i : I ----C-. -H-ap-.-,.------_-th~e~E~ . P-¥~k~to-t~he-q~al~a~ra-n-s.-------"2 7 J_3____ ttre1e In\ages,arc SenuonsofChh\~;and the A loac to mck &painc our bJdics, &Comero (et riol· rad~IOiltr.Ition of th,eSld'ame"ors. For firleco~plcxiooson thdrfa~es,(.tnd therfore iltht lri Cbrillrs d:fcribed and paimed our' corupleXIOIJS at thu day are made a kinde of VJ!.rdvS.AsfOr:hepasnred andearue~ Images rnerchand1ze)but away ~1th fuch var-.1t1es. If . ofrhe J?ap,l!s,,~e vlterlydetell rhem,as Idols. ye loue to be painted_, l wdl reil you what ye Tli:pllcadge, thattbeyare lay~mw book!s: I hall doe. Theof!icsoftheM•~JflcrSI.ro debut H.r6.<mck. .f!ith/h'}""doEimYJ '[liu:H.,b. fcribc,and palm out Chnll vmo vs: let rhem i ."t8.And where thdJUcly preachmg of the painr Chilli crucitied in the Jiearf ,and fer vp wotd IS,rfiere is IIO,Il<ed of them. AnJ therehrs tmagc tb~re, and then t]ialt thou haue a ' fore Images were not e(labhlhed Ill Churfauouraole "co,~plexion in t~e eye both, of cb esin thefe W efl pms,till after 7oo.yeares. God and man. , · A>loag as tile church bad golden teachers, Thatthiscontcmplation o(Chrif!byfairh, they1iaJ no Im;)ges, but when tbe teacher.') may take moreplace, and be rhebeuer pra· did degenerate and become woodJen reac'bfed,canliderrhe vfc ofit. Firll, .by beholchers,mcnc~(ne bothgolden and woodden J. ding ChrHI crucified, we fee our nufer1e and mage<-lt is further fa~d,why may not we paint B wfckednetfc.For our finnes are the C.vordsand ChCill in our Cliurche• w11h colours, as with fpeares which haue crucified hiw, Z.ch, u. words HI f<rmons I l?f.T ne one the Lord alI o.Secondly,this fight brings vs true &liuely lowetb , ''"mcly, thedefcriptionot_Chrifl in comfort: for beho!dmg Chnfl crucified, we fpeech.Bnt rhecaruing or pamting·ofmuges fee Paradifeasitlvcrc 1n the midfl of hell: we Jn churches,andth-at for rellg10us vfe,hccon• fecthehand.writingagainll vs,canceJJcd;Co .. demncth,ExoJ.zo.6. lotr z. 14 we fee: the remillion of our linnes, Tnefecond queflron is, Whether there wntten w11h the heart blood of Chnfl, beno,.-inthe Cnurch ofGoJ,any facnficeor andfealcd with rhefamc. Thirdly, this light oblation ofChnil! A.[. rher~Js'aftcr afort. of Chrill makesan vmuetfall change of vs. .For there is a liuely ieprefentat1oi1of the fhc camel!on rakes to 11 the colours o'f the pa(fion of Chrnl, in the preaching of the thmgswh1ch it fecth, &are necrevntol!: and word, and in thcadminiflratton qf the Lords rhebeleeuing heart takesto itthe d1fpofition Supper,as ifChrifl were yet in cruc:fying,and and minde that was in Chriil crucified, by asthoughhii blood were no•v ditlillingfiom viewingand beholdingof Chrifl, Thislighr his haAds and lldes. A• forthe facrlfice ofrhe - makesvs mourneand bleed in our hearr<for Mar1C,ttisan abOmination,and amcere mocouroffences, when we confider, that Chrall