Ch<~p. 3· tbe Epiflle to the (jalatianr. 227 infailibleali'urance of rhe cerrenrie of Scrip· A tion: ~,h-e_y_w_e_r_e_e_n-cab'"'l,.ed~io_w_o-,rk_e_m-.,.lr_a_cl..:es-: rures, and ofrrue religion deriued thence. and yet for all this,rhey fall away roan other The Galati~ns are now reuolted from Gofpel. TheyrouClbealookingglalferon. Pap(s doClrine,and they errcin this foundari. In peace wearenowconClant:butoftriaiJ lhall 'll':and yet P~•/f~irhin the time prefenr, ff, come,our frailty fhal appeare.Thar our frail. tbasminiflretb ""JPmtvntoyou, Hence trap· rieand weakenelfemaynorbehurtfull tovs, p'ares,thar f•h ofinfirmitie. in rhe child of wemuC! remember two rules. Onei•,nor to God,dpe not vrrerly e~tingUIIh rhe fp111r,bur haue aconceit ofany rhing in"'' bur roholde onelygricue,or make fadde rhefpirir. our faith and religion in feare, as in the pre· Againe,Pau/hcrereacherh ,rhar God is rhe fence ofGod,Rqm. i 1.1o.Thefecond,rorake only&: proper authorofmiracles.For herbar heed rharrhere benor in v•an euill,corrupr, minHlrerhrhefpirir,workerhmiracles,namly and diifembling heart. For if our heart be God.~miracleis,a worke abo.ue rhe Clrengrh naughr,our faith cannotbe good.Heb-4-''· ofnature :thereforeit can be effected ofnone 6. As AbrahamhtluuedGod,•nd is w.u;,. burrhe Author ofnature.It may beobiected, p•t<J to himfor rigbuOHfo'ff'· theApoilles,Prophets,and others, had agift 7· Know)' thm(ire. th•t tbry which •re of toworke miracles. /ofu•bcommaunded the B f•ith,Arethechildre•ofAbraham. Sunnero Cland,,andE/i.ucomman· Thewords,Euen .uAbrah•IP. &c. haue re; ded fire to come downe from heauen,:.King. ference to rhar which wenr before, on rhis a.An{w. God neuergaueto any man power to manner. YeGalariansreceiued thefpirirby worke and effe<'t amiracle, either mediarely mydo<'trine' and my doc:'trine wasrheprea· or immediately. The gifr was the faith ofmt· ching ofiu!lificarion by faith withotir workes, racle1. The faith wasgrounded vpon reueJa. which d<>arine is ltke and Curable to rhe ex· rion:and the reuelarion was, rhar God him· ample ofA6r•h•m,who belwttdGod,anditwM felfe would worke fuch or fuch a miracle, impuudforiujfice. when rhey prayed,commaunded,orirnpofed HereP•ul(etsdowne thefecond argument hands. Men therefore properly, are bur rhe whereby he prooues the truthofhis doarine; mouth of God, and rnelfengers to !ignifie And it is framed rhus' AsAbr.hRmwas iuCli· what he will doe. Againe,ir roay beobieaed, fied,fo are rhe children ofA6rRhAm.A6rah•., rhatthe diuell can workemiracles. An(w. He was iu!lified by in(lice imputed, and apprecan \Vorke a wonder,orrhings extraordinary, hended by faith, verC. 6, Therefore<he chilin refpea"ofthe ordinarie courfe of nature. dren ofAbr.hamare rhus iuClified.This con· Thushecaufed fire to fall from heauen , and C clulion isrheprincipall que(lion:iri• nor here hn:·aufed vlcero ro arife in rhe body of Job, expreifed,bur in the roome thereofa dcclara. and rharrrue vlcers. And rhis he did by the rion is made, who are the true children of force ofnaturc,better knowne to him,thcin all God,namely,rhey that are ofAbraham, in re. rhe world. Bur as (or atrue miracle, rhatex· fpeaoffaith. ceedcs the !lrengthofnature,hecannor po!IiThat which is faid here of Abr•h•m, is a blydoe ir' no nor ChriCl himfelfe, as<tnan, maineground concerning rhe iuClificarion pf <.hough he be exalted aboueallrnen and An· a finner,inrhcbookesofrheold and new Te. gels. By rhiswefee rharrhey are deceiued, llamenr:rhereforelwillmorecarcfullyfearch who thinke rhar rhe diuell can make raine, the true interpretation afir. . thunder, and lightening. Indeede when the , Some expound rbewordsrhus: A6raham matter ofJaine and rhunder is bclecued God,and the world reputed him for God,he can haC!en ir,and makeit more terri· agood and verruous man,-.{l.ur if this be rhe qle.-b.ur r~ine, and thunder he cannot make, right fenfe, then Paul is deceiued, who bri.ngs fqphat is indeed as muchas any miracle. A. rhistexttq p.rooue the iu(!i_li\'ation of A~rA· · gain..c,i! is a falfehoQd ro rhinke, rhac Alchy. ham, noronely before m.en, .bur alfo before cr•,iClp are able rorurnebafor mcttals into D Gnd.-Nowvcrtlieandgoodnelfe,which_isin g.o,lcJ.. F,qr it i1. a worke of creation to turne a eClimariqn among men,is not fullicienr,roaccrea,rureof on_okind into a creature of anaquitandiuClifievsbeforeGpd. t·her kind. Iti! alfoasfoolilh ro imaginerhar The fecond expofition is of rhe Papi(ls, wirches,by rhepQwer ofthe diuell,are able 1 o who byf•i<h herevnderC!an~;ageneral faith, turnc themfeluts into cattes and other creawherby rbe artidesoffairh are beleeued.And tures. Nonecan doe.this, but~od that made by imputati•n, they vnderUan~ rtputatim, the creature, , ·· 1 wherebya thing is eC!eemed as it is indeede• . , ,Here againe we fee the vfe ofrniracles,that And theyteac,!lrhar faith is reputed for righ· is, ,ro con6rm,e dgctrinein the ApoClolike reoufneifc 1 becaufe (fay rhey) faith formed C.lm~,he.s. Th~t~heir vfe is further to conwith charjtie, is indeede rhe iullicewherebya ,.i)rn)g,do~rineeuen arrhis day, it cannot be finner is•iuClifi~p beforeGod.. But this Expopr.oqqed. ,. .· · . Gtion bath nil d.efects,and errours. For 6rll ···J..~[!Iy,hcrein rheGa!atians wefee wharap ofall, Chtritie is notthe forme, or life of ' ca.Ge thing itjs to faiJ from G.od , from our faith,bu~ rho,fruit and effea ofit, r. Tim.r .1.- f.-•rjl,& allegiance to him. They were taught Theendoftetlchilfg il jolleout of "I"'" he•rt,good by P<11hheyhad rcceiued rhe fpirirpf adop. con(ci'!'ce,andf•ithvnfained.Jtisobieaed,tbat '1 -------------------------------------------~-----------------------~~~L______ .,