Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

ACommentarinpon ctfenriall frint of the Father and the Sonne, J A pride,and ofienthin.kc rhemfelucs wi(er then as 1. Cor. r>. 4· Thm u •diufY/itie ofgifis, hut their teachers. This was r!Je fault ofihe Coonr!Jnrit. Someumes againe, it figmfics the rintl}iant, 1.Cor. 8.10. and offuodr)e in oui effccb' operation•, or gritsof rho fpirir, as daics, wbofcparatcwhollt from allour contia(llciy whenfl,ihndjj>iruare oppofed;"' in gregarions, profuming to..know that .,hich thisrexr. And(urrhcr, whenltljgnifiesgrfrs, they ncuer learned of th~ir teacheri, That yet then rhe prefence of the fpttll " nor exthisouerweening pride maynor rakeplace,we cluJ~d,bor included. Thefecond is,that her,e mu{lioyne.rhe knowledge ofourf<iues, )l'irl] (h.~ Sp•rit figor,fics the fptrit of adopnon. Ep~· the knowledge of Gods word, and mixe our 1.1 3· Ron:. 8.r6. The thlld rs,that to receme knowledge with loue.For'""edi(lcs; andhAI'e thefprnt, IS not barely to rc:ceruethegrfts of k_nowledgefwelis the heart. ' the lptrit, (as we are {aid to haue the funne in 4garne,hcre when it is \•id, Rccciue47e the the houfc, when we receiue the beameeofthe (fririt i thar is,ye drJ not receiue tbefpttit by body ofth:Cunne beeing in heauen:) but in theworkes ofthelaw, bur ty the hearingof thisrece1uing, there arc two things. One is, f3ith.Hqrc,lfay,u:c(ee,he daffcrenceoer¥.'een tharrhefplfit is prefent in vs ; the other, that B the law,and the Gofpd.Thelaw dcth not mithefamclparit tdhfieth hi$ prcfcnce, by his niflerthc fpirit vnto\rli : for it onely fhewes (peciall operation, and gtfts ofgrace.. Paul our dafeafc, and giues vs no remedie. The faith,Eph+1o.Gmuenouhe.i]>irir. Which is Gofpel min,i(\ret\1 the fpirit, For i: filewes notmeanr ofgifr~, but of rhcvcry perfonof "·harwearcrodoe:andwathalithefpiritisgitbe fpirit,And it mu(! be rcmembred,that the ueo,to makevsdo that which weare mtoyned elfdl:s and gtfts of the fpirit prefuppofe the in theGo(pel. prefence of thefpirit. Bywor/;!softhelaw we Here alf0 welearne, rhatthepreaching of are tovndernand, the doC!rineof iuGificatithe GofpeJ, tsnrce:far!e for all men, bccaufe on by theworkcs ofrhelaw, By the hMring of itt.rbe InGrument ol God to conferre the fairh,is meant rhe doC!rine ofthe Gofpel:h<Afpirit. W.hde Pet<rwiuJ"speaking, the fpirit of ring beeing put for the thing heard, namely, G•~fellvponthc Gfntiles,Albo.44· Paul(ai~h; prea~hinp:an?f4ith, (o~ thed~Clrine ofiu(ll~ hu mjniJ!cric z1 th~~miftcritofthefpirit, :. ~or. 6catrpn by faith mChrtfi crucrfied. Forfatth 3·5.iaurpg the romrGersaqd others, 1.T•m.4. lignlfies not oncly the gift whereby we be. rG. And•the mofllearned haueneedqfth,is lecuc,but alfo that whrch is bcleeued. ordinan17e of God. For fu_ppofe they.hau• In thcrhirdver(e,rpirit lignifies the op~ra- C knc>w!ed~;efufficrent, yet haue•hey need e of ti.on,of thefpirit, whereby t,heipward man is thefpirit pfGod to guide,and gouerne them. reilewed,anJ madelikeroGod;~r againe,r~e Further, let it be obf<rued, what is the fcope excrcifcsofthe inward man:and]l,fbflgnifies ofall our bearing,aod teaching,namely, that outward rhings,orad:19ns, t~ac properlyper~, we may rec«iue rhe fpint of God; without · t.aine to the: omward il)an, as circumcilioo, whichfpirit,\Vecan dce nothmg. andfuch l1ke. Thus :.Cor.5·1,7.JI<fb, and the Moreouer,P••Ihere fets downe aninfalli- "'"' r,reature are oppofed, A'n~ P••l faitb, bleargum,eot, wherebY. w~ may be a!Tured R:om. 9·'9 Heu a!ew,tbot u a [,,,.,.;,hi• in the rhatthe$qiptureistheword ofGod,For the fPirit ,hauing thccirCttmci}ion of the heart. TobeScriptures it;qhcirright v[e (wb1ch is in rea~ ginnc in theIJmir, is to begin in godlmrffe and ding, hearing, •mcditarion) hauc the diuinc reli;;lon, inwardly in the exercifesof thereand fupernaturall operation of the fpiritioy- 'tiewed heart, . ned,wllh then),tO comfort in all drnre!Tes,and .·< The Refolution, In thefe wotdl,iocontaiin theverr, paog ofdeath, and to conuertthc ·ned the firG arguq>enr,whereby P.<ulproou<1: heart ofm~n,making hin)in refped: ofrigljthe truth ofliis doC!rine.Ir is framed rhus: If: rcoufnelfe,and ~olincifeilikevnroGod.This .ye re~~iued thefpirit by my doC!_rine, my do-·D priurledgehou~ thcSct~prurcs,Ifa.s9.11.and <'trlnetnrue, and ye foolilh that adde vntoit no word <is. • ,; 1ullification by the workes of rhdaw : but ye' Lanly, let vs hereobferue thecerten marke. receiued thefpirit by my doC!rine: therefore oftrue rel1gion:and that is,that the preac~ing it istrue: and ye dealefooliO>Iy that hauead- . thereofconfcrresthefpirit ofadoption.This ded·to itiullificarion by worke.,' 1 doth nottl)e pretended Cathol1kc Rd1gion · The ,.,.;,.or firll propolirion,is nptexofrhe PapiOs: it doth not conferre vntornen pretfed, but the proofe thereofin the third the fpirir to a!fttre them rhar they arc the· vetfe,thus:it is a point .,fcxrrearne folly when 1 children cfGod; becaufe 11 reacheth thafwe ye haue begun in the fpiritto end tn rh• Adh:' ateto bein fufpenceofaut.faluatton.Agarne, therefore itisfollyin youhauingrece1ued the by reaching_ humone fatl,s~Clrons, and mcfpt m by my doC!rine,ro addeany thin{Fnto · ,rits,it minillrcth •hcfptm of pttde and preit ofyourowne. : ,fumption,as alfo thefplllt cf cruelue,andpo.t The vie.When Paul fairh,Ler me le"'"""' ofmeckenelfe:for they ofthat reltgron, ~QI!',· , '!><ngof;ou,hc no•csthe fault ofthe Galatlans, monly delight in blood : and thrrehau~ bin an·d·offundncothers,whowhcnthcy haue :lot· nowarres, o~ (edattons, or tatped to a crrtaine rncafure of knowledge in 1 1 rope,for many ages, butlheyoftheRomilh God~ word, :uc prc(ently puffed vp wrth Ireli~ron,haucbm aronec;1d of them. . When