Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

12. 2 6 A(ommentarie 11pon Cl 1ap.3. - fuff'eredwdl,ycnow fut1Cr in vaine. A~ ne1Tc,Col.J.t I. Thcvfc. YYhcn Pafll(allh,HatuJefujfe- _WhenPAIIIfait~, HaueJe[njfmJ{o "'""J red,&c. he fignifies vnto vs che efiateand ehmg11nvamrl hehgni6es,thatourfuff'erings condition ofallbclccuers in this hte,thatthcy arc ofgreat vfe,vnletfc our finnea be the hinmufl be bearers and fuffcrcrs.T he roafon.To deranee. It may then be demaunded, what is this are \VC called, 1. Ptr.z.zJ.for we ar< called thev(eofourfufferingsl ThePapifls anfwer,/ to reflgnc all rcucnge to God,and therfore of that 1~ our bapufincor firct conuerfiO,Chri!ls our(elucs to be bcarersandfutfcrers. M•rrh. futfermgs doe all, and aboli01 thewhole fauli' 5·3 9.Rrjijfnotcuill. And \VC are called to imiand_pumOunenr,butifwefinne after our conrate the patlion ofChnfl,whofuffered beeing uerhon,rhcn they fay, Chrdlsfufferings aboinnocent,& being relliled} rcuilcd not againe. h01 the fault an.dthe ctcrnaii pumllm 1 enr,and Moreouer, it isforour good that we !hould our ownefuffermgs aboli!h the temporal! pubeareandfufFcr.I.P«.I.6.andPfal.li9·7'·It mOm>cnt. But this doctrine le!Tensand obmaybedcmaunded, What if my caufe be fcuresthemercieofGod: andirmu£lbeobgood,mulll then futferl A•(. Yea.The better femccl,rhat P••l holds alltheir fuffcrinos ro6, rhy caufc is, the bercer arc thy fufferiogs: B invaint,thatfcckercmi!lion offinnei 0~ iufh· they Are bleJ!edthat (ujfrrjorrigbuoufne/[e.Pau/ fication,in any thingout ofChrifl. ' commcnds bimfelfe by the multitude of his Nowwe for our parts, make fiue other vfutfcrings,z.Cot.ll.IJ. Againe,it may be de- [es ot our fuffcrmgs. Firfl,rhey ferue for rriall manded,how longwe mu(\ fuffer I A•(. Euen ot men, that it may appeare what ishidden in to tbelheddwgofour blood,ifit be for the rerh Cif hearts, Dcur. 8.2. Secondly, they ferue tillingoflinne, Heb.1z.4. Lafily, it may be for thecorreCboo of rhmgs amiffe in vs, 1. (aid, how 0Jall we be able to docthis I An[w. Cor.11.Z3·Thirdly,chey fcrue as documents God,is(aithfnll, andw1tl notla7 on vs more then we ar.d warnmgs eo others, fpec1aUy in publ1ke !fa!/ beable tobeare.l. Cor.tO.J. By this we are pcrfom: thus D••id(ul!"ers many thingsafter :t4monilllcd, notcomakcareckoninginthis repentance, for his murther and adulrc:ry. world, ofpleafure,and delight, as though the Fourthly, they are markcsofadoption, ifwe Gofpel were a Gofpel ofcafc,and as wevfc to bccontentto obey God in them, Heb. 12.7. (ay,agoif"ll~rHdaofvcluet; bur euery oneofvs Laflly,rhey arethetroden ond beaten way to mu!! takevp hiso\Vnecrotfe.Luk.9.ZJ.!ftbou the kingdomeofhcauen,Act.t4.•3· JVilt be myd•fciplc, dcme thy (eife, rak_e vp thy WhenPaul[oith, lfthrJbeinvaine,weare croff~:that is,tlic particularafH1tl:ion, andm1to ob(eruchis moderation.He rcprooucs and feric,which Go<j l.aies on thee. Againe, ifin C temfiesthe Galatians, yet fo as he is corefull this world we mull be fuffcrers by coudttion, to prcferue the hope of mercie mthem, and then in d!lfentions, and differences,' wemay the: hope of their amendment in himfelfc. neither giucnor take the challenge, but mu (I Thelike both bc<ne the pral9ife of rhe Probe content to beare and put vp wrongs and ap?ets. lov.u preachc:d,y~t fqyti~ dai~JandNibufcs. Laflly, in thc{e daics of our peace,we mue[hall bedeflro;td: but witholl headdes, It mufl Jooki: for daicsof triall, and afH1Chon. m:qhethe Lordw1ll rrpetll, ~tnd tHrne from his Fur as yet we haue fi1ffcred litlc for the name fin-ce wrAth. J,m, 3·?· Peurfaith toSimonMaofChrifl.The harue!l oftheLord hathbeene gus,Tho" .rt in thtgallofbitterntjfi:but withall amongvs,morc then forcie yc:ares:therfore headdes,Pr"J God rh,at the tiJ()Hghtof th] heart (no doubt) the t1 me ofrhrcO>ing,limning,ond may befargium tlm, Act. 8.: J .See the like,Joel. grindingcomes on,that a.s the Martyrfaid,wr z. 1 4.and /lmos 5.ts.And thus are MimCters maybegoodbre.dtotheLord.And that we may D ofche Golpell to delayandqualifietheirrcbe oble to futfer for the name ofGod,we mufl proofes and cenfures. 1 prayTorthis gtfra! Godshand. For powerto S· Herhmfm thar mini(lreth to7'" thejfi- \ fuffer is the gift ofGod,Phi/,1,Z9.andwe mufi rit,,mdwork.!thmiracl:samong]oH, doth heitkr obfewe the commaundemcnt of God, not to thm_orktJOftheimv,orbJ theheanngoffaith? ifMrethettrruursofmrn. 1. Per. 3· 14. Tbefewords area repetition of rhefccond I . And for thiscaufc,,.emu.fl (as Peterfaith) fanverfe,whencc the expofitton mufl be fetched. aifuGod inourheArts: beetng aifured byour The werds [and work!tb miraclrs llmD!IJ ;on] faith,ofthe prefcnce, protection, and prouiore added:and they carcic rhi• meaning; That ,dencc ofGod. God gaue to the Galatians,not oncly thefpi- \ When Paulfaith, Haue;efi,ffmdfoma") ritofadoption, bur.lfo orherexrraordinarie thing1/ heflJCWCS thatwemllllenduremani- £iftsofthefpitit, 3S 10 fpeakc with £!range I fold mifcrics mthis life. /acob faid toPharao, ronsues,ro cure difeafcs,a~:d fuchlike. his daieswerefc~" .andem//, M.wyare the affllEh· Repetitions io Scriprure are not idle, b~t I onJOf therighuom. Pfal. 34• zo. Chrill fa11h, ofgreat vfc, and fignifio vnto vsrhe necellitle 17·~vp rhycroff<eHery day,Luk.9.>3-and rheroftherhing repeated. and the mfalhble cer1 by he figntfics,thot cuery new day that comes rcntieofir. The fub£lonce therefore ofthiS cuer our heads, we mull lookc for a new verfemu£lcarefullyberemembred,andthat crolfe. And for this caufe,itis not enough to tsthis. Yercccined thefpirirby my doctrine: be paticntfor a fit, but we mufiOJcw all paritherefore it isrrue, and ofGod. The arguJ I (nce,and long futfcriog, and thar with ioy fulmentisofgre:.tvfc. For by it we come to an infallible