Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

2.20 d Commentarie Ypon God. The anfwcr is negatiUe. I doe not by A Gofpcll; andloo.kedtobee mUi6cd both by ti11S doctrme abrogate the grace of God. ChriU,andbytheworkesofthelaw :and not And there is a rea[on alfo ot this anfwer: If byworkesofthelaw,done,by llrengthof nawee bee mllihed by our ownefulfillingot the ture,but by workcs of grace. law, tben Chrill d1ed in vaine to fulfill the law for vs. CHAP. III. I. 0 foolijb G•latiam,whobath b,,;;cbeJyo~, thAt ye /bDII!d not oluy the truth:· to whome JefiM Chrtf/6eforew.u dc(cri6rd inyour fght, and •· mo):lg pm crucifi~d ? The vfe.Firll, let vs ma1ke that Paulfaith, he dt~dJnot ~brogauth~graceo(God: and why? becaufe bee wdl fuf!O:r uothing in the canfe of our 1uClification to bee ioyned with the obe~ d1ence of 1he death of Chrill. And hence we learnc,what is the nature ofgrace. It mull !land wholly, and entirely in it fdfe. ·Gods grace cannot !landwith mans merit. Grace JHat wee may fee how thi• chapter de· is no3race, vnlelfe it bee frcdy giuen eucry pc~d~ on the former, wee mull repeat-e way. Ro.11anes 4. 4· Tohim that >Porkethtl;e the pnnc•pallacgumentoftheEp•llle: It~I wages i4giuen, not ofgr>~ce,bur of dtfert. Rom. B was called of God, and my doCl:rme be nue, J1. 6. if cltilio"b~e if grJJcc,thenmJtof work,gs, then ye Jhould nor haue reuoltcd to anodje i& grace no grace. Grace and workes of ther Gofpcll: but I was called of God, grQcc m tile cauCing of iulhfication, can no and ruy dotlrioe is uue : , therefore yee more Hand togolhcr,d1Cnfire and water. By fhould not haue reuoltcd to: another Gof.. this we are admomfhed to be nothing mour peJI. - ) 1 [dues.) and ro afcribe all that wee arC', or can The6rfl partof the mi110r, that PAHI was doc,to the grace-ofGod. called of God,was handled m the fir!I and feAgoine, here we feeour duty,and that is,to cond chapters. The fecond patt: that hts dobecareful! not to abrogate thegrace of God drme istruc, is handled in the third, fourth, vnto our felues. But how is thaJ done/ An/. and fifth: and is propounded in thiS verfe. Wemullllrippeand empty ourfeluesof all Mor<auer,thc conclu!ionof the Argument righteoufneilC,and goodnelfeof our ownc, efecdownc,chap. J .veri, 6,1, here againe rc:peauen tu the dearb, and witlnll hunger & tbiril red, namely, that the Galatians 010uld not aft et ChriH and his righteoulile!fe, Mat. s.G. hauc reuolted 10another Gofptl. And with· Luk.I.'J s. allPau/hete notest he caufesef theirreuolt: Thirdly, Paul befe fcts downe a notable C andtl)eyaretwo. Oneisfolly,O f.o/ijbGala· ground of true rd1gion: that the death of ri•m.Theorhcrio,rhedcccitof falfeteachers, Chrill is made void, 1f any thing bee 1oyned r>hohathbt•·itched you? with it in the workeof our iull1fication, a• a Whereas Paulfaitb,Ofoolijh Galatiam,that mcaoes ro fatasfie Gods iuflice, and tome· wcmiilakenorhiscxample;three queCl10ns ritthefauourofGod. Thctforethedodnne may be demaunded. The firll io, in whatre· of iu(!ificarion'by wor~es,is amanifefi e~ror. fpect hee giues this hard iudgemenr againll For if wee bee iullified by the workes ot the •hem I An(wer. Three things arc fub1eaed law,then the iudgement ofthe holy Ghofi is, to iudgemcnt,the doctrines of men, the liues that Chri~died without caufe. Againe, rhe of men, and the per[ons of men. Doctrines dodrineof humane f.1tisfactwns is a deuice are to bee iudged by the word, and the liues of mans braine: For if wee fatisfie for our of men: yet ordinarily, the perfons of men felucs, then did Chtill by death fatisfie in arenot to beciudgcd. For thefaying isttue, vaine. Thirdly,itis a falfeand wicked(though that thruthi,gJarenor.fubic[/ toiudgcment:the a colourable inuention) to fay, that Chrill D Counfc!Jof qod,thcScriptures,andthcper{oni"J by his death merited, that wee D10uld merit rncn.And in this placeP••' giues iudgement, by our workcs. For if wee merit byworkes, not againll the Galatians lhcmfelues, oraCbrifi dyed in vaine to merit by' his owne g•infi their perfons,butagain(ltheirnew·con· death. This is thefentence ofGod,who can· ceiued doctrine, and agam(l their pratlife in not erre. Lalily, here wee feethe Church of reuoltmg. . Rome erreth in the foundation of uue religiThe lecond que!lion is,whcther this IUdgeon:becauCeitioynesthe merifofmans works, ment be rightccus and trueiudgement l An[. and the merit of the death of Chriil, in rhe Ins:becaufe itis vpon good ground.For fitfi iufiificatitm ofa finncr. And therefore wee ofa!l,Paulgiu..~his cenfurc, by verrue of his may nor fo much as drcarne of any reconcili. calling: bccau~his office"'as to rcprooue & ation to be made wnh that rcJig~en: for light correct vice, Titus 1. 9.andz. 15. Secondly, and darknescannot be reconct.lcd, nor fire & it was in truth. For indeede they OUfrturned water. Here the Papills aufwer, tbar P.rt! in rhe paflionof Chrill: and thetetorehccould thistexr fpcakesagamllthem,that looked to not call them lelfe then faoleJ. Thirdly, this be~t~llifiedbythcuaturallobferuationofthe 1udgcment was giucn inloue. For PaHiin· \ law,wirhout tbe death of Ch<1ll But it" fal(e rended and defired nothing in this fpeech, · which rhey lay.ForP•u/hcre fpeake's aga111ll but their good and amendment· Vpon .::C::I:.:":.:'I:.:ila::n::.l::e::.w..:e::.s,::.w.c:h:.:o::.ic:: o;,.:yn::e:.:d::.t.::bc::e:.:la::.w..:a.::nc::d..:th::e::.,__:_l:.:•k::.cgrounds I~y- cals the Ifracl1tes, pco[ it ~------------~1-