faith com. rigbreoufnef[e be bJ the /aw,then Chrifldied ,.;,bmended his foule into the handsof his Faol<lcaufi. tiJCC. Of the Saints of the new TeOamenr, The meaning. Grace in Scripture fignifi. fomc were racked,fomewerc lloned todearh, C erh two things: the freefauour of God; and andrhatbyfairh, Hcbr. 11. JG. WeemuC! rhegrfrsoiGodinvs. And where the llol 1 therefore all ofvs, learnc to liue by faith : ar.d Gholhmre_ars of iu(hfication, grace in the for this caulc wee muCl acquaint our fc!ues fir(! fenfe, ltgnifies the good will and fauour with the word,& promifesof God•; andminof God, pardomng Onncs, and accepungvs glerhem wrrh our faith: elfefliall the life of a ro lrleeuedallmg, tor the merit of Chrill, z. man in the world be worfe, then thelife of a T rm, 1. 9· Eph. >. 8. And in this fenfe is the bea(l. word vfed in rhis place. And when Paul faith, Againe,in th~fc words [whohatblouedm~e, I doe not ahro,gt~tethegrnc(of God;his meaning and g1r~cn him(elfefor me,] the nature and pro~ ts)I doe ~1ot make void, or fruflratc thegrace perry of iuClifymg faith IS ferdownc,which is of GoJm refpeCl ofmy fdfc, or in rcfpect of to apply the loueofGod,and the meritofthe ,other belc<Uers, byrcacbino rheiulbfication paffion ofChrill,vnroour (olues. And rhere· ofa linner byfaith alone. Headdcs,l(righteforc the Papr(ls arc decemcd, who fay, th~t oufr.effcbc bJihelaw;that is,if a linner be ruilihopeappherh, and nor fanh. It may beealfied by his own obcdiencc,in perform111g rhe leadged, that p.,,, fpeakes thefe words prtlaw,rhen Chrill d1cd without caufc.The wurd uarclyofhunfelfe. An[. Hefpeakesthemm D ;. 1 ,<,fm'J, tranllaredwitbout• c••fe, hatha the name ofail bele~uers,Ic::wes ardGtntiles. dot~bJc figmficat10n. One is,when it fignifics for (a• we may fee 111 the former verfes) rh:at as muchasrrithoHt pric~. or m(rit. Matrh. 10. which concerned p,,,, and rhe reil of Chri· 8. Ye h•m rmi•e4fr"iJ• gine freely. Thefe· liian l evieS, hcc applies to himfelfeJ 1ell his cond is,when it figni6es ra{Uy, withrmt inft, or fpecch l110ttldfeemcodious. {lt{ficitnt c~mf~: asPfalmc 69.4. Mine en~mirs Ag•inc, it may beobicCled, that all be!eehare mee (rul],(as the Soucnric rranflate)that uerscannor[ayrhus,Chrif/h.rhlo•tdme,and is, wrongfully or without iufl caufe. Thus giuen bimfelfe for me. An{. If!the mind• bee here is Chrill fatd to drefree(.r,that is,in vaine tixed on Chrifl: and there bee alfo a will and or without caufe : becaufe if wee bee iuClifienJcauourro bclceueand apprehend Chrill ; ed by obedience to rhe!aw, then Chrifl died rhere is faith indeede.\ For God accepts the in~a1ne, to make anyfarisfaClion to the la~v true and earnell will to beleeuc,for faith. We for vs. arenor faued forthe perfection of'our faith, Thefewordsarean anfwerroanobieClibm for the perfeClton of the obedtcnce of on. TheobieClioniithis:lfrhoureachrhat lCh.riO,which faithapprehenderh.Thelfrae- .• Goner is iullified onely by his faith ia hre, _w!'~<h looked vpon the brafen ferp.::'.!__ Cbr~!l, then thou aboli01ell the gr;ce of T > God.