Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

rvtf Commentarie "Rpon '" tbebodieu dead n·i:hoHttbe (oHie ,fo is faith A man.He therefore bdeeued thepromifeof a without work.fs, lam, :.z6, and therefore that fcede, a~it~as a pledge vnro him of athing workfsare the life offaith. A•(w, S.lanmby more pnnc1pall; namely, the fauourofGod, 'fuirh; vnderl!ands a pretended faith, or the and as lt was a meanes to effect the incarnatlpri)feflion of faith, asappearesbythe words, on ofthe Sonne of God. In his example we v.I4,tho11ghaman(ayhehath{aitb, and v. 18.. are taught hmv we arc to refpect, &vfe earthf/iewmnhJ faith. Now of this profdlion of ly rhings:we are to rcfpect them as pledges of faith,workesarerheJifc. Gods fauour: and to vfc them as mcanesto Secondly, rhiocxpoGtion makes faith, or furthervsro Chri(l, and to the attainment of theaClofbeleculng, to be our whole& intire ourfaluarion. ' io[Jice before God: whereas indeede if it be The third pointis, the propertie• ofAbrAiuflic~,it is botone parr thereof. And in the har4s faith, which was a faith again(! hope, act ofbdeeuing,louecannot be included. For he beleeued a prom1fe of a fecde, when · Thirdly, f~ithioynedwithcharirie, is not hisbodicwashalfedead, and Sorai was bartheiu(hce whereby a finneris iu(lified. For reo. InltkcCorrwekeepingrruercligion,and our faith and loue are both imperfect: and B goo~con~cie~ce,~mninallourrcmptatiom, f.·mh is imputed for righteouliielfewirhour croflcs, m1fenes, mfirmities, againll reafon, werkes, Rom. 4· G. and therefore without fenfe, and feeling, beleeue the promife of recharitie.For this IS charitiero keepe the corn· miflion ofGnnes,and life euerla(lino. mandemenrs ofGod. loh, 15. 1o, Pa•Uaith, ' In this effectand fruire of Abrah~.,, faith, thatthc righteoufnelfe wh<rebyweare iurl1threerhingsmnrl beconfidered. The fir(! is, fied,is b1 orthrotJghfaith,Phil. 3· 9· & thcrfore what is meant by lmputatirm. To imputepro. our iutlice,& our f.11th,are two dillinctthings. perlyJs afpeach borrowed'from merchant" Thetloirdexpolirion i~ aHo from theP~- andirlignifies torecken, ottokeepeareckepifls,that faith isreputcd for righteoufnelfe: ning of espenfes, and receipts. Thus Pnlf/ beeaufcitis reputed to beafuflicicnt mcanes ; faith,Philcm.r8.lfhehanedon• thee any ,.rong, re prepare men ro theiriu!lification: bur this imptJte it tom~:that is, fer it on my reckcning. CQnnot be rhe fenCe ofthis place. Fort~is was / And this word is here applied to thcludgefpcikenoFAbrah,/mafterhewasiu[Jified,and . menr ofGod, becaufeheJs our foueraigne t.hetcfore needed no preparation to iu£11 f. ea- : Lord,and we are his debters: and he dorh adtJon. iudgc 1 tnto men for their Uns, either pardon, Let vs no1v come totherruefenfe of the or puniOiment. words. In them I conGdcr two rhinge, A bra- .C Imputation in God, is two-fold:one, Lchamsfa~th,in rhe{e words, Abraham beleeued gall:the othes,Euangelicall. Legal! is, when qod:andrhefrnireofhis.fairh,inrpefewords, God willcth and adiudgeth the reward to a•dit was impmed to himfor righteO<ifnejp.T OU· · him that fulfilleth the law. Thus Paul faith, ching his faith, I conGderthrce,tbings. The Rom.4·5· that tlmroages u imputed tohimth.: firrl is,the occafion, wh1ch was on this man- ' ""k!rh,and that ifde6t.Euangelicall imputaner. After rheconque(l oftlwhe*rhen kings, rion i:s, when God accepts thefatisfaClion of 11brahamwas flillin fome fe.are:in this regard ! Chrifi: ourfurctic,asa paimcntforourfinnes. ihe Lordcomfortshim, Gen. 15. 1. I am thy In thisfenfe isthe word, Impute,taken tenne ht~cfder.,~nd rhy txceedinggre#ft reward. Bu~, to ti"mes in the4.chaprer to the Rornanes,and in thisAbraham replies,lnoantiffu"and the Lord . the f•rncis ir-vfed in rhisplace, · anfi•~rs, /will ?'alzethyfeed•, !u the ft.rmof ! ·. Thefecond l'ointis,what isimputedl And 'heaum. Gen. rs )5,' Now rhen'l\)'ok,eas'God [) it w.ulmpurea,that is, faith. ·Fairh heremu(! be reiieives and it\larges his prbniifcto Abra- : 1confideredtwowaies; firrl, asa qualitieiliit 'ha,iJ';[o Abrahamrenewcshis faith: and herefelfe,and thus·i·r is imper£ect,and confequeilt· .UpnnM•[es, •nd 'Paul;fay, AbJ.<ham_belmwJ ly camior bb imputed tovs for our iu(llficati- . 'Go)Ji. God doth not now inluge his promifes I on. Againe,fallh mu(! bcconfidered ~san in- ·ro-vsa's toAb~aham, neucrrhele!fe, the pro; (lrunicnt; or hand holding and receiuing rqifes ~corded io iheBible,are redewcd to v.t <\hrifl:·an·d In this regard beleeuing is put for pirrflybypreac~irig, ·and partly bythevfeof the thing bclecued. And thusmul!· this text tl\cfaerament§, an8 \VC aCCOt'dinglyare to te• bevnderflood.fl WMitnpHted tohim,thatis,the ne~ our faith' fpecially in the time of'feare; thing which his r.uh bdceucd was imputed an\l'd:inocr. • · • .-.. ,,_ ". , ' rob1m by God:fortheactofbelecuingis not "~ The[:;'.,ohd'tl11ngis theobjet\<l or·mar·ier 1our iu!lice,as I hauefhewcd. · olhis'faith, and rh'at is~ tlfe milltipltcarion of The third point is,what is meant byrigbtt· hlfij>o(lemie.It rttay be fald,howeou1d~6ra: •n(neffe-! >Anf, That which is called in Scrip: h:!mpe iuflified !iyfucha fai.tiH,!1~]:1'he proture rhe I,;(l;c~of God, which is fufficientto niifeefrhdmil•ipliClirion' Mlifl'feedtl,' ''as•a, ·acquit.a Gnnerat the barre of Gods iudgedep.endanr ofa inore pfindpill jihJ\Jlife,J•dm ' menr. Thus then the fenfe 1smomfefi: AbratlryqJda11-fuff•dent;Gco;lf7.'I.OhcJ.,i:iln thJ e.~- 'hambelecued the promifeof God, fpecia!ly i:l:c'dr•ggrear mva;d, Gen:i5. ,1r,rfuothisoar" ·rouchingrhe bleffedfeede;and that which he no'l1 [cede; Ab~aham fpecially refpected (by b~leeued, rramely, the obedienceofthe Meih'eer.ebffait[l,I.Iheblelfed fecde:·ofthc 1vodiatoNr (the ble!Tedfeede,) was accepted of l,___ '.:. ' ~~-~--------------:---=G.:..:od=----'