Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\ 2/i 2 _ · ,Yf f~mmentarie -ppe~ - _.fha£j. Here let vs obferuethc fcope 6f·a1Jrhe ma- A i' becne crucified,in, or among you. Ana this lice oftl.c Jiudl: and that 1$, eo hinder or o 1 ss a mamfelt token that rhe _Galat1amWcre uenlirow our faith. The tirfi tt.Jmg the diuell deluded,bccaufe theycouldnotacknowleugc almed arm our firH parent5,\Vas r,_;.·oucrchrow thl! truth, when Jt was fet turthymo them (.a'S their faah, and ro caufc them tod'oubt et the it were) in Or1enc colours-. A:Od where Paul rrurh 'ot Gods word. The firU temptation faith, rimChr'.fl w.. bifu"dejmbrd, l reterrc u.•berewith our S.uiour Chrilt was atfaulred, 1t to tnc tit'nebefore th:ir rC:uOlr:· -· 1... ~ was againCl his faith,all hee was man: If rhou Here firHwee arc toobLeruc the properhe rheSonneof.God thou,anllcaufe rhcfe tics of theMin~Ueryof the word. 'I \,etrtfi 1 !for:-esm thy hung:rco b~c madebr~ad: but tharit mutt beepJ:unc, p·erfpl'cu~,.anti eui: rhmt i:~n!lnoccaufe thdc lfones to be made Cl~nr, ·as 1f rh.e Llodnu~wcre4p1 ured, and lircad:rhcrfore thou'm r:otthe Son of God. painted out belorc rhe eyes of me ,_.,ThereThe-i:lmJ detlr~d to fifr out althe laith c.fthe tore 111e ( hur<h of Rome oealcs wtckcJJy_, frpofi]e,,&ro<Jciueinthemnothingbutthe m kceprng tile Scriptur"" 1n an vnknowne chaffe ofvnbdicfe,Luk.z.z..ThCd1oell blinds tonguc:.ford1is I!, tocouertb~r ffot~1thepec. the ei~s ofmcn~that rl~ebgbtoftluGoflullqf /~- B pie, whlclliS tu bee p:umed before r.bc c)' Cl'S JiUOJirift m:IJnot foint vnrothi,.:.Cot".4.4- Th1s ut thc1r rnindcs. Aga10e, that kinde ot prcamufFreao::h vs, that wee mu([ notoneJy holde chmgu to be blamed)in which tl1cre1s vied a a.ndtknowtbctrue rcl•giopfor the time, but mJxt:dkmdeof vartetyof Janguages,btfcre i lfobiJildourfelucsvpon ourfa•th}lud.v.z.o. the vnlcarned. For this rsa lignc tovnbeand b'ee rooted and thblilh,dvpon our faith leeucrs, 1. Cor. ''I· zz. And in thi<kmde of and religton,Cu/, J.t).and the rather,b~cau(e preachingwee doenot paintChri!t, but wee ithath bcenc the manner of this nation, w1c pamtourourowr'lei~lues. lt is a by-1~ord a. keJiy to change religionWith rt1e ttmcs. And mong vs:li wtH avtryp!AineS_rrmon.Aod !fay that we mayandccdc be rooted vpon our rdi· agamc,thepl11tner,the6ettrr. gioo,we mutl not boa!I of the gr<atnelfe and The fecond property of rhe Mimficry of ltr~~,&th of ourf-aith, but rather lab~ur to fee rhe word,is,.thatit mutt ~epowe1 ful and hue~ mour.fclu<S a fea ofvnbeleefe: heartily robely rn opcrauon,& as 1t \\ere crucrfying·ChuU w~ile it,_andt? ~tiue tobcleeuc,and toga on WJtbl~l vs} a~d cau~ing vs·ea tCcle the vern.iC fromfalth,to faith. ' ol hiS palhon. 1 he word preached niufi ·'The trmhhere mentioned, isthc hcotlenly pearce into the he;lrr,llke·a two-cdg~d [w'otd, dotlrine oftheG"Ipcll,fo called for two C H eb.'