ker~e.Forthcrethcpriell,whenhefallh, Ac- C was cruc1fied for vs : and it makes vslo~' -trpl thrfegi(u, &c. is become a medlatour beChrill ~ ivhc,~ we.confiderthe loue ofGod jn twceric Chn(l and God: and the body and Chriflccucrli(d; blood of Cim'(! is'o'tf<rcd 10 an·vnbloqdie Lallly, thrsthing mufl beatcrrour to all maQer;thar ,.,blood isoffered without blood: ihe vngodly:For they l1aue no care to behold ahd thepric!l , when he hub offered Chrill, Chr~fl, bm 6y thelf leud liues rl1ey crucifie eatch pall that he hath otfered. Y.;dorth" fnm ' and for thJS cau!ein the day of J~dg,e- ·Uan\n~ble oblarion many (!and:b"ecaule they ruent,they 01allfeCivi!h beaure hearts, Chq(l :freb~wirched and'inchanted w11h prerended to be their Judge whome they haue prcrced, lh<We's of Fathcrs,Councels,A11tJquitie,SucReuel. J, 7· Bmertherefore it is, now m the 1ccll1bn,&c. : , day ofgrace to behold h1m w1th the eye of 'Liillly,hcre\velearne,whar isihe'dury ofa! faith to our comforr,then now todefp1fch•m, b,cl,ecu:crs : tlaui'cfy,tp bchold'S:hrHictucifi-, D , ai\~ rhen ro behold hun tq our eocrla,flmg e'4,Canr; l · " : l]d4ughtcrofS•?~hholdJour fliamewi!hrheeycofconfvuon. ·,._ b~•g- Bm where ruutl we behold him 1 N ot in (R<.iad··ef&C~ucJfilCs, afccrth'e Pop;fh1 ffian- _, ' %. Thid 011e!J. would I l~ar~e}fJou, Ricei;e4 n;:r"' but1ve mu!lloqke on him, a• b• pro' ynhe Sp~rit bJ'hework!t ifthdaw,or bJ th<he#- 1~~\\ndshim(clfevntovs iotheword andS•- ring•ff•ith! ' . . ,. .- craQJenrs.For thus 1s he the true obie·ct: ofour 3· Areyefii[oDii{b, that ~tfrlryeh~tHe b~[,t'VtJe fairh,'And howlnafl webehold him I by the 1 intheJPirii,J'J" "'d nowbem<depeif.eEI, bJ the eyeoffauh, which'rnakeo v' botli 'fee him, , f/efo, and feelahim,(as it wer<)crucified in vs.Here The fen'ie of thc[e words. VVhen P••l note;!hat inlpllci!Cf.,th, (whicp ii'to beleeue faith, tliii WOH/d /lcam"{JOu, be meet> With aiih~ Church beleeues)isa blind fauh,for by 1 he conceit of the Ga!atJans, who th9~ghr it ivecannot copte.iHplateand behoia Chrill. "themfdues wife:and the~tfect ofh" fpeech" Ahd'thocommon faulr Is here ro be noted, thiS : I hauecalled you tooles: bur it mav be, wlihreoy rnen'..egl¥t! and paife by this con- 'that youthinkeyour fcl"eswife, and mefoote'mplation ofCil"tl. Thereis'ahrongvs the 1 liOvwei,Ier I! b~fo:rben wrth allyourw!{oome oit\Heyethatdeuour'~th a! u(C'<th:thereisthe ' tench me, :lnd Ier me learne but one thmg: ra<JVI't'crou\ eye:but whcreisthc eycoffa11h to and lhar IS, by 111hat!llcanes ye receiucd the ·Hehol_ff Chrif! !'where is thdorce of thiS eye Spmr. Touchins the phrafc; Rm>Ued1' the •lube[eene: whlc'hmakcth rhethingwbichit Spi,it. three thmgs mufl be obferued, -The i>ehold•th to be ours,and vs l1k~ vnio 11 ?We li.rfl , thauheSpmt fomenmes ligmfies the 1 -'---c.c.:.:..::.:..:==.:.::.:::.:.:_::.:..::..:.:..:....:.:....::.c_:.::..::.!....:.:..C==.:::t~T 4 eilenuall