Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

_ Chap.~ . theEpijiletothe(jalatit~.qi. · HI Of Sodv!fJe 11 ndGo!fJ'rrb 11 ,I 1 a.l. Chrtll cals ,he A v[cth ch~r'?e~,imprccations, curfes, praife~1r two da(crP.lcs{~tJfo, tmdjhwifheo~nt;; b~ieeue,. fuper~ttnous tnuocartons, acc<?rtllll~ ro hJS \ Luke l4-z 5 . ,p,. 11 /cafsrhe Cretiansljm ••d appomnnent,.andother Sacamcall ccremcr (Uw-k:Uu{, ttms. !ru . Bur Matthe\o\1 s.z.t. nu:s,awatch-W'_>Cd!Shkewt(c:gtuenv_nro may be ob!!'cle.J,whcre he isfat~ to beio clanand hce IS llca1ght at band to thewtended get <>fa.CounceU, that fa•th, Thoufoole. Anf. teate. Thus, and no otherw1fc, are meofa~d f be place istf1, bFvnderllood of them thot tobewltch,or delude the eye. . . clurge men w1th folly, witl)amipde to re· Thatwh1rhP.,d [aJthc'l.rhc GalatJans,•f procn them, and it} way of rcuenge ; ~>hich beewere now !JUmgamong "5, hewould l!k_e· P~ul in thiS place dpth not. w1!e fay Jl> vs, 0 foobfh """' "· »ho hatb bcmt· The ~pied quc'flwn is,whether we may vfe chcdJ•H?Weare w1le 1n •J•at<ers ofthe l)'.prld; likeJudgement againll men 1Anf. Vpon l1kc butu1 mattets concernins the i<Jngdor~c of srounds wee may, if weeh.tue awarrant, and JJcaueo,thc molt of vsarc tqoles, belot~~~J.,& ca\iiiJg from God {o to do.For all Judgement bewitched wJtn worldly cares, and plealures, isGods,Rom.14.Jo,ifthtsiudgemembeein wJthout fenfe 10_ matters of rdtgton, like a truth :it it bee mcharity,for the arne;;dment pccce uf waxe wnhouc all forme: fir tv take ohhe parties,and forrhe good ofothers; 0- B the forme and pnnr ofany relrgron. ~ud we thcrw1fe,ifthefc grounds talle vs we may nor mu(! take heed,Iell r•us ouc toollfhnclte, and g•uc mdgmcot agamll any man, but mull folJntoxJCat•vn ofour [enles, le~de vo headlong low the Judgement of chanty which thinkes to perdltcon.Andtherefore we mull learn rLc no euJJI, hopes the bell, and conllrucs all •ayollifeinhumJiity,Pfal.ts.9- Wee mull thtngs mrhe bell part,l.Cor. Ij . ob~.:y ir, a~d 111 obediencewee fhall1earnc u, To COIUCto the (eoonJ caufe, Paul faith, loh.].l]. vVe mull as heartily loue che•ord Wb()h~Crh b~u itchedJBH? ch~t is., who hat:t de· ot God,as mmindc weconceiue ir;lcll bynot c·c1Ucdyou, asifyCI.\'Crebew.tched byfome loumgof itwccbcgiuenvptoftroNgiUufionr, tfl lllchanrmemsi HereP•ul takes it for ac~n· beieeuei><S,z, Lallly,wemull pray tciled truth, that ther< is witchcraft, and wJt· to God to bee taught and guided by hu word chc;s. And chat wee may the bmerconceiuc and Spmt,tn thmgs pertaJOing to.<uerlalling hi>mcamng, two que!lions are to bee p«r life. pound~d. The fidiJS, what isthe witchccaft To proceede further; the delulion or be· here hJCant i Anjw. le i' aSatamcall operawitchmgofthe Galatians, is fct forth by two lion, wheceby the [cnfcs of men are deluded. argume<>. T uefirlllS the end,m rhefe word•, For the dJUeU can by certainemeancs,dclude C Thfll]'/h••ldnotobq rhttruth. Before~come andcorrupt the phantalie, or the irnagioatito the contidcrauon of thefe words, a doubt on; aaJ caufc men eo rhmke that ofthem· mu!lbeceiolued.f urfomemanmayfay,that (eluc;, wh10h is o,thcnvJfe. There is a dJ(eafe rlmEpillleiscorrupred; becaufe thefe •ords calledLycanthropJa,inwhichJthc brainebemo are wanting Ill fundry tran11ations and editi· d.llempered, men thinke rhemfdues to be~ ons of the B•b!c: and'""'" faith, that (hey woluc,, andcarry thcmfclues as wolues. And were not found in the copies of theBible rn iinhisd1C..fe rhe dJUcUbatha great llrokc. his daies.A•/.ln thccdiCions and tranflatiom Agame, the dJUell can delude the outward ofthcBiblc,rhereatelundry dJ!ference•,and lcnli:s, as the hearing, and the lighr. Thus druerfiuesof readings : and the!e dJffcffnccs iannes and i•mbrcs turned tllCir roddes Into arenot the fault of the SctJpture, bur of the ferpcnts, beforePharaoh, and brought frogs, men which vied to wtiteour the Bible:for the by decerurng thceyc, and notin truth,Exod. B•ble heretofore wa• fpread abroad, not RY· rauJ8. Thusthe witch ofEndormade a printing, butbywrirmg. Agame,thou! c~unrecfcJt S•muel to rife out of the earrh,r, D thebookesofthe B•blctherebefundry varieSam.•S . tics of readrng, yet Gods prouidencehath fo · The fecond quellion is, if this witchcraft watched ouer cheBiblr,rhat thefenf< thereof bee an operau?n.ofSatan, how men Chould rernaincth mtirc,found,&incorrupr,fpecially b~e faad to doe a ?f9r Plltllfaith,who,or what in thegroundsof religion: and nouhe \lo'ords man bath bewitched you? Anfw. Men doe principally,bu"befrnfcisrheScripmre.Ao.d 11 by kague.and corfederacreWJih the diuell. rharwhich I (ay, appeat<th in thiS text · for Thewcbaunrer charmes by io;nmg [ocietiu, whetherthele words be left in,Qt put our, the Pfalm.58.s.The diuellfeckes whom he may fenfe ofthcve•fe is one and thefame. dcuourc ' and therefore, where he findes a fit T~e JNCtds, That1' foo•ld"'t obry tbnr• th , J>«fon to workcvpon, he;~·es and ofare meant of the obedience of faith, R<>m, tcrsrumfclfc.And after men bcinlcaguewJth r.s. and tG. z8. And thec:bedienccof faith h1 m,hcr harh aword & facr_ament~ for them, 1s propoundrd vnto vs without adding; de· asGod haeh: and bee ccqUJrcth faJth,as God tta~mg, or changing. And thi• rbc Galatidprh..And lookc as theeucs,fomeare in tho an• did not: for they added rull16cationhy way, lome 1n~hewood: ~odrheym the way workes, to the do8rine of Patd, touching (when' bOOrJCCOlllCS) gme aWatch-word CO .u!IJfiCatJOll byfuh alone; oy wh1<b addi· the rcll,andthen all acc.rhand tog•thcr: Enon they depraued the tmth I and fbewcd. 11<l1Co~~~n~~guew11h thediuell chat mdcede they belceued not tho truth. T 3 Here