!, H,ltlieprophecleiudgcrhmcn,difcaufeg. F11fi, becaufC ir-is an ablolure truth coutreth therhmgs of the hearr, and cauferh wichhlft errour.Iris a principle not to beecalmen to fay, Tht LrdW~irlJinJou, J, Ccr. 1:4. leJ ur.quetlion,rlrarth<ApoPier and Prophets,in t5. Thefceprer of Chnflwhercby he.(miwriting ttnd preaching;couldnot N"Ye, ·It maybe tCth the nanons, i' in hisrnourh, Ifa. J 1. 4. . faiJ)chey were liH:n,as wee' and therefore that is, in theMinificryofthe word, Ier: 1 15. f.ub~earo ehe)andbe decemt"d m iudgement. 19. And it i1 the faine Minifiery, which-lhaAnfw(r. llidgcnicm isrwo-folde._One 1 con· keth he:tuen a.nd earth, A'gg. 1. 5. By rhis it ~riucilbythedifcourfeofnarurallrealon:tbe appeareth, thallo take arcxr, and to ruake otfJcr. <Onceiutd~ by rhc apprehenfion of drlcourfe vpon fomcrhing in the faid ccxr, tliirigs rcocaledby God.In the fitfi,the Apo0Jcll'ing muchinuention of 11iit, &much rea- .filr§and Proplrw-mrghterre,and bee d<eeiI d~ng; andliunianelearnir.g, is notto prcacl\ , 'uedi•l N athan arid Peter were. In the fecond,- ' -Chnfl m it hlJcly manner.InvriJ befa1d:what 1 th!SJ could,nor!be~au(e it was framed in them , rhen!l anfwer;with P~tl/,,,hO·iJjufficimt either ' .I;ylj:Je infpiration, and infiinef or the holy fortbcfpeaktng, or dorngof thrje thiogs! yet Ghott· And therefore theyneucr erred, cifometlling may be 01ewed. Know therefore, the• in p;cachiiig or writing. The feeand , D that the ctfe~~all and powcrfull preaching hufewhy theG~fp<l is called rhdrutb,is,be-i ol the word, fiands in three things. The firfi cr<iufc-1t is a mo!t worthy truth, namely, the is,tcue anJ proper iutcrprCcation oftbefcrlp- .rrcth which u according to godlinetfe,711. 1. cure,and that by icfdfe : fo~Scriptureisboth , !lt~nay belard,what isrhe truth?and how 0JaiJ, theglolfe,ond the text. T-he fecond is,fauory 1 .,_.eknmvir, conlrd~ring rherc be'fo maPy difand whoJdome doC!rine,garhmd our ofthe :fenptmsl -'fn{.Fiffl,makethy (elfe-fit '"know, Scr1prures rruly expounded, Thcthirdii,rhc and then Orale 'ohou know the ·truth. And Application of thefaid dotlrine,ertherco rhe .ihouflia!t be fitted ro kttow rl ctruth, tf rhou 1ntormation of the mdgcrnenr, or to rhe re· .firfiotall giue·thyfclfe ro obeyit. Readcche fbr~nation of the IHe. This is the prraching •gollcn rcxr,Ioh,7'-•7:0be;,nndJ<'fo•N~..... rhat IS ot power. Lee all the fonnes ofthe · The frconrl thing, whereby the delulion: Prophcrsrhmke•·pun thefethings,andfludy ·of theGalatians IS exproiTed,isrhe lignerherto be doers of rhcm, ·pf~m thcfewords, towhom~ le{m Chrifl M'M dt... Furrhcrrnore, t'-"O quellions arc here rejcrib~d. t:;t4..C. that is, m whorne.I.-hauc prea~ folued. Tl~cfi1ll is,whether images benecef.. -ched the do<lnne of faluatiOtl byChrrll,m fary in rhe congregocrons oF the people of :ttuely and cwdcnt manner eocn as 1f Chri£~ I God? ,AIJ{. Th~rcarc Chrdfian l rnagcs,and .h,ui bccnc paintcdrbeforcyour cyes,and had P1Clures, and they are very ncceilary. And r lf rhcfe